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Naslov:Vloga franšize filmov Harry Potter pri razvoju filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji
Avtorji:ID Olup, Ina (Avtor)
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Datoteke:.pdf VS_Olup_Ina_2020.pdf (4,23 MB)
MD5: B986EB600A8223C2BBBA5B41AFC5A8EC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ff105dbf-a689-4bbc-8b20-13a4b978fbcf
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FT - Fakulteta za turizem
Opis:Zaključno delo preučuje vlogo franšize filmov o Harryju Potterju pri razvoju filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji. Predstavili smo različne definicije pojma filmski turizem, kot ga opisujejo avtorji različnih člankov, njegov razvoj in ga umestili med uspešna komunikacijska ter marketinška orodja destinacije. Uspešen film lahko namreč doseže večje število ljudi kot turistična kampanja in pri gledalcih vzbuja čustva. Nato smo preučili vlogo filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji ter ugotovili, da je Velika Britanija že dobro uveljavljena destinacija filmskega turizma. Predstavili smo Veliko Britanijo, njene osnovne demografske in turistične značilnosti ter izpostavili najbolj priljubljene vrste turizma, ki se tam odvijajo, v ospredju pa je še vedno mestni turizem, zaradi destinacij, kot so London in druga večja mesta. Ker v zaključnem delu obravnavamo franšizo filmov Harry Potter, smo vseh osem filmov, igralsko zasedbo in najpomembnejše člene ustvarjanja filma predstavili, povedali pa tudi nekaj o pisateljici knjižnih uspešnic, J. K. Rowling. Prav tako smo znotraj Velike Britanije poiskali najbolj priljubljene lokacije snemanja in turistične atrakcije, povezane s Harryjem Potterjem, ki jih je, kot smo ugotovili, res veliko, delijo pa se na »on-location« in »off-location« filmske destinacije. Franšizo filmov Harry Potter smo umestili tudi v filmski turizem v Veliki Britaniji in ugotovili, da je s svojimi lokacijami snemanja in Warner Bros. studijsko turo dejansko pripomogla k razvoju filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji oziroma mu dvignila vrednost in prepoznavnost destinacije. V empiričnem delu zaključnega dela smo pri raziskovanju spletnih strani, povezanih s filmskim turizmom na temo franšize filmov Harry Potter, ugotovili, da obstaja na to temo veliko turističnih proizvodov, vendar se v glavnem atrakcije ponavljajo, v večini primerov pa se trži »off-location« atrakcije: Warner Bros. Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter. Izvedli smo ekspertni intervju s profesorjem, ki je eden izmed vodilnih strokovnjakov in raziskovalcev s področja filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji. Ta nam je podal svoje poglede na vlogo filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji, mnenje o povezavi filmskega turizma in franšize filmov Harry Potter ter o tem, da je film lahko zelo uspešno orodje za komunikacijo in marketing destinacije, kot je Velika Britanija, vendar se lahko pojavi nezadovoljstvo s strani lokalnih prebivalcev in slabosti filmskega turizma na manjših destinacijah. S pomočjo naše raziskave in analize smo lahko odgovorili na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja ter dobili boljši vpogled v vlogo filmskega turizma oziroma vlogo posameznikov in skupin, ki se s tem ukvarjajo, in franšize filmov Harry Potter pri razvoju filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji, kjer so zabeležili veliko, tudi do 200 % povečanje obiskovalcev na filmskih lokacijah.
Ključne besede:filmski turizem, franšiza filmov Harry Potter, komunikacijsko in marketinško orodje, Velika Britanija.
Kraj izida:Brežice
Založnik:[I. Olup]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77739 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:41065731 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:04.12.2020
Število ogledov:1323
Število prenosov:208
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
OLUP, Ina, 2020, Vloga franšize filmov Harry Potter pri razvoju filmskega turizma v Veliki Britaniji [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. Brežice : I. Olup. [Dostopano 21 januar 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=77739
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Licenca:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:Najbolj omejujoča licenca Creative Commons. Uporabniki lahko prenesejo in delijo delo v nekomercialne namene in ga ne smejo uporabiti za nobene druge namene.
Začetek licenciranja:12.09.2020

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The role of the Harry Potter franchise in the development of film tourism in Great Britain
Opis:The thesis studies the role of the Harry Potter film franchise in the development of film tourism in Great Britain. First, we presented the different concepts and definitions of the term film tourism, as defined by different article authors, its development through time and placed film between succesful communication and marketing tools of a destination, since it has a larger audience reach, than a tourism campain and evokes viewers pleasant emotions. Then, we have studied the role of film tourism in Great Britain and came to a conclusion, that Great Britain already is a well renowned film tourism destination. We have presented Great Britain, its demographic and tourism information and pointed out the most popular types of tourism that occur in Great Britain, though city tourism is still in the foreground, from visiting larger cities, such as London etc. Because, in our thesis, are considering the Harry Potter film franchise, we have created a chapter especially for that. We have presented all of the eight movies, the cast of the films and the most important creators of the film franchise. We also provided some information about the author of the popular books, J. K. Rowling. We have searched for the most popular filming locations and tourist attractions regarding the film franchise Harry Potter in Great Britain and we found quite a number of them. However, they are divided into »on-location« and »off-location« film locations. We have placed the Harry Potter film franchise in Great Britain's film tourism and established, that it has significantly contributed to its development and risen the value and recognisability of Great Britain with the film franchise's filming locations and the Warner Bros. Studio Tour. For the empirical part of the thesis, we researched the websites, specializing in film tourism and visiting Harry Potter locations and discovered, that there are a lot of tourist products regarding the phenomenon, but the attractions are repeating iself. The strongest marketing has in most cases the »off-location« attraction, Warner Bros. Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter. We also performed an expert interview, with a proffessor, who is one of the leading experts and researches that specializes in film tourism. He provided us with his views on the topic of the role of film tourism in Great Britain, his knowledge on the connection of film tourism and the Harry Potter film franchise, as well as, that films can be a very successful communication and marketing tool of a destination, in our case, Great Britain, however, dissatisfaction on the part of local residents and the disadvantages of film tourism in smaller destinations may arise. With the help of our research and analysis, we were able to answer our research questions and got a better view, what is the role of film tourism and the Harry Potter film franchise in the development of film tourism in Great Britain or more specifically, the role of individuals and groups who are involved in the development of film tourism in Great Britain, where there was a significant rise in the number of visitors at filming locations.
Ključne besede:film-induced tourism, Harry Potter film franchise, communication and marketing tool, Great Britain.


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