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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Naše gospodarstvo : revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja
Avtorji:ID Čančer, Vesna, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru (Glavni in odgovorni urednik)
ID Korez-Vide, Romana, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru (Urednik)
Datoteke:URL https://www.sciendo.com/journal/NGOE
URL http://www.ng-epf.si/index.php/ngoe/index
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Revija
Organizacija:EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Opis:Naše gospodarstvo je revija za aktualna ekonomska in poslovna vprašanja, katere namen je zagotoviti prostor za objavljanje visoko kakovostnih teoretičnih, empiričnih in strokovnih člankov, ki pomembno prispevajo k razvoju ekonomskih in poslovnih znanstvenih disciplin.
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Založnik:Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru, Društvo ekonomistov Maribor, Ekonomski center Maribor, Sciendo
Leto izida:1955
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70309 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:751364 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:03.05.2018
Število ogledov:2766
Število prenosov:226
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
KOREZ-VIDE, Romana (ur.), 1955, Naše gospodarstvo : revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja [na spletu]. 1955. Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru, Društvo ekonomistov Maribor, Ekonomski center Maribor, Sciendo. [Dostopano 28 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: http://www.ng-epf.si/index.php/ngoe/index
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Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Licenca:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:Najbolj omejujoča licenca Creative Commons. Uporabniki lahko prenesejo in delijo delo v nekomercialne namene in ga ne smejo uporabiti za nobene druge namene.
Začetek licenciranja:03.05.2018

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Our economy : journal of contemporary issues in economics and business
Opis:Our economy - journal of contemporary issues in economics and business is an international refereed journal which aims to provide a venue for high quality theoretical and empirical articles that significantly contribute to the disciplines of economic and business sciences.


To gradivo je zbirka, ki zajema naslednja gradiva:
  1. Mobbing in Slovenia
  2. Examining determinants of leadership style among Montenegrin managers
  3. Measuring efficiency of nations in multi sport events
  4. The effect of the combination of different methods of stock analysis on portfolio performance
  5. Training on sustainable use of water in the processing industry
  6. E-business in micro companies
  7. Advantages and disadvantages of the single European patent
  8. Effect of rurality and of human capital resources in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification process
  9. Kalman filter or VAR models to predict unemployment rate in Romania?
  10. Examining the export-led growth hypothesis
  11. Safeguarding creditors in the course of simplified reduction of subscribed capital
  12. Is trust in banks in Slovenia put to the test?
  13. Similarities and differences of health-promoting leadership and transformational leadership
  14. Controllership influences on the restructuring of Slovenian companies
  15. Training programs for managing well-being in companies
  16. The role of accounting in a society
  17. State aid for the coal sector in the European Union
  18. Model of determining the stability of retail deposits with higher outflow rates
  19. Reduction of the mean hedging transaction costs
  20. Conceptual framework for the definition and regulation of virtual currencies
  21. Economic growth and public indebtedness in the last four decades
  22. Tax policy and income inequality in the Visegrad countries
  23. The influence of employeesʼ values on the acquisition of knowledge in organizations
  24. Relationships among store image and store loyalty in Slovenia
  25. Spread and liquidity issues
  26. Capabilities of statistical residual-based control charts in short-and long-term stock trading
  27. The examination of factors relating to the leadership style of nursing leaders in hospitals
  28. Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions in ICT industry
  29. Identification of Czech metropolitan regions
  30. Understanding management concepts through development of their tool box
  31. Does grade level matter for the assesment of business process management maturity?
  32. Big data for business ecosystem players
  33. Nonprofit organizations from the perspective of organizational development and their influence on professionalization
  34. The analysis of barriers in succession processes of family business with the use of grey incidence analysis (Polish Perspective)
  35. Testing the performance of cubic splines and Nelson-Siegel model for estimating the zero-coupon yield curve
  36. The relationship between spiritual intelligence and work satisfaction among leaders and employees
  37. Corporate governance of banks in Poland and Slovenia
  38. Assessment of the state of competition in the banking market in the Russian Federation
  39. Payment cards
  40. Seven or fewer core contents of social responsibility?
  41. Impact of ICTs on innovation activities
  42. Analyzing hotel innovation behavior in the Balaton region of Hungary to identify best practices
  43. Growth effects of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in European transition countries
  44. An analysis of interaction effects of China–South Korea and China–Australia FTAs and the expanding TPP
  45. The panel VAR approach to modelling the housing wealth effect
  46. Older knowledge workers as the labour market potential (Slovenia versus Finland)
  47. The role of the process organizational structure in the development of intrapreneurship in large companies
  48. Issues in the recognition versus disclosure of financial information debate
  49. Impact of terms-of-trade on Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Croatia in the short run
  50. Factors of a successfully implemented compulsory settlement
  51. Moderating effects between job insecurity and intention to quit in samples of Slovene and Austrian workers
  52. Does customer loyalty depend on corporate social responsibility?
  53. Benchmarking firm-level resources, capabilities, and postures driving export performance of SMEs
  54. Mobile learning usage and preferences of vocational secondary school students
  55. Slovenian and German competition policy regimes
  56. Changes in responsibilities and tasks of universities in regional innovation ecosystems
  57. An empirical study regarding radical innovation, research and development management, and leadership
  58. Household accounting - a case of subsidised self-employed entrepreneurs in Slovenia
  59. The influence of one's own database on the accuracy of forecasting future movements of investment portfolio value
  60. Economic effects of renewable energy technologies
  61. From subprime and Eurozone crisis with full speed into the next financial crisis
  62. Analysis of personal income taxation determinants in Croatia in long run
  63. Greenfield and brownfield investments and economic growth
  64. Effect of depreciation of the exchange rate on the trade balance of Albania
  65. CSR EMAT is an opportunity for responsible decision-making
  66. Intergenerational cooperation at the workplace from the management perspective
  67. The relationship between the intellectual capital disclosure and cost of debt capital
  68. Audits as a vaccine or just aspirin?
  69. Individual's resistance regarding BPM initiative
  70. Is there something as an ex-Yugoslavian HRM model?
  71. Determinants of subjective emotional well-being and self-determination of employees
  72. Dimensions of decision-making process quality and company performance
  73. Nationality diversity of bank boards
  74. Towards European Union or regional economic area
  75. Productivity and economic growth in the European Union
  76. Cultural foundations of female entrepreneurship in Mexico
  77. A conceptual model of the relationship between personal values and personal tax culture regarding the perception of tax system fairness
  78. Changes in tax legislation and social responsibility of taxpayers and legislative institutions
  79. Cycles of the housing market in Hungary form the economic crisis until today
  80. Statistical analysis of the development indicators' impacts on e-commerce of individuals in selected European countries
  81. Students' behavioral intentions regarding the future use of quantitative research methods
  82. Characteristics of innovation in regions with small- and medium-sized towns
  83. VAT gap dependence and fiscal administration measures
  84. Employees: invisible added value of a company
  85. The impact of behavioral symptoms of burnout on work engagement of older employees
  86. How to reduce discrimination in the workplace
  87. Impact of selected personality traits on accountants' attitudes toward accounts manipulation
  88. Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility synergies
  89. Professional languages alone do not suffice for successful and socially responsible internal communication between different cultures
  90. Is there asymmetry in the relationship between government consumption dynamics and economic activity? Evidence from G7 economies
  91. Empirical testing of purchasing power parity validity in selected European Union Countries
  92. Exploring emerging markets’ demographic and macroeconomic dynamics and the middle class growth


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