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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Avtorji:ID Zavolovšek, David (Avtor)
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Datoteke:.pdf UN_Zavolovsek_David_2016.pdf (939,17 KB)
MD5: 6C9A8E17DC2A324B71274D077094B5C8
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Opis:V diplomskem delu, z naslovom Intersubjektivnost in empatija pri Edmundu Husserlu in Edith Stein, smo se ukvarjali s problemom možnosti doživljanja tujega izkustva in sobivanja več jazov oz. subjektov znotraj intersubjektivnega sveta. Na začetku smo opisali, kaj je fenomenološko mišljenje in nato orisali Husserlovo transcendentalno fenomenologijo, ki temelji na petih osnovnih pojmih: prvi je pojem intencionalnosti, s katerim smo pokazali, na kakšen način deluje naša zavest. Drugi je pojem deskripcije, ki pomeni natančno opisovanje intencionalnih doživljajev. Nato smo utemeljili fenomenološko redukcijo in epoche, ki sta nas pripeljali do transcendentalnega jaza. Pojem konstitucije, ki je sledil, pomeni »vzvratno pot« pri vzpostavljanju sveta na egološkem temelju. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali Husserlovo 5. meditacijo v Kartezijanskih meditacijah, kjer Husserl utemeljil, kako lahko subjekt doživlja druge kot centre zavesti, ki so neodvisni od transcendentalno reduciranega jaza in kako subjekt potem konstituira doživljajoči svet kot objektiven za vse. V naslednjih poglavjih smo utemeljili, da se Husserl ne želi samo izogniti solipsizmu, ampak utemeljiti naše izkustvo kot intersubjektivno – to izkustvo pa se kaže v doživljanju objektivnega sveta, vsakdanjega sveta življenja in konstitucije sveta kot mi – subjektivnost. (we–subjectivity). V drugem delu naloge smo analizirali delo O problemu empatije, v katerem je Edith Stein na podlagi Husserlove fenomenološke metode raziskala, kako je mogoče zaznavati tuj subjekt in njegovo doživljanje, saj je to pogoj za konstitucijo objektivnega sveta. V prvem delu Edith Stein pokaže, da so nam doživljaji drugih dani ter trdi, da jih lahko zaobjamemo z opisovanjem dejev empatije. V drugem delu utemelji, da je posameznik psiho-fizična enota, ki sebe in druge dojema v refleksivni empatiji, v tretjem pa z opisovanjem posameznika kot enote duha in duše utemelji, kako so drugi pomembni pri izgradnji lastne samopodobe. V zadnjem delu diplomske smo sintetizirali misel Edmunda Husserla in Edith Stein na področju intersubjektivnost in empatije ter ugotovili, da se dopolnjujeta – v empatični zaznavi ostaja drugi bistveno drugi in tako pomemben so – gradnik naše lastne samopodobe.
Ključne besede:Intencionalnost, transcendentalna redukcija, epoche, ego, jaz, drugi, intersubjektivnost, empatija, objektivnost, fizično telo, živo telo.
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[D. Zavolovšek]
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63988 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:10443267 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:19.10.2016
Število ogledov:2650
Število prenosov:189
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
ZAVOLOVŠEK, David, 2016, INTERSUBJEKTIVNOST IN EMPATIJA PRI EDMUNDU HUSSERLU IN EDITH STEIN [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. Maribor : D. Zavolovšek. [Dostopano 20 januar 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=63988
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:The diploma paper Intersubjectivity and empathy in Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein discusses the problem of possibilities of having someone else's experience and the coexistence of several selves or subjects in the intersubjective world. First, we explained the phenomenological thinking, and then discussed Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology, which is based on five basic concepts: the first one being the concept of intentionality, which illustrates how our consciousness works. The second one is the concept of description, exactly describing the intentional experiences. The phenomenological reduction and epoche were substantiated, leading to transcendental self. The concept of constitution, which followed, means a “reverse path” of establishing the world on the egological basis. Following was analysis of Husserl's 5th meditation in Cartesian Meditations, where the author substantiates how a subject can perceive others as centres of consciousness, independent of the transcendentally reduced self, and how can it constitute the experiential world as objective for everything. In the following sections we established that Husserl wants not only to avoid solipsism but also justify our experience as intersubjective—this shows in experiencing the objective world, everyday life-world, and the constitution of the world as we—subjectivity. The second part of the paper analyses On the Problem of Empathy by Edith Stein, who—on the basis of Husserl’s phenomenological method—researched how another subject and their experience can be detected, this being a requirement for the constitution of the objective world. In the first part, Edith Stein shows that experiences of others are given to us, and states that they can be described with the acts of empathy. In the second part, the author establishes that an individual is a psychophysical unity, who sees self and others in reflexive empathy; and the third part describes an individual as a unit of spirit and soul, justifying the importance of others when building our own self-image. The last part of the paper synthesizes the thoughts of Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein on intersubjectivity and empathy, discovering their complementarity—in the empathic experience, other is essentially other and as such an important co-creator of our own self-image.
Ključne besede:Intentionality, transcendent reduction, epoche, ego, self, others, intersubjectivity, empathy, objectivity, physical body, living body.


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