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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Problematika sodne poravnave s poudarkom na čezmejnem vidiku
Avtorji:ID Tomažič, Uroš (Avtor)
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Datoteke:.pdf MAG_Tomazic_Uros_2016.pdf (1,35 MB)
MD5: 3342582CC7DBAB5B30607D6731B1788F
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Opis:Naloga se osredotoča na težave, ki se lahko pojavijo pri sklepanju sodnih poravnav, in na možnosti, ki jih ima upnik, če dolžnik svoje obveznosti ne izpolni prostovoljno, oziroma možnosti dolžnika, če se kasneje izkaže, da zaradi ničnosti sodna poravnava ne bi smela biti sklenjena. Poudarek naloge je na čezmejni izvršbi sodne poravnave. V prvem delu so navedene značilnosti sklepanja sodnih poravnav, od zadev, ki so primerne za sklenitev, in razlogov, zakaj so nekatere manj primerne, do načina sklepanja in vloge, ki jo imajo pri tem vsi udeleženi (stranke, sodniki in pooblaščenci). Povzete so dileme in prevladujoča mnenja sodne teorije in prakse o pravnomočnosti sodne poravnave in o pravnih sredstvih, ki so strankam na voljo za dosego izpolnitve ali za izpodbijanje sklenjene sodne poravnave po slovenskem pravu. Drugi del je namenjen pregledu evropskega prava na tem področju, predvsem petih uredb: Bruseljske uredbe I in Ia ter uredb o evropskem nalogu za izvršbo, evropskem plačilnem nalogu in evropskem postopku v sporih majhne vrednosti. Naloga se osredotoča na to, kaj uredbe določajo glede sodnih poravnav in kakšne možnosti imata upnik in dolžnik po sklenitvi sodne poravnave, če ta ni prostovoljno izpolnjena. Poglavje je namenjeno predvsem proučevanju razlik med evropskimi in slovenskimi določbami, oziroma med možnostmi, ki jih imata upnik in dolžnik v Sloveniji v primerjavi z njunimi možnostmi v isti zadevi, če se izvršba opravlja v tujini. Pomemben del poglavje je tudi primerjava uredb med seboj in razlik v njihovi ureditvi. Zadnji del naloge je namenjen raziskovalnemu delu. Analiziral sem, ali število sklenjenih sodnih poravnav v Sloveniji narašča, iz katerih razlogov se stranke odločijo za sklenitev sodne poravnave v posameznem primeru in kako se sodnih poravnav lotevajo pooblaščenci strank in sodniki. Na podlagi ločenih vprašalnikov za stranke, pooblaščence in sodnike sem analiziral morebitne težave ali ovire pri sklepanju sodnih poravnav v praksi in predloge udeležencev, kako bi lahko ureditev izboljšali.
Ključne besede:sodna poravnava, čezmejna izvršba, Bruseljska uredba I, prenovljena Bruseljska uredba Ia, uredba 805/2004, uredba 1896/2006, uredba 861/2007, uredba 2015/2421
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[U. Tomažič]
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61233 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:5217835 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:15.11.2016
Število ogledov:2031
Število prenosov:244
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
TOMAŽIČ, Uroš, 2016, Problematika sodne poravnave s poudarkom na čezmejnem vidiku [na spletu]. Magistrsko delo. Maribor : U. Tomažič. [Dostopano 21 januar 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=61233
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Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The issues of court settlement, focusing on cross-border enforcement.
Opis:The thesis focuses on the issues in negotiating court settlements, the possibilities the law offers the creditor if the debtor fails to fulfil their obligations and the debtor if the court settlement later proves to be null and void. The thesis focuses on cross-border enforcement of court settlements. The first part deals with the characteristics of court settlements, defining matters that are suitable for court settlements and those that are not, also presenting the reasons why some maters are less suitable for negotiating a court settlement. Presented are the manners of negotiating a court settlement and the roles of participants to court settlements (parties, their representatives and the court). The part focuses on the issues and the opinions of the legal theory and case law on the finality of court settlements and the legal remedies the parties have at their disposal under Slovenian law to secure enforcement of a court settlement or to challenge a null court settlement, which should not have been negotiated in the first place. The second part focuses on European law concerning this topic, especially the five European Regulations: the Brussels Regulation I, the Brussels Regulation I Recast, the European enforcement order for uncontested claims, the European order for payment procedure and the European small claims procedure. The thesis focuses on the provisions applicable to court settlements and presents the creditor's and the debtor's remedies if the obligations under a court settlement are not voluntarily fulfilled. The part focuses especially on the differences between the European and Slovenian law in this regard, and the difference in the remedies available to the creditor and the debtor if enforcement is demanded in Slovenia opposed to if enforcement is demanded in other Member States. A key part is the comparison between the Regulations and the differences among them. The last part concerns the research conducted by the author, analysing whether the number of negotiated court settlements is increasing in Slovenia or decreasing in the last few years, what are the reasons parties decide to negotiate a court settlement, and how the parties' representatives and judges approach this issue. Based on the questionnaire the author of this thesis prepared separately for the parties, their representatives and the judges, the thesis analyses potential issues deterring the parties from negotiating court settlements in practice and their recommendations on how the law regarding court settlements could be improved.
Ključne besede:court settlement, cross-border enforcement, the Brussels Regulation I, the Brussels Regulation I Recast, Regulation 805/2004, Regulation 1896/2006, Regulation 861/2007, Regulation 2015/2421


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