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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Uvedba celovite programske rešitve SAP v proces oskrbe z materialom v proizvodno podjetje
Avtorji:ID Jelovčan, Rok (Avtor)
ID Pucihar, Andreja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Roblek, Matjaž (Komentor)
Datoteke:.pdf UN_Jelovcan_Rok_2016.pdf (7,75 MB)
MD5: 9A6CC75F3A37BE2100DF2B42A22CA19A
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Opis:Zaradi vedno rastočih potreb po hitrejšem in boljšem poslovanju se vedno več podjetij odloča za nakup celovitih programskih rešitev. Tehnološke lastnosti in prednosti celovitih programskih rešitev delujejo zelo privlačno za podjetja. Celovite rešitve so modularno zgrajene, imajo lastno arhitekturo in princip delovanja. Razvile so se na podlagi predhodnih rešitev in ugotovitev podjetij. Funkcije znotraj sistema delujejo na principu transakcijskega poslovanja in so medsebojno povezane, kar imenujemo integracija. Nemško podjetje SAP AG ima trenutno enega izmed največjih tržnih deležev v primerjavi z drugimi ponudniki celovitih programskih rešitev. Največji izziv za podjetja predstavlja zahtevnost uvedbe celovitih rešitev. Uvedba celovitih rešitev zahteva projektno organizacijo. Najbolj pomembni elementi pri projektu uvedbe celovitih rešitev SAP so ljudje, podatki, s katerimi razpolagamo, in strojna/programska oprema. Zaradi zahtevnosti projekta in številnih primerov neuspešnih uvedb so začele nastajati metodologije, s katerimi lahko zmanjšamo možnost za napake. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili uvedbo celovite rešitve SAP R/3 v proces oskrbe z materialom. V prvem delu smo predstavili ozadje celovitih programskih rešitev ter spoznali njihov razvoj, arhitekturo in delovanje. Drugi del je namenjen projektu uvedbe, kjer smo opisali stopnje zahtevnosti projekta, metodologije skupaj s pomembnimi mejniki uvedbe ter pristope k implementaciji in morebitne težave. V zadnjem delu smo analizirali začetno problemsko stanje izbranega podjetja in problemsko stanje na področju oskrbe z materialom, izpostavili smo vzroke in cilje uvedbe celovite rešitve SAP, učinke projekta pa preučili na praktičnem primeru neposredne izdelave naročila za material, kar je hkrati tudi glavna naloga oskrbovalnega referenta. Na koncu smo učinke uvedbe SAP R/3 še strnjeno ocenili.
Ključne besede:oskrbovalna veriga, ERP, celovita programska rešitev, SAP R/3, projekt uvedbe, metodologija, implementacija, ocena učinkov.
Kraj izida:Kranj
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59861 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:7618835 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:28.06.2016
Število ogledov:1743
Število prenosov:143
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
JELOVČAN, Rok, 2016, Uvedba celovite programske rešitve SAP v proces oskrbe z materialom v proizvodno podjetje [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. Kranj. [Dostopano 27 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=59861
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Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Implementation of SAP ERP solution into the procurement process of the production company
Opis:Due to the ever-growing company needs for faster and better ways to do bussines, more and more of them are deciding to purchase complete software solutions. Features and benefits of an ERP technology present themselves very attractive to companies. ERP's have a construction built out of modules, they have their own architecture and way of operating. They've developed on the basis of the preceding MRP systems and company findings through time. Functions within the ERP are based on transaction processing, and have an ability to form numerous related connections between them, it's what we call integration. Currently most popular and accomplished ERP system on the market till date to mach the company needs, is an ERP product made in Germany, called SAP. The biggest challenge for companies represents the complexity of introducing such a solution in their flow of bussines. The introduction of such a solution requires a project organisation. The most important elements in the project of introducing SAP ERP solutions are people, data we operate with, and last hardware/software installation. Due to several cases of failed deployments, plans called methodologies, began to emerge to help companies do it and to reduce the possibility of the appearance of defects. The thesis presents the introduction of SAP R/3 comprehensive software solution on the case of material procurement process for production. In the first part, we presented the background of an ERP solutions, their development, architecture and performance. The second part is dedicated to the project of introduction, where we describe the degree of complexity of the project, the methodology with all the important milestones on the way to successful process of implementation, and approaches to the implementation process itself and potential problems on the way getting there. In the last section of it we analyzed the initial problem situation for the selected company and for the procurement department, we exposed the causes for taking the decision of introducing SAP R/3 into the company, their goals and examined impacts of the project introduction on the practical case of a direct creation of purchase orders for materials, which is also the main task of the procurement clerk. Finally, we had the effects of introducing SAP R/3 complete software solution into the company condensed and evaluated.
Ključne besede:supply chain, ERP, comprehensive software solution, SAP R/3, project of introduction, methodology, implementation process, effects assessment.


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