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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Študij notranje oksidacije v naogljičenih hitrostrjenih trakovih Cu
Avtorji:ID Rudolf, Rebeka (Avtor)
ID Kosec, Ladislav (Avtor)
ID Anžel, Ivan (Avtor)
ID Gusel, Leo (Avtor)
ID Poharc, Mojmir (Avtor)
Datoteke:.pdf Materiali_in_Tehnologije_2007_Rudolf_et_al._Studij_notranje_oksidacije_v_naogljicenih_hitrostrjenih_trakovih_Cu.pdf (547,46 KB)
MD5: 43FF85F3B7931688EBDE747E57D71281
URL http://mit.imt.si/Revija/izvodi/mit071/rudolf.pdf
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Znanstveno delo
Tipologija:1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:FS - Fakulteta za strojništvo
Opis:In this paper we present a composite with fine dispersion of nano-sized bubbles, which can be formed by internal oxidation of fine dispersed graphite particles. For this purpose the initial pure Cu ribbons were internally carbonised to obtain very fine, some 100 nm-sized graphite particles homogeneously distributed in the Cu matrix. By the internal oxidation process the reaction of dissolved oxygen with graphite yields the gas products (CO, CO2) which cannot be dissolved in the crystal lattice of the metal. The gas products are meshed in the space previously occupied by graphite and they have a greater specific volume than the solid graphite, thus establishing the compressive stresses in the metalic matrix and consequently causing the strengthening offect. On the other hand, such stress fields can react with sliding dislocation, whereby they impede the dislocation motion and consequently we would expect that the composite mechanical properties would be improved.
Ključne besede:metalurgija, kompoziti, notranja oksidacija, grafit, bakrovi trakovi, mikrostruktura
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Leto izida:2007
Št. strani:str. 53-58
Številčenje:Letn. 41, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-52814 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:11119894 Novo okno
ISSN pri članku:1580-2949
Datum objave v DKUM:10.07.2015
Število ogledov:972
Število prenosov:87
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
RUDOLF, Rebeka, KOSEC, Ladislav, ANŽEL, Ivan, GUSEL, Leo in POHARC, Mojmir, 2007, Študij notranje oksidacije v naogljičenih hitrostrjenih trakovih Cu. Materiali in tehnologije [na spletu]. 2007. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 53–58. [Dostopano 28 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=52814
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Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Materiali in tehnologije
Skrajšan naslov:Mater. tehnol.
Založnik:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
COBISS.SI-ID:106193664 Novo okno

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The study of the internal oxidation in internally carbonised Cu ribbons
Opis:In this paper we present the composite with the fine dispersion of nano-sized bubbles, which can be formed by the internal oxidation of fine dispersed graphite particles. For this purpose the initial pure Cu ribbons were internally carbonised to obtain very fine some 100 nm sized graphite particles homogeneously distributed in the Cu matrix. By the internal oxidation process the reaction of dissolved oxygen with graphite yields the gas products (CO, CO2), which cannot be dissolved in crystal lattice of the metal. The gas products are meshed in the space previously occupied by graphite and they have a greater specific volume than solid graphite, thus establishing the compressive stresses in the metallic matrix and consequently causing the strengthening effect. On the other hand, such stress field can react with sliding dislocation, whereby they impede the dislocation motion and consequently it would expect that the composite mechanical properties would be improved.
Ključne besede:metallurgy, composites, internal oxidation, graphite, copper ribbons, microstructure


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