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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Avtorji:ID Šalamon, Ksenija (Avtor)
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Datoteke:.pdf UNI_Salamon_Ksenija_2014.pdf (676,59 KB)
MD5: C0594DD50AE32B01A9E4D40818A212D8
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Opis:Dedno pravo je zasebno pravo, ki ureja prenos premoženja ene osebe na drugo osebo ob njeni smrti. Do dedovanja lahko pride na podlagi oporoke, ko zapustnik zapiše izjavo svoje poslednje volje in določi, kdo naj deduje njegovo premoženje. Če zapustnik ne sestavi oporoke, pride do dedovanja na podlagi zakona. V tem primeru upravičence za dedovanje določa zakon. Pri tem velja pravilo, da ima oporočno dedovanje prednost pred zakonitim dedovanjem. Prednost se torej daje oporočiteljevi poslednji izjavi volje. Oporoka je enostranski pravni akt oporočitelja, s katerim izjavlja, komu zapušča svoje premoženje. Oporoko je strogo osebni posel, oporočitelj pa jo lahko kdajkoli prekliče. V Zakonu o dedovanju so določeni pogoji, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni, da je oporoka veljavna. Ti pogoji so oporočna sposobnost, svobodna oporočiteljeva volja brez napak volje, zahteva obličnosti. Obligacijski zakonik kot splošno predpostavko za veljavnost določa še pogoj možnosti, dopustnosti, določenosti ali določljivosti vsebine oporoke in dopustnost podlage oporočnega razpolaganja. Zapustnik lahko v oporoki določi izvršitelja oporoke, kateremu zaupa določene naloge, ki jih ta naj izvrši po njegovi smrti. Izvršitelj oporoke funkcije ni dolžan sprejeti. Če mu oporočitelj ne določi nalog, določi pa izvršitelja oporoke, naloge določa zakon. Te naloge so, da mora skrbeti za zapuščino, da mora upravljati zapuščino, da mora poskrbeti, da se poravnajo zapustnikovi dolgovi, izpolnijo volila in nalogi (bremena) in da nasploh skrbi, da se oporoka izvrši tako, kot je oporočitelj hotel. Glede dedovanja kmetijskih gospodarstev velja posebnost. Oporočitelj je omejen pri določitvi dediča. Dva dediča lahko določi le, če dedujeta zakonca ali pa starši in potomec.
Ključne besede:oporočno dedovanje, oporoka, oporočitelj, izvršitelj oporoke, sodna praksa, dedovanje kmetijskih gospodarstev.
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[K. Šalamon]
Leto izida:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45859 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:4792619 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:02.12.2014
Število ogledov:3252
Število prenosov:472
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
ŠALAMON, Ksenija, 2014, NALOGE IN PRISTOJNOSTI IZVRŠITELJA OPOROKE [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. Maribor : K. Šalamon. [Dostopano 13 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=45859
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Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:The Law of Succession is private law which governs the transfer of assets from one person to another in case of death. The inheritance can take place on the basis of a testament, in which case the decedent writes down the statement of his or her last will, and decides who will inherit his or her property. If the decedent does not draw up a testament, the inheritance comes about on the basis of law. In such circumstances the beneficiaries of the estate are stipulated by the law. According to the rule contained in the law in question, testamentary succession takes precedence over hereditary succession. Preference is therefore given to the testator’s last expression of will. A testament is a unilateral legal act of the testator, who uses it to state to whom he or she bequeaths his or her estate. A testament is highly personal affairs, and the testator can cancel it at any time. The requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for the testament to be valid are stipulated in the Inheritance Act. The following requirements have to be taken into account: the testamentary capacity, the flawless free will of the testator, and the demand for formality. As a general presumption for validity, the Code of Obligations additionally stipulates the requirement of the possibility, admissibility, determinacy, or determinability of the testament’s content as well as the admissibility of the foundation of the testamentary disposition. In his or her testament, the decedent can determine the executor of the will, who is then entrusted to carry out certain tasks after the decedent has passed away. The executor of a will is not bound to accept the function assigned to him or her. If the testator does not assign the tasks to the executor; nevertheless he does determine the executor of a will, it is the law that stipulates the tasks. There are several tasks that have to be fulfilled. The executor needs to take care of the inheritance, he or she needs to administer the inheritance, he or she is obliged to make sure that all the decedent’s debts are settled, and he or she needs to assure that all the bequests and tasks are fulfilled. Furthermore, the executor is in charge of the testament being carried out according to the testator’s will. There is a peculiarity concerning the law of succession when it comes to agricultural economies: the testator’s choice of inheritors is limited. In such a case, the testator can determine two inheritors only if the ones who are to inherit are either a married couple, or a child and a parent.
Ključne besede:testamentary succession, testament, testator, executor of a will, case law, inheritance of the agricultural economies.


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