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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Vloga centra za socialno delo pri razvezi zakonske zveze
Avtorji:ID Bigec, Sonja (Avtor)
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Datoteke:.pdf UNI_Bigec_Sonja_2012.pdf (622,78 KB)
MD5: 750E05FC7CC3A7E0AFF2230C83F7722F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d0eb1c62-9261-4ecb-91d5-3467eea5f547
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Opis:Družina uživa posebno varstvo predvsem zaradi koristi otrok in ravno zaradi uveljavitve teh je v zakonskih sporih, ko se hkrati odloča tudi o varstvu, vzgoji in preživljanju skupnih otrok ter stikih s starši in otroci, določeno sodelovanje sodišča in centra za socialno delo. Center za socialno delo v tem postopku nastopa v večih vlogah. Prva obsega opravo svetovalnega razgovora in ima namen predvsem strokovno svetovati in pomagati pri urejanju odnosov med člani družine. Strokovni sodelavec si mora prizadevati, da zakonca uredita medsebojna razmerja do skupnih otrok. Pomembno je predvsem njuno prostovoljno prizadevanje, da najdeta sporazumno rešitev. Tudi če se ne doseže ustreznega sporazuma, lahko strokovni delavec pridobi številne podatke o zakoncih in njunih odnosih do skupnih otrok, kar je podlaga za nadaljnjo postopanje centra za socialno delo. Naslednja naloga je priprava mnenja ali je s sporazumom zakoncev poskrbljeno za varstvo, vzgojo in preživljanje skupnih otrok ter za stike med otroki in staršema v skladu s koristjo otrok. V mnenju strokovni delavec navede vsa relevantna dejstva in ugotovitve o obeh starših, kar omogoča sodišču, da zve za okoliščine, ki bodo usmerjale nadaljnjo aktivnost. Glede teh mnenj se v praksi pojavljajo polemike in različna stališča glede njihove ustreznosti. Kljub temu, da so ta mnenja pomembna, sodišče na njih ni vezano, saj je na koncu sodišče tisto, ki odloči o ustreznosti sporazuma staršev oziroma komu se otroci zaupajo v varstvo. V sklop nalog spada tudi pridobitev otrokove izjave, pri katerem od staršev otrok želi živeti, kar center za socialno delo upošteva že pri pripravi mnenja. V diplomskem delu sprva predstavim razvezo zakonske zveze, nato se osredotočim na opredelitev vloge centra za socialno delo pri razvezi zakonske zveze, kjer podrobneje opišem opravo svetovalnega razgovora in pomen mnenja centra za socialno delo pri odločanju o vzgoji, varstvu in preživljanju otrok ter stikih, ugotovitve pa podprem z poročilom, ki sem ga sestavila na podlagi obiska centra za socialno delo Ptuj.
Ključne besede:razveza zakonske zveze, center za socialno delo, koristi otrok, svetovalni razgovor, mnenje pri odločanju o varstvu, vzgoji in preživljanju otrok ter stikih
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[S. Bigec]
Leto izida:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39252 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:4482091 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:11.01.2013
Število ogledov:5418
Število prenosov:895
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
BIGEC, Sonja, 2012, Vloga centra za socialno delo pri razvezi zakonske zveze [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. Maribor : S. Bigec. [Dostopano 21 januar 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=39252
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The role of the centre for social work in parental divorce
Opis:Special protection of family rights exists mainly due to preserving children’s benefits. Consequently, because of their implementation in matrimonial actions when custody of, care and support for a child and the contacts between parents and children are being decided on, the cooperation of the court, and the social work centre is determined. In this procedure a social work centre plays different roles. The first role includes the execution of a counselling interview with the purpose of professional counselling and assistance in the management of the family members’ relationships. A professional counsellor needs to strive for the married couple to arrange their relationship in relation to their child. Even if they do not achieve adequate agreement, a professional counsellor has the opportunity to acquire numerous data regarding the couple and their relationship with their child, which is the basis for continuing the activities of the social work centre. The next role of the social work centre is preparation of the opinion whether the agreement between the married couple really ensures the custody of, care and support for the child as well as the contacts between the child and their parents considering the child’s benefits. In the opinion they provide, professional counsellors state all relevant data and findings regarding both parents, which enables the court to learn about the conditions that influence further activities. In practical situations many argue about the adequacy of these observations. Despite the fact that the observations are important, the court is not obliged to consider them, since in the end the court decides on the suitability of the parents’ agreement and on the parent getting the custody of the child. The scope of the tasks of a social worker also includes acquiring a child’s statement on which parent he or she wants to live with, which is already considered by the social work centre in the phase of preparing their opinion. In my final thesis I have firstly presented the divorce and then concentrated on the definition of the role of the social work centre in the process of divorce. I have described the execution of a counselling interview and the importance of the opinion of the social work centre in determining the custody of, care and support for the children and their contact with the parents. The findings have been supported with a report I drew up on the basis of the visit to the Ptuj Social Work Centre.
Ključne besede:divorce, social work centre, a child’s benefits, counselling interview, opinion on deciding on the custody of, care and support for children and on contacts with their parents.


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