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Boris Snoj

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Person's data elsewhere

Below is a list of links to other web sources with data about this person. If this data is about you, you can edit it.

CONOR.SI-ID:https://bib.cobiss.net/biblioweb/direct/si/eng/conor/2130275 New window
ARRS/ARIS-ID:https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/en/researcher/code/03751 New window

Appearance of person on documents per organisation

Table shows person's appearance on documents in any role for specific organisation. If person is linked to document twice (e.q. as editor and as preface author) and the same document is placed in two organisations, then appearance is 2 for each organisation and 4 in total.

EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics152
FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture16
FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science12
FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering3

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