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Statistics of DKUM

The tables show this person cooperation with other persons on the relation mentor - co-mentor. First table shows a list of persons and number of theses, where this person is a mentor, while the other table shows a list of persons, where selected person is in the role of commentor. Both tables show the number of theses with this relation.

Person: Peter Čakš

Person as a mentor

Person as a co-mentor
Peter ČakšSuzana Žilič Fišer18
Ines Kožuh13
Tina Tomažič10
Ines Kožuh4
Suzana Žilič Fišer4
Alenka Valh Lopert3
Suzana Žilič Fišer1
Mario Plenković1
Friderik Klampfer1
Marko Hölbl1
Logos of partners University of Maribor University of Ljubljana University of Primorska University of Nova Gorica