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EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
FE - Faculty of Energy Technology
FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
FF - Faculty of Arts
FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
FL - Faculty of Logistic
FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
FT - Faculty of Tourism
FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
MF - Faculty of Medicine
PEF - Faculty of Education
PF - Faculty of Law
UKM - University of Maribor Library
UM - University of Maribor
UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Faculty of Business and Economic, Maribor
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Maribor
Faculty of Logistics, Celje, Krško
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Ljubljana
Faculty of Health Sciences
Library of Technical Faculties, Maribor
Faculty of Medicine, Maribor
Miklošič Library FPNM, Maribor
Faculty of Law, Maribor
University of Maribor Library
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Other documents (11)
Marko Gosak, Marko Milojević, Maja Duh, Kristijan Skok, Matjaž Perc:
Networks behind the morphology and structural design of living systems
Kristijan Skok, Tanja Zidarič, Kristjan Orthaber, Matevž Pristovnik, Nina Kostevšek, Kristina Žužek Rožman, Sašo Šturm, Lidija Gradišnik, Uroš Maver, Tina Maver:
Novel methacrylate-based multilayer nanofilms with incorporated FePt-based nanoparticles and the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil for skin cancer treatment
Tanja Zidarič, Kristijan Skok, Kristjan Orthaber, Matevž Pristovnik, Lidija Gradišnik, Tina Maver, Uroš Maver:
Multilayer methacrylate-based wound dressing as a therapeutic tool for targeted pain relief
Kristijan Skok, Andrej Markota, Franc Svenšek, Andreja Sinkovič:
First treatment with venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Maribor
Kristijan Skok, Damjan Vidovič, Goran Gačevski, Bojan Veingerl, Jure Auda, Anton Crnjac:
Surgical treatment in severely immunocompromised patient with invasive fungal infection
Anja Grm, Gaja Hladnik:
Količina in ph vrednost malignega plevralnega izliva kot potencialna napovedna dejavnika preživetja bolnic s karcinomom dojke
Kristijan Skok:
Razvoj in testiranje celičnih linij z namenom proučevanja trojno negativnega raka dojke
Kristjan Orthaber, Matevž Pristovnik, Kristijan Skok:
Vrednotenje učinkovitosti modelne medicinske obloge z vgrajenimi magnetnimi nanodelci in protitumorsko učinkovino na humanih celicah kožnega raka
Kristjan Orthaber, Matevž Pristovnik, Kristijan Skok:
Vgradnja magnetnih nanodelcev v modelne medicinske obloge za kombinirano zdravljenje kožnih oblik raka
Kristjan Orthaber, Matevž Pristovnik, Kristijan Skok, Barbara Perić, Uroš Maver:
Skin cancer and its treatment
Sebastjan Bevc:
Kratek priročnik znakovnega jezika