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Title:Akt EU o umetni inteligenci ter etične dileme uporabe umetne inteligence v pravu : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Hrovat, Pina (Author)
ID Keresteš, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Drnovšek, Katja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Hrovat_Pina_2024.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: 32D7E4FC8FEFC72956091DFA24A50FE6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Umetna inteligenca, ki se je v zadnjem času razširila na vsa področja, vedno bolj vpliva na naše vsakdanje življenje. Ker gre za relativno nov izum, ki je s tehnološkim razvojem doživel svoj razcvet, se je pojavila težnja po zakonski ureditvi področja umetne inteligence. Evropska komisija je 21. aprila 2021 predstavila Predlog akta EU o umetni inteligenci, Akt o umetni inteligenci pa je vstopil v veljavo 1. avgusta 2024. Gre za prvi celoviti tovrstni akt. Njegov cilj je zagotoviti varnost, varstvo temeljnih pravic iz LEUTP in podpirati inovacije. Akt vsebuje pristop, ki temelji na tveganju. Skladno s tem so sistemi umetne inteligence razvrščeni v štiri kategorije glede na tveganje, ki ga sistem predstavlja za varstvo temeljnih človekovih pravic, varstvo zdravja in varnost. Hierarhično najvišje se nahajajo prepovedane prakse, gre za umetnointeligenčne sisteme, ki so tako tvegani, da so prepovedani. Tem sistemom sledijo visokotvegani sistemi, ki se lahko dajejo na trg oz. uporabljajo, kadar izpolnjujejo natančno določene pogoje. Naslednja skupina so sistemi z omejenim tveganjem, ki se uporabljajo pod pogojem, da so uporabnikom zagotovljene ustrezne informacije. Sistemi z minimalnim tveganjem niso predmet urejanja Akta o umetni inteligenci. Akt o umetni inteligenci je po svoji pravni naravi uredba, kar pomeni, da je neposredno uporabljiv v nacionalnih pravnih redih držav članic EU. Ker področje umetne inteligence in varstva temeljnih pravic v slovenski zakonodaji pred sprejetjem akta ni bilo pravno urejeno, tudi ne bo potrebno spreminjati zakonodaje zaradi sprejema akta. Ker je umetna inteligenca relativno nov pojav, obstajajo med širšo javnostjo in pravno stroko določeni pomisleki v zvezi z umetno inteligenco in njeno uporabo v pravu. Ti pomisleki so zlasti osredotočeni na vprašanje, če je umetna inteligenca zmožna slediti etičnim standardom, ki se pričakujejo od človeških pravnikov, ter če je zmožna zagotoviti varstvo temeljnih človekovih pravic. V magistrski nalogi so v zvezi s tem podrobneje obravnavane sledeče pravice: pravica do enakopravnosti, pravica do poštenega sojenja in pravica do pravne varnosti. V zvezi z uporabo umetne inteligence v pravni znanosti se pojavlja tudi bojazen, če je sploh sposobna doseči stopnjo razvoja, na kateri bi bila zmožna odločitve sprejemati s primerljivo mero empatičnosti kot ljudje.
Keywords:Akt o umetni inteligenci, kategorije tveganj, nadzor nad uporabo umetne inteligence, umetna inteligenca v pravu, etika, pravičnost, človekove pravice.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:P. Hrovat
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (54 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90759 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:220112387 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2024
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Licensing start date:19.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:EU artificial intelligence act and ethical dilemmas of using artificial intelligence in law
Abstract:Artificial intelligence has recently spread to all areas and is increasingly influencing our daily lives. As a relatively recent invention, that has flourished with technological developments, there is a need to regulate the field of artificial intelligence. On the 21st of April 2021, the European Commission presented its Proposal for EU Artificial Intelligence Act, Artificial Intelligence Act entered into effect on the 1st of August 2024 and is the first comprehensive AI Act of its kind. It aims to ensure safety, protect fundamental rights under the CFREU, and support innovation. The Act contains a risk-based approach. Accordingly, AI systems are classified into four categories according to the risk the system presents to protecting fundamental human rights, health protection, and safety. The highest on the hierarchy are prohibited practices, with AI systems that are so risky that they are not permitted. These systems are followed by high-risk systems, which can be placed on the market or used when they meet well-defined conditions. The next group is limited-risk systems, which are used on condition that adequate information is provided to users. Minimal risk systems are not subject to regulation under the AI Act. The AI Act is by its legal nature a regulation, which means that it directly applies to national legal orders of EU Member States. As the field of AI and the protection of fundamental rights was not regulated in Slovenian legislation before the adoption of the Act, it will not be necessary to amend the legislation due to the adoption of the Act. As AI is a relatively new phenomenon, there are certain concerns among the general public and the legal profession about AI and its use in law. These concerns focus in particular on the question whether AI is capable of meeting the ethical standards expected of human lawyers and whether it can ensure the protection of fundamental human rights. In this respect, the following rights are discussed in more detail in this Master's thesis: the right to equality, the right to a fair trial, and the right to legal certainty. Concerns have also been raised about the use of artificial intelligence in law, including whether artificial intelligence systems can even reach a stage of development at which they are equipped to make decisions with a comparable degree of empathy as humans.
Keywords:Artificial Intelligence Act, risk categories, control over the use of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence in law, ethics, fairness, human rights.


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