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Title:Organizirana kriminaliteta na Japonskem : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Bohinc, Blaž (Author)
ID Dobovšek, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Bohinc_Blaz_2024.pdf (2,80 MB)
MD5: 766A69F8E5082F14F38EE6B55527E4D4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V tem magistrskem delu analiziramo področje organiziranega kriminal na Japonskem, z večjim poudarkom na posebni obliki te kriminalitete, ki je specifična za to državo in se imenuje jakuza. Gre za posamezne skupine, ki so se začele razvijati v 17. stoletju in so vrhunec svoje moči dosegle v drugi polovici 20. stoletja, kjer je bilo njihov vpliv mogoče čutiti skozi celotno japonsko družbo, kar pomeni tudi v samem političnem vrhu države in v tudi globoko v ekonomskih sferah japonske družbe. Vse to je pomenilo, da so te skupine na določni točki moderne japonske zgodovine, v tej državi imele izjemno velik političen vpliv in družbeno moč ter so hkrati razpolagale z izjemno obsežnimi finančnimi sredstvi. Prav tako so te skupine, zaradi določenih potekov dogodkov skozi njihov zgodovinski razvoj, v japonski družbi uživale poseben ugled in prepričanje, da je njihova prisotnost v tej družbi nujno potrebna za njeno nemoteno delovanje. Vendar je med sedemdesetimi in devetdesetimi leti prejšnjega stoletja prišlo do popolnega zasuka v takšnem razmišljanju s strani širše japonske populacije, kar je bila posledica določenih dogodkov, ki so tudi opisani v tem zaključnem delu. V povezavi s tem, prav tako raziščemo načine s katerimi se je japonska država začela spopadati s to problematiko in skušamo oceniti njihovo učinkovitost. Za potrebe te magistrske naloge tudi analiziramo glavna področja, na katerih so aktivne skupine organiziranega kriminala na Japonskem ter njihovo delovanje na mednarodnem področju in stanje teh skupin v današnjem času. V zadnjem delu te naloge tudi preučimo delovanje medijev v povezavi z organiziranim kriminalom na japonskem, kjer predstavimo večplastno vlogo, ki so jo mediji sprva igrali pri ustvarjanju pozitivne podobe skupin jakuz v japonski družbi. Prav tako analiziramo vlogo medijev v kasnejšem obdobju, kjer so le-te igrali pomembno vlogo pri razkritju dejanskega stanja organiziranega kriminala v državi in posledično pri spremembi pogleda na to tematiko s stani japonske javnosti.
Keywords:organizirana kriminaliteta, jakuza, Japonska, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:B. Bohinc
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:IV f., [72] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90562 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:211459843 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2024
BOHINC, Blaž, 2024, Organizirana kriminaliteta na Japonskem : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : B. Bohinc. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=90562
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Secondary language

Title:Organized crime in Japan
Abstract:In this master's thesis, we analyse the field of organized crime in Japan, with a particular focus on a unique form of this kind of crime specific to this country, known as the yakuza. These are individual groups that began to develop in the 17th century and reached the peak of their power in the second half of the 20th century, where their influence could be found throughout Japanese society, including at the highest levels of political leadership and within the economic spheres of this society. This meant that, at a certain point in modern Japanese history, these groups had an exceptionally significant political influence and social power, while also having access to extensive financial resources. Furthermore, due to certain historical developments, these groups enjoyed a special reputation in Japanese society, with the belief that their presence was essential for its unobstructed functioning. However, between the 1970s and 1990s, there was a complete shift in this perception among the wider Japanese population, which came as a result of certain events that are also described in this thesis. In this context, we also explore the methods by which the Japanese state began to address the issue of organized crime and attempt to assess their effectiveness. For the purposes of this master's thesis, we also analyse the main areas in which organized crime groups were and are active in Japan, their operations at the international level, and the current state of these groups. In the final part of this thesis, we examine the role of the media in relation to organized crime in Japan, presenting the multifaceted role that the media initially played in creating a positive image of yakuza groups within Japanese society. We also analyse the role of the media in later periods, where they played an important role in revealing the actual state of organized crime in the country which also led to the changing of public perception of this issue among the Japanese public.
Keywords:organized crime, Japan, yakuza, media, public perception


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