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Title:Primerjava proizvodnje v lastnem podjetju s proizvodnjo pri zunanjem izvajalcu
Authors:ID Petrič, Maša (Author)
ID Logožar, Klavdij (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Petric_Masa_2024.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 09B891ED0757FC45902D3BF09C72FF40
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Brez proizvodnje ni podjetja in brez podjetja ni končnih izdelkov. Izdelki, ki jih ljudje v današnjem času želijo, morajo biti nekje proizvedeni. Za proizvodnjo so potrebne surovine in material, oprema in delavci, zato se podjetja sprašujejo, katero metodo proizvodnje izbrati. Odločajo se med lastno proizvodnjo v podjetju, pri čemer izdelke proizvajajo sami. Druga možnost je outsourcing oziroma proizvodnja pri zunanjem izvajalcu, ki izdelke za podjetje proizvede pogodbeno. Največji dejavnik odločitve za podjetja je denar. Zavedati se morajo vseh stroškov, ki jih proizvodnja prinese, največji motivator pa je dobiček, ki ga ustvarijo. Zraven stroškov je veliko vprašanje kakovost in nadzor izdelkov, s katero vrsto proizvodnje podjetja dosežejo najvišje standarde. Največji proizvajalki na svetu sta še vedno Kitajska in Južna Amerika, kjer so stroški proizvodnje in delavcev najnižji. Posledično je cena izdelkov nizka, taka pa je tudi kakovost. Tamkajšnje proizvodnje se soočajo z veliko kritiko, saj razmere za delavce v nizkocenovnih državah niso idealne. Hkrati pa so podjetja z lastno proizvodnjo ena izmed najbolj cenjenih, ampak so izdelki posledično dražji. V sklopu magistrskega dela smo opredelili prednosti in slabosti obeh vrst proizvodnje in za lažje razumevanje za vsako navedli primer podjetja. Ugotovili smo, da je izbira proizvodnje odvisna predvsem od vrste izdelkov, ki jih želijo proizvajati, od dostopnosti surovin in materiala ter finančne zmogljivosti. Vsak, ki je pred to odločitvijo, mora natančno analizirati tako svoje podjetje kot tudi proizvodnjo in zunanje vplive. Dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na to izbiro, je veliko in so različni za vsako podjetje in državo, v kateri se podjetje nahaja. V analizi primera podjetij Seltron in IKEA smo te vplive združili in pojasnili, zakaj sta se odločili za te vrste proizvodnje. V natančnejši analizi pa smo ugotovili, da je metod proizvodenj več in da obstajajo tudi mešane, pri katerih se združijo in med seboj sodelujejo lastna proizvodnja in zunanji izvajalci.
Keywords:Koncept proizvodnje, lastna proizvodnja, proizvodnja pri zunanjem izvajalcu, outsourcing, primerjalna analiza.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:M. Petrič
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90511 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:217013507 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.11.2024
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Licensing start date:06.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:Comparison of in-house production with outsourced production
Abstract:Without production, there is no company and without a company, there are no finished products. Any product people want these days has to be produced somewhere. Production requires raw materials and materials, equipment and workers. Therefore, companies are always faced with the question of which production method to use. They decide between their own production, which is in the company, and the products they produce themselves. Another option is outsourcing, which is production by an external contractor, who produces products for the company under contract. The biggest decision factor for businesses is money. They must be aware of all the costs that production brings, and the biggest motivator is the profit they get. In addition to costs, the quality and control of products is a big issue, with which type of production companies achieve the highest standards. The largest producers in the world are still China and South America, where production and labor costs are the lowest. As a result, the price of the products is low along with the quality. That kind of productions are under great critisism because the conditions for workers in low-cost countries are not ideal. At the same time, companies with their own production are among the most valued, but the products are consequently more expensive. As part of the master's thesis we idetified the advantages and disadvantages of production and provided an example of a company for each for easier understanding. We found that the choice of production mainly depends on the type od the products you want to produce, on the availability of raw materials and material, and financial capacity. Anyone who is faced with the decision must make a careful analysis of their company, as well as production and external influences. There are many factors that influence thie choice nad they are different for each company and the country in which it is located. In the case analysis of the companies Seltron and IKEA, we combined these influences and explained why they decided on these types of production. In a more detailed analysis, however, we came to the conclusion that there are several production methods and there are also mixed ones, where our own production and external contractors come together and cooperate with each other.
Keywords:Concept of production, in-house production, production by an external contractor, outsourcing, comporative analysis.


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