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Title:Vloga čustvene valence pri vplivu socialne opore na zaznavo bolečine : EEG raziskava
Authors:ID Verdnik, Jana (Author)
ID Mulej Bratec, Satja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Horvat, Marina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Verdnik_Jana_2024.pdf (1,93 MB)
MD5: 74FE1DD744C1C63DCBAB337F4A0107AE
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Ljudje smo nenehno vpeti v socialni kontekst, zato na naše doživljanje bolečine vplivajo tudi drugi posamezniki. Še posebej socialna opora bližnjega se kaže kot eden izmed dejavnikov, ki vpliva na posameznikovo zaznavanje bolečine, spremeni pa lahko tudi čustveno počutje in možgansko aktivnost ob bolečini. Namen magistrskega dela je bil preučiti vpliv socialne opore na doživljanje neprijetnosti bolečine in mediatorsko vlogo čustvene valence ter z bolečino povezanih EEG potencialov v tem odnosu. Izvedli smo EEG raziskavo, v kateri so udeleženke prejemale boleče električne impulze v dveh pogojih – med prisotnostjo romantičnega partnerja po video povezavi (socialna opora) ali njegovo odsotnostjo (odsotnost opore). Na vzorcu 40 udeleženk smo ugotovili, da je bila ob prisotnosti socialne opore ocena čustvene valence višja, predvsem pa ocena neprijetnosti nižja kot v pogoju brez nje. Z uporabo večnivojskih mediacijskih modelov smo nadalje pokazali, da imajo v odnosu med socialno oporo in neprijetnostjo bolečine mediatorsko vlogo tako čustvena valenca kot tudi zgodnji in pozni z bolečino povezani EEG potenciali, natančneje N100 in P300. Vsak izmed teh potrjenih mediatorjev ponuja ločeno razlago nižjih ocen neprijetnosti bolečinskih dražljajev ob socialni opori, načeli pa smo tudi preučevanje njihove morebitne medsebojne časovne dinamike, a ta še ni pojasnjena v celoti. Naši rezultati so večinoma skladni z obstoječo literaturo in tako predstavljajo nadgradnjo ter razširitev razumevanja tega področja.
Keywords:socialna opora, bolečina, čustvena valenca, EEG
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:J. Verdnik
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 97 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89936 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:207068931 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.09.2024
VERDNIK, Jana, 2024, Vloga čustvene valence pri vplivu socialne opore na zaznavo bolečine : EEG raziskava [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : J. Verdnik. [Accessed 9 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=89936
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Secondary language

Title:The role of emotional valence in the effect of social support on pain perception: an eeg study
Abstract:As humans, we are constantly embedded in a social context, and our experience of pain is significantly influenced by the presence of others. Notably, the social support provided by someone close to us has been shown to be one of the factors in shaping an individual's perception of pain. This support can also affect emotional well-being and brain activity during the experience of pain. The aim of this master’s thesis was to explore the impact of social support on pain perception and examine the mediating role of emotional valence and pain-related EEG potentials in this relationship. We conducted an EEG study where female participants received painful electrical stimuli under two conditions: either in the presence of their romantic partner via a video call (social support) or in their absence (absence of support). In a sample of 40 participants, we found that when social support was present, emotional valence scores were higher, and unpleasantness scores were particularly lower compared to the absence of support. Using multilevel mediation models, we further demonstrated that emotional valence, along with both early and late pain-related EEG potentials, specifically the N100 and P300, mediate the relationship between social support and pain unpleasantness. Each of these mediators provides a distinct explanation for the reduced unpleasantness ratings of pain stimuli in the presence of social support. We also initiated the exploration of their potential inter-temporal dynamics, although these have not yet been fully clarified. Our findings align closely with existing literature, thereby extending and enhancing the current understanding in this field.
Keywords:social support, pain, emotional valence, EEG


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