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Title:Pravica delavcev do obveščenosti : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Makoter Rožmarin, Matej (Author)
ID Senčur Peček, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Makoter_Rozmarin_Matej_2024.pdf (1,49 MB)
MD5: 69EFB55DA88C5C70B688FA5BC955C99B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Pravica delavcev do obveščenosti postaja zaradi svoje vse večje pomembnosti vedno bolj aktualna tema razprav v delovnem pravu. Uveljavila se je kot izjemno pomembna pravica delovnega prava, saj se brez ustreznega informiranja delavec ne more ustrezno odzvati ali primerno ukrepati. Pravica do obveščenosti pa vpliva tudi na številne druge pravice iz delovnega prava in prava socialne varnosti. Pri pravici delavcev do obveščenosti je ključna tudi ločitev, in sicer kdaj se obvešča posameznega delavca in kdaj se pravica delavcev do obveščenosti realizira preko obveščanja delavskih predstavnikov. Posameznega delavca se tako npr. obvešča o zadevah, ki vplivajo na njegov delovnopravni položaj kot posameznika. Tako je bilo skozi analizo tako mednarodnih pravnih virov, kot tudi pravnih virov prava EU in nacionalnih pravnih virov ugotovljeno, da se mora delavca obveščati na številnih področjih delovnega prava, kot npr. v primeru redne ali izredne odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi, plačilnem dnevu in njegovi spremembi, napotitvi na čakanje na delo od doma, odreditvi nadurnega dela, letnega razporeda delovnega časa, začasne prerazporeditve delovnega časa ter v primeru odmere letnega dopusta ipd. V večini navedenih primerov bo šlo tudi za obvezno pisno obveščanje delavca. V primeru ureditve pravice delavcev do obveščenosti v Republiki Sloveniji je bilo ugotovljeno, da slednja ugodneje ureja pravico delavcev do obveščenosti v primerjavi z mednarodnopravno ureditvijo ali ureditvijo na ravni prava EU. Na drugi strani pa je z vidika pravnega položaja delavcev zelo pomembna pravica delavcev, da so tudi preko svojih predstavnikov obveščeni o pomembnih zadevah, ki vplivajo na njihov položaj pri delodajalcu (v podjetju). Delavske predstavnike se tako obvešča (in se z njimi posvetuje) o zadevah, ki vplivajo na kolektiv delavcev (torej ne samo na posameznega delavca). Pri čemer pa se razlikuje obveščanje preko sindikatov ali pa preko voljenih delavskih predstavnikov (npr. sveta delavcev), saj pravni akti vsakemu izmed navedenih delavskih predstavnikov nalagajo drugačne pristojnosti in naloge. Tako se bo delavske predstavnike v splošnem obveščalo npr. v primerih kolektivnih odpustov, prenosih podjetja, splošnih aktih pri delodajalcu, nočnem delu ipd. Pristojnosti v zvezi s pravico delavca do obveščenosti pa bodo delavski predstavniki imeli tudi, kadar bo šlo za vprašanje odločanja o pravicah posameznega delavca, npr. v primeru odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi, disciplinske odgovornosti itd.
Keywords:obveščanje delavcev, posvetovanje z delavci, obveščanje posamičnega delavca, obveščanje preko delavskih predstavnikov, delavski predstavniki, sindikat, svet delavcev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:M. Makoter Rožmarin
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (V, 136 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89319 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:202325763 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.07.2024
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Licensing start date:03.07.2024

Secondary language

Title:Worker´s right to information
Abstract:The right of workers to information is becoming an increasingly important topic of debates in labour law. It has established itself as an extremely important right in labour law, as without adequate information, the worker cannot react or take appropriate action. The right to information also affects a number of other rights under employment and social security law. Another key distinction in the right of workers to information is when the individual worker is informed and when the right of workers to information is realised through the information of workers' representatives. For example, an individual worker is informed of matters affecting his or her employment status as an individual. Thus, an analysis of international, EU and national legal sources has shown that the worker must be informed in a number of areas of employment law, such as in the event of ordinary or extraordinary termination of the employment contract, pay day, posting to work from home, the imposition of overtime, the annual working time schedule, the temporary reassignment of working time, and in the event of the granting of annual leave, etc. In the case of a worker's right to be informed, it is important to ensure that the worker is not subject to any obligation to inform his or her employer in the event of the termination of the contract. In most of these cases, it will also be compulsory to inform the worker in writing. However, in a number of the cases analysed, the regulation of the right to information of workers in the Republic of Slovenia is more favourable than international or EU law. On the other hand, from the point of view of the workers' legal position, the right of workers to be informed, including through their representatives, of important matters affecting their position with the employer (the undertaking) is also of vital importance. Thus, workers' representatives are informed (and consulted) on matters affecting the collective of workers (i.e. not only the individual worker). However, there is a distinction between being informed through trade unions or through elected workers' representatives (e.g. works councils), as the legal acts confer different powers and tasks on each of these workers' representatives. Thus, in general, workers' representatives will be informed, e.g. in cases of collective redundancies, transfers of undertakings, general acts of the employer, night work, but workers' representatives will also have powers in relation to the right of information of the worker when it comes to deciding on the rights of the individual worker, e.g. in the case of dismissal, disciplinary liability, etc.
Keywords:informing workers, consulting workers, informing the individual worker, informing through workers' representatives, workers' representatives, trade union, works council


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