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Title:Vodenje sistema zaščite in reševanja (zir) v občini vrhnika s poudarkom na delovanju operativnih gasilskih enot
Authors:ID Svenšek, Benjamin (Author)
ID Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jerebic, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Svensek_Benjamin_2024.pdf (1,85 MB)
MD5: 3917CD2EB0B1397453CC8D64B626D767
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo organiziranost sistema zaščite in reševanja v Občini Vrhnika. Ob večjih intervencijah se štab najprej organizira operativno glede na področje nesreče, nato pa v celoti. Štab združuje člane Gasilske zveze Vrhnika in Civilne zaščite Občine Vrhnika, vodi enote za zaščito in reševanje ter načrtuje prihodnje korake. Pri tem je ključno skupno koordinirano vodenje, zato je pomembna analiza trenutnega stanja in ugotovitev potreb po nadgradnji. Cilj prvega dela magistrske naloge je analizirati delovanje štaba in usposobljenosti članov, ki pokrivajo različna področja sistema zaščite in reševanja. To so gasilci, zdravstveni delavci, logistiki in druge strukture organiziranega delovanja. Cilj drugega dela naloge se osredotoča na analizo organiziranja in vodenja operativnih gasilskih enot ter na njihovo opremljenost. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima večina članov številne izkušnje, preostale pa je treba dodatno usposobiti. Analiza je tudi potrdila, da se trenutno velika pozornost posveča na usposobljenosti, gasilcev kot so npr. izobraževanje za gasilskega častnika, usposabljanje za vodenje intervencij za vse poveljnike gasilskih društev in za člane štabov Civilne zaščite in Gasilske zveze Vrhnika. Ena izmed prednosti takšnega sistema je zagotovo medsebojno spoznavanje udeležencev in usklajevanje strokovnih postopkov. Analiza je potrdila pomembnost usposabljanja, saj je hiter odziv na nesrečo pogosto potreben. Povezovanje med gasilci na obmejnih območjih omogoča hitrejše posredovanje, prav tako pa je ključno tudi sodelovanje z ekipo nujne zdravstvene pomoči za zagotovitev učinkovitega reševanja v nujnih primerih.
Keywords:vodenje, SVOD, štab CZ Občine Vrhnika, poveljstvo GZ Vrhnika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89136 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:205932291 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.08.2024
SVENŠEK, Benjamin, 2024, Vodenje sistema zaščite in reševanja (zir) v občini vrhnika s poudarkom na delovanju operativnih gasilskih enot [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=89136
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Secondary language

Title:Management of the protection and rescue system in the municipality of vrhnika, slovenia, with emphasis on fire fighters units operations
Abstract:In the master's thesis, we discuss the organization of the protection and rescue system in the municipality of Vrhnika. In case of major interventions, the headquarters is initially organized operationally according to the area of the accident, then as a whole. The headquarters brings together the members of the Vrhnika Fire Brigade and the Civil Defense of the Vrhnika municipality, leads the protection and rescue units and plans future steps. The key here is joint coordinated management, which is why the analysis of the current situation and the need for upgrading is important. The aim of the first part of the master's thesis is to analyze the operation of the headquarters and the competence of the members in the larger ones, which cover various areas of the protection and rescue system. These are firefighters, medical workers, logisticians and other structures of organized activity. The goal of the second part of the assignment focuses on the analysis of the organization and management of operational firefighting units and their equipment. It was found that most of the members have a lot of experience and the rest need to be further trained. The analysis also confirmed that a lot of attention is currently being paid to the training of firefighters, such as training for a fire officer and training for the management of interventions for all commanders of fire brigades and members of the staffs of the Civil Protection and the Vrhnika Fire Association. One of the advantages of such a system is certainly mutual recognition and coordination of professional procedures. The analysis also confirmed the importance of training, as a rapid response to an accident is often required. Communication between firefighters in border areas allows for faster intervention, and cooperation with the emergency medical team is also crucial to ensure effective rescue in emergency situations.
Keywords:management, SVOD, headquarters of CZ Vrhnika, command GZ Vrhnika


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