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Title:Vloga stila navezanosti pri vplivu socialne opore romantičnega partnerja na doživljanje bolečine : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Flamiš, Asja (Author)
ID Mulej Bratec, Satja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Zorjan, Saša (Comentor)
Files:.pdf Magistrska_naloga_FLAMIŠ_Asja.pdf (3,35 MB)
MD5: 70F4CF245C26582FF3546CF9CBF1AD1B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Za pomoč pri obvladovanju težkih situacij se pogosto obrnemo na ljudi, ki so nam blizu. Socialna opora kot oblika socialne regulacije zajema interakcije s pomembnimi drugimi, ki lahko pomagajo pri uravnavanju čustev in bolečine. Romantični partnerji so se skozi raziskave pokazali kot najučinkovitejši pri regulaciji doživljanja bolečine in tudi pri spremembah nevronske aktivnosti med procesiranjem bolečine. Iskanje in prejemanje opore pa sta odvisna od raznih dejavnikov, med njimi tudi od vrste navezanosti. Stil navezanosti namreč pogosto usmerja nivo in kakovost socialne opore. Namen magistrskega dela je bil proučiti vlogo stila navezanosti pri vplivu socialne opore romantičnega partnerja na doživljanje bolečine partnerke in nevrofiziološke indikatorje partnerkine bolečine. V sklopu EEG-študije smo na vzorcu 36 romantičnih parov ugotovili, da prisotnost romantičnega partnerja pozitivno vpliva na doživljanje neprijetnosti bolečine partnerke in na z bolečino povezane ERP-komponente N1, P3 in LPP. Dodatno pa naši izsledki kažejo, da stil navezanosti ne igra vloge pri vplivu romantičnega partnerja na doživljanje neprijetnosti partnerkine bolečine ali pri vplivu romantičnega partnerja na nevrofiziološke potenciale, povezane z doživljanjem in procesiranjem bolečine. Naše ugotovitve se skladajo z literaturo, ki predpostavlja, da socialna opora s strani romantičnega partnerja deluje kot naravni analgetik za lajšanje bolečine, hkrati pa izpostavljamo nekaj pomanjkljivosti in omejitev študije. Na raziskovalnem področju vidimo veliko priložnost za nadaljnje raziskovanje in izpeljavo pomembnih aplikacij, predvsem v klinični praksi za uvedbo socialne opore kot podporne oblike zdravljenja akutne in kronične bolečine.
Keywords:socialna opora, regulacija bolečine, elektrofiziološki potenciali, stil navezanosti, EEG
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:A. Flamiš
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 82 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89035 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:201249027 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.07.2024
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Licensing start date:06.06.2024

Secondary language

Title:The role of attachment style in the effect of a romantic partner's social support on the experience of pain
Abstract:We often turn to people close to us for help in coping with difficult situations. Social support as a form of social regulation involves interactions with significant others that can help regulate emotions and pain. Research has shown that romantic partners are most effective in regulating the pain experience and changes in neural activity during pain processing. Seeking and receiving support depends on several factors, including attachment style. Attachment style often determines the extent and quality of social support. The aim of the master's thesis was to investigate the role of attachment style in the influence of social support from the romantic partner on the partner's experience of pain and the neurophysiological indicators of the partner's pain. As part of the EEG study, we discovered in a sample of 36 romantic couples that the presence of a romantic partner has a positive effect on the experience of the unpleasantness of the partner's pain and the pain-related ERP components N1, P3 and LPP. Furthermore, our results show that attachment style does not play a role when it comes to the influence of the romantic partner on the experience of the unpleasantness of pain by the partner or the influence of the romantic partner on the neurophysiological potentials related to the experience and processing of pain. Our findings are consistent with the literature suggesting that social support from a romantic partner acts as a natural pain reliever, but at the same time, also point out some shortcomings and limitations of the study. In the area of research, we see a great opportunity for more extensive research and the development of important applications, especially in clinical practice, for the introduction of social support as a supportive form of acute and chronic pain treatment.
Keywords:social support, pain regulation, electrophysiological potentials, attachment styles, EEG


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