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Title:Spremembe izbranih podnebnih kazalcev in klimatskih tipov v Evropi do konca 21. stoletja : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Meško, Matej (Author)
ID Žiberna, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivajnšič, Danijel (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Mesko_Matej_2024.pdf (3,26 MB)
MD5: A7E564AF3D785697282F27693F50A0E4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu so analizirane spremembe izbranih podnebnih kazalcev in spremembe razporeditev podnebnih tipov od leta 1981 do leta 2100 na podlagi štirih 30-letnih obdobij. V teoretičnem delu sta orisana geografsko in podnebno stanje Evrope, kjer so izpostavljeni ključni dejavniki, ki so vzajemno vplivali na razporeditev podnebnih tipov, v našem primeru po Köppenovi podnebni klasifikaciji. Predstavljeni so tudi naravni in antropogeni vzroki za podnebne spremembe, ki jih že širša stroka vsakoletno bolj raziskuje. Pri tem se uporabljajo različni podnebni modeli in scenariji, ki napovedujejo različne intenzitete sprememb. Delo je nastalo na podlagi podatkov modela MPI-ESM1-2-HR in pesimističnega scenarija SSP-585. Pridobljene podatke iz CHELSA CLIMATE smo oblikovali v orodjih GIS za svoje potrebe ter analizirali spremembe razporeditev podnebnih tipov in sedmih izbranih kazalcev: letne povprečne temperature zraka, povprečne maksimalne temperature zraka, povprečne minimalne temperature zraka, letne višine padavin, dolžine rastnih dob, število dni s temperaturo nad 10 °C in število dni s snežno odejo. Analize so ugotovile spremembe pri vseh kazalcih, pojavile pa so se velike regionalne spremembe v intenzivnosti sprememb. Predvsem zahodni deli celine in tudi osrednji deli so izkazovali manjše spremembe, medtem ko se pri vseh kazalcih izpostavljajo prostori Južne, Severne in Vzhodne Evrope za območja največjih sprememb. Napovedi prikazujejo visok porast temperatur, zmanjšanje padavin, povečanje rastnih dob in števila dni s temperaturo nad 10 °C ter zmanjšanje števila dni s snežno odejo. Kot posledica sprememb kazalcev je tudi sprememba v razmestitvi podnebnih tipov. Na večino Evrope bi se razširili toplejši podnebni tipi, medtem ko bi hladnejši ostali omejeni le na visokogorje in skrajne severne dele celine. Spremembe kazalcev imajo in bodo imele katastrofalne posledice za naravo in človeka.
Keywords:Evropa, podnebne spremembe, podnebje, temperatura, padavine, Köppen, 21. stoletje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:M. Meško
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF ([84] str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88705 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:201067779 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.07.2024
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Licensing start date:20.05.2024

Secondary language

Title:Changes in selected climate indicators and climate types in Europe until the end of the 21st century
Abstract:The master's thesis analyzes changes in selected climate indicators and changes in the distribution of climate types from 1981 to 2100 based on four 30-year periods. The theoretical part outlines the geographical and climatic conditions of Europe, where key factors influencing the distribution of climate types are highlighted, in our case according to the Köppen climate classification. Natural and anthropogenic causes of climate change are also presented and increasingly researched by the broader scientific community each year. Various climate models and scenarios are used to predict different intensities of change. The work is based on data from the MPI-ESM1-2-HR model and the pessimistic SSP-585 scenario. The obtained data from CHELSA CLIMATE were processed using GIS tools for our purposes and analyzed for changes in the distribution of climate types and seven selected indicators: annual average air temperatures, average maximum air temperatures, average minimum air temperatures, annual precipitation levels, lengths of growing seasons, number of days with temperatures above 10 °C, and number of days with snow cover. The analyses identified changes in all indicators, with significant regional variations in the intensity of the changes. Particularly, western and central parts of the continent showed smaller changes, while southern, northern, and eastern Europe were highlighted for areas with the most significant changes in all indicators. Predictions show a significant rise in temperatures, reduced precipitation, increased growing seasons and the number of days with temperatures above 10 °C, and a decrease in the number of days with snow cover. As a result of changes in indicators, there will also be a shift in the distribution of climate types. Warmer climate types would expand over most of Europe, while colder ones would remain limited to mountainous areas and the extreme northern parts of the continent. Changes in indicators have had and will have catastrophic consequences for nature and humanity.
Keywords:Europe, climate change, Celsius, temperature, precipitation, Köppen, 21st . century.


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