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Title:Vpliv govoric na kadre znotraj podjetja
Authors:ID Debeljak, Sofija (Author)
ID Marič, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Debeljak_Sofija_2024.pdf (3,32 MB)
MD5: 8A0C70D78CBD4D68387678532D99E3A0
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V sodobnih organizacijskih okoljih je širjenje govoric med kadri postalo pogost pojav, ki lahko pomembno vpliva na delovno okolje, medosebne odnose ter poslovno uspešnost podjetja. Govorice, kot neformalen način komunikacije, lahko izvirajo iz različnih virov in se lahko dotikajo različnih vidikov delovanja podjetja, vključno z organizacijsko kulturo, produktivnostjo, motivacijo kadrov ter delovnim zadovoljstvom. Kljub svoji pogosti prisotnosti in vplivu na organizacijsko dinamiko pa je še vedno relativno malo raziskav, ki bi sistematično proučile ta pojav in njegove posledice znotraj podjetja. Zato je osrednji namen tega raziskovalnega dela temeljito analizirati vpliv govoric na kadre znotraj podjetja ter razumeti, kako različne oblike govoric vplivajo na delovno okolje in medsebojne odnose med kadri. Raziskava se bo osredotočila na identifikacijo različnih vzrokov, ki spodbujajo širjenje govoric, ter njihovih posledic na organizacijsko kulturo, produktivnost, motivacijo kadrov ter delovno zadovoljstvo. S poglobljenim razumevanjem tega fenomena bomo lahko identificirali ključne dejavnike, ki prispevajo k nastanku in širjenju govoric, ter razvili strategije za njihovo obvladovanje in upravljanje z njimi v organizacijskem kontekstu. Ugotovljeno je, da polovica podjetji niti ne izvaja ukrepe za obvladovanje govoric v delovnem okolju in da se premalo ukvarja s preprečevanjem širjenja govorice, ali pa da odziv vodstva podjetja na upravljanje z govoricami ni učinkovit. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da obstaja prostor za izboljšanje v vlogi vodstva pri obvladovanju in preprečevanju širjenja govoric znotraj podjetja. Občasna proaktivnost vodstva je korak v pravo smer, vendar je treba poudariti, da bi moralo biti prizadevanje za obvladovanje govoric stalno in sistematično. Pomembno je tudi opaziti, da so nejasni komunikacijski kanali prispevali k širjenju govoric, kar kaže na potrebo po izboljšanju transparentnosti in jasnosti komunikacije v podjetju. Z analizo in interpretacijo pridobljenih podatkov želimo prispevati k boljšemu razumevanju tega pomembnega aspekta delovnega življenja ter ponuditi smernice in priporočila za izboljšanje komunikacijskih procesov in delovne klime znotraj podjetij. Naša raziskava bo tako pripomogla k dvigu zavedanja o pomenu učinkovitega upravljanja komunikacije in obvladovanja govoric v sodobnih organizacijskih okoljih ter prispevala k razvoju strategij, ki bodo podpirale vzpostavitev pozitivnega delovnega okolja in spodbujale produktivnost ter dolgoročno uspešnost podjetij.
Keywords:govorica, kadri, organizacijska klima, delovna motivacija, management
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88662 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:199270915 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.06.2024
DEBELJAK, Sofija, 2024, Vpliv govoric na kadre znotraj podjetja [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=88662
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of rumors on personnel within the company
Abstract:In modern organizational environments, the spread of rumors among employees has become a common phenomenon, which can have a significant impact on the work environment, interpersonal relationships, and the company's business performance. Gossip, as an informal way of communication, can originate from various sources and can touch on various aspects of a company's operation, including organizational culture, productivity, employee motivation and job satisfaction. Despite its frequent presence and influence on organizational dynamics, there is still relatively little research that systematically examines this phenomenon and its consequences within the company. Therefore, the central purpose of this research work is to thoroughly analyze the impact of rumors on personnel within the company and to understand how different forms of rumors affect the working environment and mutual relations between employees. The research will focus on identifying the various causes that encourage the spread of rumours, and their consequences on organizational culture, productivity, employee motivation and job satisfaction. With a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, we will be able to identify the key factors that contribute to the creation and spread of rumors and develop strategies to control and manage them in an organizational context. It is found that half of the companies do not even implement measures to control rumors in the work environment and that they do not do enough to prevent the spread of rumors, or that the response of the management of the company to the management of rumors is not effective. The results of the survey show that there is room for improvement in the role of management in controlling and preventing the spread of rumors within the company. Occasional management proactivity is a step in the right direction, but it should be emphasized that the effort to control rumors should be ongoing and systematic. It is also important to note that unclear communication channels contributed to the spread of rumours, which indicates the need to improve transparency and clarity of communication within the company. By analyzing and interpreting the obtained data, we want to contribute to a better understanding of this important aspect of working life and offer guidelines and recommendations for improving communication processes and the working climate within companies. Our research will thus help to raise awareness of the importance of effective communication management and rumor management in modern organizational environments and contribute to the development of strategies that will support the establishment of a positive work environment and promote productivity and long-term success of companies.
Keywords:rumor, employees, organizational climate, work motivation, management


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