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Title:Portretno slikarstvo Ferdinanda Maliča (1820–1900) : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Lešnik, Barbara (Author)
ID Vidmar, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Lesnik_Barbara_2024.pdf (6,78 MB)
MD5: 43A1EB8C609E2C1C37398B3D6213E4F0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je obravnavano portretno slikarstvo Ferdinanda Maliča (1820–1900). Poleg predstavitve in analize izbranih umetnin v katalogu, so le-te preučevane tudi v kontekstu slogovnega umetnikovega razvoja ter upoštevanja umetnostnega ozračja 19. stoletja v slikarjevi ožji in širši okolici. Maliču se pisci v slovenskem prostoru nikoli niso posebej posvečali, tako da je predloženo delo prvi poskus podrobnejše razčlenitve dela opusa tega štajerskega umetnika. Na podlagi analize in interpretacije izbranih portretnih del smo ugotovili, da umetnikov slogovni razvoj lahko v grobem razdelimo na dva dela, in sicer na zgodnje obdobje z izrazitejšim naslonom na bidermajersko tradicijo ter dobo po preselitvi na Vukovski dvor, kjer je realizem, s katerim se je seznanil tekom bivanja v Franciji, zares prišel v ospredje. Vseskozi pa je moč opaziti slikarjevo tehnično dovršeno risbo, igro svetlobe in sence ter osredotočenost na obrazno fiziognomijo. Maličeva umetnost je še tolikanj bolj zanimiva, če vzamemo v poštev njegovo življenjsko pot; od ambicioznega študenta, kateremu se je obetala uspešna kariera, do umika na podeželje, kjer je, izoliran od najnovejših umetnostnih trendov, ustvarjal okarakterizirane portrete ljudi iz kmečkega okolja, pa tudi intimne in velikokrat tudi žanrsko obarvane upodobitve svoje družine, katerih čustven naboj izraža potrebo po slikarjevem izražanju lastnih čustev skozi umetnost. Z analizo Maličevih portretnih del smo želeli tudi opozoriti na kvaliteto tega slikarja, pri čemer upamo, da bo to morda spodbudilo raziskave umetnosti 19. stoletja na območju slovenske Štajerske.
Keywords:Ferdinand Malič (Mallitsch), portret, slikarstvo, 19. stoletje, Štajerska
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:B. Lešnik
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 160 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88627 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:198000131 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.06.2024
LEŠNIK, Barbara, 2024, Portretno slikarstvo Ferdinanda Maliča (1820–1900) : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : B. Lešnik. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=88627
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Title:Portrait painting by Ferdinand Malič (1820-1900)
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with the portrait painting of Ferdinand Malič (1820–1900). In addition to the presentation and analysis of selected works of art in the catalog, the paintings are also studied in the context of the artist's stylistic development and consideration of the artistic atmosphere of the 19th century in the painter's immediate and wider surroundings. No special attention has ever been paid to Malič, so the submitted work is the first attempt to analyze a part of the opus of this Styrian artist in more detail. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the selected portrait works, we found that the artist's stylistic development can be roughly divided into two parts, namely the early period with a more pronounced reliance on the Biedermeier tradition, and the period after the move to dvor Vukovski, where the realism, with which the author has acquainted himself in the course of his stay in France, really came to the foreground. Throughout, one can notice the painter's technically perfect drawing, the light and shadow play, and the focus on facial physiognomy. Malič's art is even more interesting if we take into account his life path: from an ambitious student who was promised a successful career, to a retreat to the countryside, where, isolated from the latest artistic trends, he created characterized portraits of people from rural environment, as well as intimate and often genre-tinged depictions of his family, whose emotional charge expresses the need according to the painter's expression of his own emotions through art. By analyzing Malič's portrait works, we also wanted to highlight the quality of this painter's work, and we hope that this may stimulate research into 19th-century art in the area of the Slovenian Styrian region.
Keywords:Ferdinand Malič (Mallitsch), portrait, painting, 19th century, Styria


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