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Title:Obremenitve in zadovoljstvo operacijskih medicinskih sester v operacijskem bloku, kirurška klinika, ukc ljubljana
Authors:ID Vidović, Ivana (Author)
ID Šprajc, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vidovic_Ivana_2024.pdf (1,27 MB)
MD5: F11B540349193E32C35A3C967CB2A5D2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Svetovno pomanjkanje medicinskih sester je postalo velik izziv, vse večji pomen se daje planiranju in zadrževanju kadra. Zaposleni kot najpomembnejši vir organizacije potrebujejo ustrezne delovne pogoje, motiviranje in nagrajevanje. Perioperativna zdravstvena nega in operacijske medicinske sestre se srečujejo s čedalje večjimi obremenitvami, zahtevami in mnogi ne zmorejo več tempa tega poklica. Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati delo in obremenitve operacijskih medicinskih sester ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opisali pomen planiranja kadra. Predstavili smo perioperativno zdravstveno nego in obremenitve, s katerimi se srečujejo operacijske medicinske sestre. Zadovoljstvo pri delu je glavni kazalnik kakovosti delovnega življenja zaposlenih in ravno zaradi vseh sprememb, povečanih potreb na področju zdravstva in pomanjkanja zdravstvenih delavcev, se povečujeta absentizem in fluktuacija ključnega kadra. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo, in sicer anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo raziskali, kakšne obremenitve imajo in kako so zadovoljne zaposlene operacijske medicinske sestre v Operacijskem bloku UKC Ljubljana. Odgovori so bili precej razpršeni, ugotovili pa smo, da zaposleni mesečno opravijo nadpovprečno število ur. Nezadovoljstvo zaradi preobremenjenosti je pogosto razlog za razmišljanje o menjavi delovnega mesta. Prav tako so zaposleni, ki so nezadovoljni z delovnimi pogoji, organizacijo dela in razporejanjem dela oziroma obremenitev, pogosteje odsotni z dela. Dokazali smo razlike med mlajšimi in starejšimi zaposlenimi glede dodeljevanja obremenitev in potrebe po prilaganju prostega časa ob delu. Pomanjkanje kadra v zdravstveni negi je dolgotrajen problem, ki ga je potrebno reševati sistemsko in premišljeno. Poklic medicinske sestre je izgubil svojo vrednost in ugled, zato je potrebno delati na izboljšanju pogojev dela ter zadovoljstva zaposlenih. Večina raziskav na tem področju je splošnih, zato bi bilo v bodoče priporočljivo opraviti več raziskav na specifičnih področjih, kot je na primer perioperativna zdravstvena nega.
Keywords:delovna obremenitev, absentizem, fluktuacija, zadovoljstvo, operacijske medicinske sestre
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88570 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:200100611 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.06.2024
VIDOVIĆ, Ivana, 2024, Obremenitve in zadovoljstvo operacijskih medicinskih sester v operacijskem bloku, kirurška klinika, ukc ljubljana [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=88570
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Secondary language

Title:Workload and job satisfaction of operating room nurses in the operating theatre, division of surgery, umc ljubljana
Abstract:The global labour shortage of nurses has become a major challenge, with increasing emphasis on workforce planning and retention. Employees, as the most important resource of an organization, require suitable working conditions, motivation, and rewards. Perioperative nursing and operating room nurses are facing growing workloads and demands and many of them are unable to cope with the pace of this profession anymore. The purpose of the master's thesis was to explore the work and burdens of operating room nurses and the factors influencing job satisfaction. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we described the importance of workforce planning. We presented perioperative nursing and the burdens faced by operating room nurses. Job satisfaction is the main indicator of the quality of employees' working lives, and precisely because of all the changes, increased needs in healthcare, and shortages of healthcare workers, absenteeism and turnover of key staff are increasing. In the empirical part, we used quantitative methodology, specifically a questionnaire, to investigate the burdens and satisfaction of operating room nurses at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. The responses were quite scattered, but we found that employees work an above-average number of hours per month. Dissatisfaction due to overwork is often a reason for considering changing jobs. Similarly, employees who are dissatisfied with working conditions, work organization, or workload scheduling are more frequently absent from work. We demonstrated differences between younger and older employees regarding workload allocation and the need to adjust leisure time to work. The shortage of healthcare personnel is a longstanding problem that needs to be addressed systematically and thoughtfully. The nursing profession has lost its value and reputation, so it is necessary to work on improving working conditions and employee satisfaction. Most research in this area is general, so it would be advisable to conduct more research in specific areas, such as perioperative nursing, in the future.
Keywords:Workload, absenteeism, fluctuation, job satisfaction, operating room nurses


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