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Title:Filozofski in družbeni izzivi nemoralne umetnosti : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Lešnik, Barbara (Author)
ID Klampfer, Friderik (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Lesnik_Barbara_2024.pdf (1,11 MB)
MD5: 89BA1C2DDEC7F5375355FF23F6DD648D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava vprašanja v zvezi z etično platjo umetnosti. To vključuje razmišljanje o pomenu morale pri estetskem vrednotenju samih umetnin, o vplivu, ki ga ima na to nemoralnost avtorjev_ic, nenazadnje pa tudi o primernih odzivih konzumentov_k na umetnine izpod rok nemoralnih umetnikov_ic. Dognali smo, da je etična komponenta nedvomno pomemben element znotraj vseh obravnavanih okvirjev, zlasti zato, ker je moralno sporočilo ključna sestavina mnogih umetnin in ker se v teh pogosto zrcali avtorjev_ičin značaj. Ker je umetnina skupek mnogih različnih stvari, pa je vloga (ne)moralnosti v njenem estetskem vrednotenju odvisna od tega, v kolikšni meri je prisotna in kako je uravnotežena z drugimi kvalitetami. Do moralno vprašljivih umetnin oziroma del moralno spornih ustvarjalcev_k lahko dostopamo na etičen način, če pri uživanju ob dobrih vidikih upoštevamo in kritiziramo tudi moralne napake. Se pa lahko vseeno zgodi, da nemoralnost umetnika_ce močno zaznamuje odnos, ki smo ga imeli do njegovih_nih del, pri čemer se zaradi negativnih čustev ali odločimo delom odpovedati ali pa se z občutki sprijaznimo, če želimo sporna dela še naprej konzumirati – in oboje je popolnoma razumljivo, ne glede na normativno sodbo o umetnini. Čeprav lahko še naprej cenimo dela nemoralnih umetnikov_ic, pa ne smemo dopustiti, da bi ti izrabljali svoj status in talent, da se izognejo kazniin/ali s spornim početjem nadaljujejo. V tej luči je v IV zaključnem delu naloge kritično ovrednotena tudi kultura črtanja, ki je vse prej kot idealna rešitev, saj jo težko odmerjamo glede na naravo in stopnjo nemoralnosti umetnikovih _činih dejanj. Kultura črtanja je odličen pokazatelj, da družba ima moč in da bi to moč lahko uporabila. Res pa je, da bi jo morala usmeriti tudi v poziv umetniškim in kulturnim institucijam k spremembi sistema, ki nesprejemljivo vedenje v svojih vrstah sploh dopušča.
Keywords:(ne)moralna umetnost, avtonomizem, eticizem, etika, estetika, kultura črtanja, morala, moralizem, občinstvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:B. Lešnik
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 95 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88542 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197943555 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.06.2024
LEŠNIK, Barbara, 2024, Filozofski in družbeni izzivi nemoralne umetnosti : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : B. Lešnik. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=88542
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Secondary language

Title:Philosophical and Societal Challenges of Immoral art
Abstract:The master's thesis explores the ethical aspects of art, including the importance of morality in evaluating works of art, the impact of an artist's immorality on their work, and how consumers should respond to art created by immoral artists. We concluded that the ethical component is undoubtedly of high importance within all the discussed frameworks, especially considering the moral message is a key component of many works of art, and because they are often a reflection of the author's character. Since a work of art is a collection of various things, the role of (im)morality in its aesthetic evaluation depends on the extent to which it is present, and how it is balanced with other qualities. Morally questionable works of art or works by morally questionable creators can be accessed ethically if, while enjoying the positive aspects, we also take into consideration and criticize the moral errors. However, it can still happen that the immorality of the artist has a strong impact on the attitude we have towards their works, whereby we either decide to give up the works completely due to negative emotions, or we come to terms with our feelings if we agree to continue with consuming the controversial works – both are completely understandable, regardless of the normative judgment about the work of art. Although we can continue to appreciate the works of immoral artists, we must not allow them to use their status and talent to avoid VI punishment and/or continue with questionable practices. Regarding that, the final part of the thesis consists of critical evaluation of cancel culture, which is anything but an ideal solution, since it is difficult to measure it according to the nature and degree of possible immorality of the artist's actions. Cancel culture is an indicator of society's power, but that power should also be used to call for change in artistic and cultural institutions, which allow unacceptable behavior in its ranks.
Keywords:(im)moral art, autonomism, ethicism, ethics, aesthetics, cancel culture, morality, moralism, audience


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