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Title:Vrstna, funkcionalna in filogenetska pestrost plena treh vrst sov
Authors:ID Vinko, Nuša (Author)
ID Janžekovič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vinko_Nusa_2024.pdf (1,93 MB)
MD5: A3CB06F2EF599C3E4EF82D71008535ED
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Prehrana sov je pogost predmet raziskav, saj poleg podatkov o vrstah, ki jih plenijo, pridobimo tudi podatke o plenilskem vedenju in specializiranosti plenilca ter podatke o lokalni favni malih sesalcev. Z metodo analize izbljuvkov, pridobljenih podatkov s pomočjo metaanalize in statistične analize vzorcev sem v nalogi raziskala vrstno, funkcionalno in filogenetsko pestrost plena in posledično prehrano pegaste sove, Tyto alba, lesne sove, Strix aluco, in male uharice, Asio otus, na območju severovzhodne Slovenije. Rezultati cenilk vrstne pestrosti razkrivajo, da pegasta sova izkazuje najvišjo vrstno pestrost, tesno ji sledi lesna sova, mala uharica pa izkazuje najnižjo raznolikost vrst. Pegasta sova ima prav tako največjo funkcionalno pestrost, pri čemer ima lesna sova nekoliko nižje, a še vedno znatno visoke vrednosti. Filogenetska pestrost je najvišja pri lesni sovi, sledi pegasta sova in nato mala uharica. Te ugotovitve kažejo na različne ekološke strategije in različnost prehrane obravnavanih sov. Pegasta sova deluje kot generalist in izkorišča raznolik nabor plena. Lesna sova ima uravnotežen pristop in pleni vrste raznolikih evolucijskih linij. Mala uharica izkazuje najbolj specializirane prehranjevalne navade z najnižjimi vrednostmi na vseh obravnavnih nivojih. Ugotovitve zagotavljajo vpogled v diferenciacijo in delitev ekoloških niš ter plena med preučevanimi vrstami sov, s poudarkom na pomembnosti upoštevanja več vidikov pestrosti za celovite ekološke ocene.
Keywords:prehrana sove, vrstna pestrost, funkcionalna pestrost, filogenetska pestrost, analiza izbljuvkov, metaanaliza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Vinko]
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87376 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:191946755 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.04.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:13.03.2024

Secondary language

Title:Species, functional and phylogenetic diversity of prey of three species of owls
Abstract:The diet of owls is a common subject of research, as alongside data on the species they prey upon, we also gain insights into the predators' predatory behavior and specialization, as well as information on the local fauna of small mammals. Using the method of pellet analysis, data obtained through meta-analysis, and statistical analysis of samples, I investigated the species, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of prey, and consequently, the diet of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba), Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), and Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) in the northeastern region of Slovenia. The results of species diversity estimators reveal that the Barn Owl exhibits the highest species diversity, closely followed by the Tawny Owl, while the Long-eared Owl displays the lowest species diversity. Additionally, the Barn Owl also has the highest functional diversity, with the Tawny Owl having slightly lower but still significantly high values. Phylogenetic diversity is highest in the Tawny Owl, followed by the Barn Owl, and then the Long-eared Owl. These findings indicate different ecological strategies and dietary diversity among the studied owls. The Barn Owl operates as a generalist, exploiting a diverse range of prey, while the Tawny Owl adopts a balanced approach, preying on species from various evolutionary lineages. The Long-eared Owl exhibits the most specialized feeding habits with the lowest values across all considered levels. These findings provide insights into the differentiation and partitioning of ecological niches and prey among the studied owl species, emphasizing the importance of considering multiple aspects of diversity for comprehensive ecological assessments.
Keywords:owl's diet, species diversity, functional diversity, phylogenetic diversity, pellet analysis, meta-analysis


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