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Title:Sodelovanje šolske skupnosti s starši, učenci in domačim krajem : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Ivanišević, Dušan (Author)
ID Javornik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Ivanisevic_Dusan_2024.pdf (2,28 MB)
MD5: 70E4CF85EE9049F592275E11FCAB27F7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je obravnavana tematika sodelovanja šol s starši, ki predstavlja pomemben vidik razvoja šolstva in sodobne izzive, s katerimi se šole danes soočajo. V teoretičnem delu je na začetku opredeljen pojem komunikacija in načini komuniciranja, s poudarkom na učiteljevih komunikacijskih kompetencah, ki so pri sodelovanju s starši zelo pomembne. V nadaljevanju so opisane formalne in neformalne oblike sodelovanja s starši, ki so zakonsko predpisane, zato je omenjena tudi šolska zakonodaja, ki v Beli knjigi o vzgoji in izobraževanju v Republiki Sloveniji ureja to področje. Predstavljeni so tudi tipi odnosov med učitelji in starši, prav tako ovire, ki se pojavljajo med njimi. V zadnjem poglavju so na kratko opisani odnosi med učitelji in učenci, s poudarkom na šolski klimi, ki vpliva na razpoloženje v socialnem okolju. V empiričnem delu naloge so na podlagi rešenega anketnega vprašalnika 66 učencev 8. in 9. razredov osnovnih šol na področju Maribora in lestvice stališč 30 osnovnošolskih učiteljev predstavljene glavne ugotovitve raziskave. Učenci menijo, da je šolska skupnost zbor predstavnikov učencev, izvoljenih ob začetku šolskega leta. Učinkovitost govorilnih ur in roditeljskih sestankov večinoma ocenjujejo kot bolj učinkovite, pisna sporočila pa kot srednje učinkovita. Med neformalnimi oblikami kot najbolj učinkovite oblike učenci ocenjujejo dneve dejavnosti in se večinoma popolnoma strinjajo, da je sodelovanje šole s starši zelo pomembno področje delovanja. Učenci se tudi v glavnem strinjajo, da sodelovanje šole s starši pozitivno vpliva na stališča učencev do šole. Učitelji se v glavnem strinjajo, da so bolj naklonjeni formalnim oblikam sodelovanja, so pa neodločeni glede neformalnih oblik sodelovanja. Popolnoma se strinjajo, da je uspešnost sodelovanja s starši povezana s pedagoško razgledanostjo in strokovnostjo in da so komunikacijske kompetence pomembne pri sodelovanju s starši. V glavnem se strinjajo, da je sodelovanje šol z lokalno skupnostjo nujno zaradi oblikovanja enotnejšega socializacijskega prostora učencev.
Keywords:sodelovanje, šola, učenci, učitelji, starši, lokalna skupnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:D. Ivanišević
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 79 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87201 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:194829827 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.05.2024
IVANIŠEVIĆ, Dušan, 2024, Sodelovanje šolske skupnosti s starši, učenci in domačim krajem : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Ivanišević. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=87201
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperation of the school community with parents, pupils and the hometown
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with the topic of school-parent collaboration, which represents an important aspect of the development of education and the contemporary challenges that schools face today. The theoretical part begins by defining the concept of communication and the ways of communication, with an emphasis on the teacher's communication competences, which are very important in collaboration with parents. Further, the formal and informal forms of cooperation with parents, which are prescribed by law, are described; consequently, the school legislation - the White Paper on Education and Training in the Republic of Slovenia, which regulates this area, is also mentioned. The types of relationships between teachers and parents are also presented, as well as the obstacles that arise between them. The last chapter briefly describes the relationship between teachers and pupils, with an emphasis on the school climate, which affects the mood in the social environment. In the empirical part of the thesis, the main findings of the research are presented. These are based on a solved questionnaire which involved 66 pupils of the 8th and 9th grades of primary schools in the Maribor area, and a scale of attitudes of 30 primary school teachers. Pupils believe that the school community is an assembly of pupil representatives elected at the beginning of the school year. They mostly evaluate the effectiveness of individual consultations and parent-teacher meetings as more effective, and written messages as moderately effective. Among the informal forms, pupils evaluate activity days as the most effective, and mostly agree that school-parent cooperation is a very important area of operation. Pupils also mostly agree that school-parent cooperation has a positive impact on pupils' attitudes towards school. Teachers mostly agree that they are more inclined towards formal forms of cooperation but are undecided about informal forms of cooperation. They completely agree that the success of cooperation with parents is related to pedagogical knowledge and expertise and that communication skills are important in cooperation with parents. They mostly agree that school-community cooperation is necessary to create a more unified socialization space for pupils.
Keywords:collaboration, school, pupils, teachers, parents, hometown


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