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Title:Izvedba naravoslovnih aktivnosti na gozdni učni poti Mrtvice reke Mure za 4. in 5. razred osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Jelen, Lara (Author)
ID Fošnarič, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Jelen_Lara_2024.pdf (15,98 MB)
MD5: A97B2C6F6A09A865A99943FD24DF412D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Izkustveno učenje je pri naravoslovnih vsebinah smiselno, saj gre za učenje v neposrednem okolju, učenci pa si najbolj zapomnijo tisto, kar naredijo sami. Da bo pouk izven učilnice uspešen, se je potrebno nanj pripraviti in ga načrtovati. V magistrski nalogi smo najprej preverili predznanje učencev o poznavanju vsebin, ki so vezane na gozdno učno pot Mrtvice reke Mure. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil na podlagi rezultatov testa oblikovati aktivnosti za to določeno učno pot, s katerimi učenci pridobijo znanje in jih lahko učitelji uporabijo pri izvedbi naravoslovnega dne ali pouka izven učilnice v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole. Test predznanja smo opravili v 4. in 5. razredu na OŠ Veržej, kjer je skupen vzorec sestavljalo 24 učencev, in sicer 15 učencev v 4. razredu in 9 učencev v 5. razredu. Podatke smo analizirali in interpretirali s pomočjo računalniških programov Excel in Jamovi. Ugotovili smo, da učencem primanjkuje osnovnega znanja na področju vode v naravi in rastlinah, onesnaževanja, najpogostejših rastlinskih in živalskih vrst na tem območju, delovanja prehranjevalnih verig in sestave prsti. Iz tega smo oblikovali aktivnosti za dotično učno pot in pripadajoče delovne liste s pomočjo spletnega programa Canva. Gozdna učna pot že v osnovi sestoji iz štirih postaj, ki smo jih nadgradili z oblikovanimi aktivnostmi. Za praktično izvedbo smo zbrali 10 učencev 4. razreda, ki so bili pripravljeni sodelovati. Z njimi smo se sprehodili po gozdni učni poti, ob tem pa so učenci izvajali aktivnosti. Ob koncu smo z učenci izvedli kratke intervjuje z namenom preveriti pridobljeno znanje. Na podlagi dobljenih odgovorov smo oblikovali zaključek, da so aktivnosti doprinesle k učinkovitejšemu usvajanju učnih vsebin. 
Keywords:izkustveno učenje, učenje izven učilnice, gozdna učna pot, naravoslovne aktivnosti, 4. in 5. razred osnovne šole
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Jelen]
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIV, 220 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87134 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:191022339 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.04.2024
JELEN, Lara, 2023, Izvedba naravoslovnih aktivnosti na gozdni učni poti Mrtvice reke Mure za 4. in 5. razred osnovne šole : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : L. Jelen. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=87134
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:21.02.2024

Secondary language

Title:Implementation of science activities on an educational path 'Oxbow lakes of the Mura river' for grades four and five of primary school
Abstract:Experiential learning for science contents makes sense, because it means learning in a direct environment and pupils learn more of what they do, make or perform themselves. For the lessons that take place outside the classroom to be efficient, we have to be prepared for it and plan it well. In the postgraduate study paper we have first checked the pupils’ prior knowledge about the content related to the educational path ‘Oxbow lakes of the Mura River’. The main aim of the paper was to come up with activities for this educational path that teachers can use and pupils can learn by at the natural science day for grades four and five of primary school, based on the test results. We have done the test in grades four and five at Primary School Veržej with the base pool of pupils consisting of 24 pupils, that is 15 pupils of grade four and 9 pupils of grade five. We have analysed the data and interpreted it with the help of computer software like Excel and Jamovi. We have found out that pupils lack the basic knowledge about water in nature and plants, about the environment, the most common plants and animals in the area, about food chain effects and soil structure. For the aforementioned educational path, we have designed the activities and accompanying worksheets using a web platform Canva. The forest educational path consists of four parts which we have upgraded with our activities. We have chosen 10 pupils of grade four who were prepared to take part in the practical execution. We walked the path with them and the pupils executed the activities along the way. At the end we have done short interviews with the pupils with the aim of checking their acquired knowledge. We have formed the conclusive part of the thesis with the help of their answers. The conclusion is that the activities greatly contributed to more effective learning of the teaching contents.
Keywords:experiential learning, learning outside of the classroom, educational path, natural science activities, grades four and five of primary school


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