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Title:Podporne intervencije družinskih članov pacienta s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
Authors:ID Škrlec, Matija (Author)
ID Vrbnjak, Dominika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gosak, Lucija (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Skrlec_Matija_2024.pdf (1,34 MB)
MD5: 7992D79AD02CAD72170C2DAAE14D1376
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Parkinsonova bolezen je neozdravljiva, nevrodegenerativna bolezen, ki ima zelo raznoliko klinično sliko. Posledica bolezni je okrnjena fizična in kognitivna funkcija pacientov, kar zahteva veliko pomoči tudi od družinskih članov svojcev s Parkinsonovo boleznijo. Namen zaključnega dela je bil raziskati, katere intervencije se izvajajo za podporo družinskim članom pacienta s Parkinsonovo boleznijo. Metode: Pri pisanju smo uporabili opisno ali deskriptivno metodo dela. Raziskave so bile pridobljene iz podatkovnih baz CINAHL, PubMed, Cochrane Library in ScienceDirect. Uporabili smo metodi analize ter sinteze. Raziskave smo razvrstili na ravni, glede na izbrano hierarhijo dokazov. Rezultati: V končno analizo je bilo vključenih šest raziskav, ki so bile narativni pregled literature (n = 2), kvalitativne (n = 2), kvantitativne (n = 2), ali raziskave mešanih metod (n = 1). Družinskim članom so najpogosteje nudene intervencije izobraževanja, za sprejemanje vloge skrbnika, nudenje oziroma svetovanje duhovne oziroma duhovniške podpore v okviru paliativne oskrbe, ter socialna podpora oziroma izmenjava izkušenj med družinskimi člani v okviru psihoizobraževalnega programa. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da obstajajo koristne intervencije, kot so izobraževalni programi za družinske člane, vendar pa ne obstaja veliko raziskav, ki bi točno opredelile, kako bi naj bila izobraževanja strukturirana.
Keywords:Parkinsonova bolezen, družinski člani, podporne intervencije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Škrlec]
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87110 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:193231363 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.04.2024
ŠKRLEC, Matija, 2024, Podporne intervencije družinskih članov pacienta s Parkinsonovo boleznijo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Škrlec. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=87110
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Secondary language

Title:Support interventions of family members for patients with Parkinson´s disease
Abstract:Introduction: Parkinson's disease is an incurable, neurodegenerative disease with a very diverse clinical picture. The disease results in impaired physical and cognitive function, which requires a lot of help from family members who are connected to the Parkinson's patient. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which interventions are implemented to support the family members of the patient with Parkinson's disease. Methods: We will use the descriptive or descriptive method of writing. Research was retrieved from CINAHL, PubMed, Cochrane Library and ScienceDirect databases. We also used the analysis method and the synthesis method to link the findings. We classified the research into levels according to the chosen hierarchy of evidence. Results: The 6 studies included in the final analysis were narrative literature reviews (n = 2), qualitative (n = 2), quantitative (n = 2), or mixed methods research (n = 1). We identified interventions that can be offered to family members, most commonly education and thus acceptance of the role of caregiver, spiritual support or counselling in the context of palliative care, and social support or sharing of experiences between family members in the context of a psychoeducational programme. Discussion and conclusion: The results suggest that there are useful interventions, such as educational or training programmes for family members, but there is not much research that defines exactly how these training courses should be structured.
Keywords:Parkinson's disease, family members, support interventions


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