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Title:Zoofilija kot vrsta mučenja živali : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Vidič, Izabel (Author)
ID Eman, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 6D849C570DF07CB8BBEE858FF78A505C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ljudje že od nekdaj v svoja življenja vključujemo živali iz različnih razlogov: za delo, družbo, zabavo itd. Iz teh medsebojnih odnosov so se razvila tudi škodljiva dejanja, ki jih počnemo do živali. Skozi leta se je izoblikovalo več pravilnikov in zakonov, ki so urejali in še danes urejajo odnos do živali in slednje ščitijo. Vendar pa vseeno najdemo pomanjkljivosti in do mučenja živali še vedno prihaja. Za to problematiko se zavzema več društev, ki nanjo opozarjajo in nagovarjajo ljudi, naj v primeru mučenja živali pravilno ukrepajo. V diplomskem delu smo se posvetili zoofiliji kot vrsti mučenja živali, saj je to tabu tema povsod po svetu. Pojavlja se v vseh okoljih, kjer živali pridejo v stik s človekom. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali izvor dejanja, ki sega že v prazgodovino, njegovo udejanjanje pa se pojavlja še danes. Zoofilija je parafilija in se pojavlja v več oblikah, težko jo je odkrivati, prinaša pa tudi različna zdravstvena tveganja za ljudi. Zoofilija nekaterim prinaša tudi visoke vsote denarja zaradi razpoložljivosti živali zoofilom v raznih bordelih in vključevanja v pornografiji. V študiji smo opravili intervjuje s predstavniki društev za zaščito živali. V ospredje smo postavili njihove izkušnje ter njihov pogled na zoofilijo in mnenje o njej. Ugotovili smo, da je zoofilija precej skrivnostna tema, ki se je v vsakdanjem življenju zaveda malo ljudi. Tako laiki kot delavci v zavodih in društvih za zaščito živali z zoofilijo nimajo veliko izkušenj, zato je pomembno, da opozorimo nanjo in jih ozavestimo o njej. Ravno tako kot ostale vrste mučenja živali mora biti zoofilija videna, prijavljena in sankcionirana. Poleg omenjenih rešitev bi se moralo tudi zoofile psihološko obravnavati in jih poskušati »ozdraviti« te parafilne motnje.
Keywords:zoofilija, mučenje živali, spolna zloraba, zaščita živali, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:I. Vidič
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:VII f., [51] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86148-e4147e27-8285-20c4-b816-a707de7b3247 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:170593027 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.11.2023
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Licensing start date:13.10.2023

Secondary language

Title:Zoofilia as form of animal cruelty
Abstract:Humans have always included animals in our lives for a variety of reasons, such as work, companionship, entertainment, etc. These interactions have also given rise to the harmful actions we do to animals. Over the years, several rules and laws have been developed which have regulated and continue to regulate the treatment and protection of animals. However, there are still shortcomings and animal torture still occur. Several associations are working to raise awareness of this issue and to urge people to take the right action in the event of animal torture. In this thesis, we have focused on zoophilia as a type of animal torture, as it is a taboo subject all over the world. It occurs in all environments where animals meet humans. In the theoretical part, we have described the origins of the act, which dates to prehistoric times, and its practice still occurs today. Zoophilia is a paraphilia that takes many forms, is difficult to detect and carries various health risks for humans. Zoophilia also generates large sums of money for some, due to the availability of animals to zoophiles in various brothels and their involvement in pornography. The empirical part of this thesis includes interviews with representatives of four different animal protection associations. We focused on their experiences and their views and opinions on zoophilia. We found that zoophilia is a rather mysterious topic that few people are aware of in their daily lives. Both lay people and workers in animal protection institutions and associations do not have much experience with zoophilia, so it is important to raise awareness of this topic. Just like other types of animal torture, zoophilia must be seen, reported and sanctioned. In addition to these solutions, zoophiles should also be psychologically treated and tried to be "cured" of this paraphilic disorder.
Keywords:zoophilia, animal cruelty, sexual violence, animal protection


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