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Title:Izdelava igrač v vrtcu z otroki, starimi od 4 do 6 let : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Ravnikar, Tjaša (Author)
ID Hmelak, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Ravnikar_Tjasa_2023.pdf (1,12 MB)
MD5: D2A46C5482935E312597E97A0928BBF4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Izdelava igrač v vrtcu z otroki starimi od 4 do 6 let je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega, empiričnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavljamo splošne razvojne značilnosti predšolski otrok, nato pa opredelimo še pojem igrače in samo klasifikacijo igrač. Poseben poudarek je na igračah, ki pri otrocih spodbujajo ustvarjalnost. Sledi pa še opredelitev projektnega dela in vloga otroka ter vzgojitelja pri projektnem delu v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu smo opredelili namen diplomske naloge oz. projekta, ki smo ga v okviru naloge tudi izvedli, pri tem smo si postavili nekaj raziskovalnih vprašanj in hipotez. V praktičnem delu smo predstavili izvedbo projekta »Naredimo svojo igračo«, ki je trajal pet dni, in sicer od ponedeljka do petka. Namen projektnega dela je bil, da otroci čim bolj samostojno izdelajo igračo. Glede na predhodno opazovanje otrok pri igri, smo se odločili za izdelavo konstrukcijskih kock, saj se otroci z njimi najraje igrajo. V praktičnem delu smo opisali celoten projekt in njegovo evalvacijo. Skozi diplomsko delo smo ugotovili, da so otroci, stari od 4 do 6 let, zmožni v veliki meri sami izdelati zastavljeno igračo oz. konstrukcijske kocke. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da po izdelani igrači sežejo tudi med prosto igro, pri kateri pa v veliki meri prevladuje individualna igra z omenjeno igračo. Zastavljeni projekt je bil uspešen, saj so bili zastavljeni cilji doseženi, prav tako pa je imel na otroke pozitiven učinek, saj so v zastavljenih dejavnostih otroci neizmerno uživali, kar je bilo mogoče razbrati iz končne evalvacije zastavljenega projekta.
Keywords:predšolski otrok, razvoj otroka, igrača, izdelava igrač, projektno delo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Ravnikar]
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VII, 53 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85949 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:171638275 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.11.2023
RAVNIKAR, Tjaša, 2023, Izdelava igrač v vrtcu z otroki, starimi od 4 do 6 let : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Ravnikar. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=85949
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Secondary language

Title:Toy making in nursery school with children aged between 4 and 6
Abstract:The diploma thesis entitled Toy making in nursery school with children aged between 4 and 6 is comprised of theoretical, empirical, and practical work. In the theoretical part, we first presented the general developmental characteristics of preschool children. We then defined the concept of a toy and the classification of toys itself. We also focused on toys that encourage creativity in children. This is followed by a definition of the concept of project work and the role of the child and the nursery schoolteacher in project work in nursery school. In the empirical part, we defined the purpose of the thesis or the project, which was carried out as a part of it. In doing so, some research questions and hypotheses were posed. In the practical part, the five-day project "Make your own toy" was carried out which lasted five days, from Monday to Friday. Its purpose was for the children to make a toy as independently as possible. Based on the previous observation of children at play, we decided to make construction blocks as children prefer playing with them. In the practical part we described not only the entire project but also its evaluation. In the process of our research we found that children aged 4 to 6 years are mostly able to make the assigned toy or construction blocks. It was found that they reach for the created toy even during free play, which is largely dominated by individual play with the mentioned toy. The project was evaluated as successful as the set goals had been achieved. It also had a positive effect on the children, as they immensely enjoyed the assigned activities, which could be concluded from the final evaluation of the project.
Keywords:preschool child, child development, toy, toy making, project work


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