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Title:Etažna lastnina in povezane nepremičnine : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Halvadžić, Belmina (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Halvadzic_Belmina_2023.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: A39B0C3407D63806C5E22986827AC613
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Samostojna pravica je pravica, ki obstaja oziroma nastane, se prenaša, v kolikor je prenosljiva, in preneha neodvisno od nastanka, obstoja, prenosa ali prenehanja druge pravice. Samostojnost pravice je tipična značilnost pravice in glede na splošno pravilo je vsaka pravica samostojna. Nesamostojnost (akcesornost) pravice je izjema od splošnega pravila o samostojnosti pravice, zato mora biti ta značilnost pravice jasno opredeljena. Naša pravna ureditev, kljub predlogu pravnih strokovnjakov za dopolnitev 37. člena SPZ z novelo SPZ-B, zaenkrat ne vsebuje splošnega pravila, v katerem bi bile značilnosti nesamostojne (vključene) lastninske pravice posebej opredeljene. So pa bile z navedeno novelo spremenjene in dopolnjene določbe, ki se nanašajo na etažno lastnino, prav tako je bil uveden institut povezanih nepremičnin. V zvezi z etažno lastnino je bila dopolnjena ureditev njenega nastanka, pri čemer lahko izpostavimo predvsem dodatna pravila glede prehoda izvedenih stvarnih pravic z nepremičnine na posamezne dele v etažni lastnini v poslu ustanovitve etažne lastnine. Hipoteka, ki bremeni celotno nepremičnino, ki se razdeli na etažno lastnino, namreč preide na vse posamezne dele v etažni lastnini. Vsekakor pa se lahko določi tudi drugačen (omejen) prenos hipoteke na posamezne dele zgradbe v etažni lastnini, s tem da takšen omejen prenos hipoteke samo na nekatere posamezne dele zgradbe v etažni lastnini posega v položaj hipotekarnega upnika, zato je bistven pogoj za veljavnost takšnega omejenega prenosa njegovo soglasje. Po drugi strani pa se hipoteka, ki bremeni solastniški delež zemljiške parcele, ki je pravni temelj oblikovanja etažne lastnine, prenese samo na tiste posamezne dele, ki glede na delitev solastnine pripadajo solastniku s hipoteko obremenjenega solastniškega deleža. Glede pravne ureditve povezanih nepremičnin je treba poudariti, da je bila deležna številnih negativnih kritik. Po mnenju nekaterih teoretikov najbolj izstopa precej nenavaden četrti odstavek 127.b člena SPZ, ki omejuje nastanek povezanih nepremičnin, če na glavni ali pomožni nepremičnini obstaja zakonita predkupna ali odkupna pravica oziroma prepoved obremenitve ali odtujitve različnih upravičencev. Navedeno določilo daje obligacijskim pravicam neupravičeno velik pomen, ovira oblikovanje povezanih nepremičnin v praksi, prav tako pa ni jasna povezava s predkupno pravico, saj oblikovanje povezanih nepremičnin ne predstavlja prodaje nepremičnin. Za razliko od etažne lastnine, na področju povezanih nepremičnin, zaenkrat ni (objavljene) sodne prakse, prav tako gre za primerjalnopravno posebnost, tako da jih ni mogoče primerjati z tujimi ureditvami.
Keywords:samostojna lastninska pravica, vključena lastninska pravica, etažna lastnina, posamezni del stavbe, skupni del stavbe, povezane nepremičnine, glavna nepremičnina, pomožna nepremičnina, SPZ-B, zemljiška knjiga
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:B. Halvadžić
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (80 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85926 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:168892163 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Commonhold and connected real estate
Abstract:An independent right is a right that exists or occurs, is transferred if it is transferable, and is terminated independently of the occurrence, existence, transfer or termination of another right. The independence of a right is a typical characteristic of rights – and as a general rule, any right is independent. Non-independence (accession) of rights is an exception to the general rule of independence of rights, so this characteristic of rights must be clearly defined. Our legal regulation, despite the proposal of legal experts to supplement Article 37 of the Law of Property Code (SPZ) with the SPZ-B amendment, does not yet contain any general rule in which the characteristics of non-independent (included) property rights would be particularly defined. However, the amendment brought changes and additions to provisions relating to commonhold; furthermore, an institute of connected real estate was established. Regarding commonhold, the regulation of its occurrence was supplemented, and we can point out additional rules regarding the transition of property rights of real estate to individual parts in commonhold in the process of establishing commonhold. A mortgage that burdens an entire property, which is divided into commonhold, passes onto all the individual parts in commonhold. However, it is certainly also possible to establish a different (limited) transfer of a mortgage to individual parts of a building in commonhold ownership. Nevertheless, such limited mortgage transmission to only certain individual parts of a building in commonhold ownership interferes with the position of the mortgage creditor, so his consent is the essential condition for the validity of such a limited transfer. On the other hand, a mortgage that burdens a part of a land plot, which is the legal basis of the formation of a commonhold, is only transferred to those individual parts that belong to commonhold owners with mortgage, according to the commonhold ownership part. Regarding the legal regulation of connected real estate, it should be pointed out that it has received much negative criticism. According to the opinion of certain theorists, the most unusual clause is the fourth paragraph of Article 127b, which limits the formation of connected real estate, if there is any lawful pre-emptive right or purchase right, or any prohibition of burdening or alienation of different beneficiaries on the main or auxiliary real estate. This specific provision gives obligational rights unjustifiably great importance, blocking the formation of connected real estate in practice, and there is also no clear connection to pre-emptive rights, as the formation of connected real estate does not represent the sale of real estate. Unlike commonhold, in the field of connected real estate, there is no (published) case law yet: it is another special arrangement in comparative law, so it cannot be compared to foreign regulations.
Keywords:independent property rights, included property rights, commonhold, individual parts of a building, joint parts of the building, connected real estate, main real estate, auxiliary real estate, SPZ-B, land register


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