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Title:Nasilje odraslih otrok nad starši: odkrivanje, preiskovanje in dokazovanje : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Klun, Monika (Author)
ID Frangež, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bučar-Ručman, Aleš (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Klun_Monika_2023.pdf (2,79 MB)
MD5: D2D9A7093B40FDE35E3ADB1DB7458C35
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Nasilje v družini je družbeni problem, ki je kljub večji družbeni senzibilnosti še vedno prisoten. Pomemben del področja nasilja v družini predstavlja nasilje odraslih otrok nad starši, ki ga spremljajo številni miti in stereotipi. Žrtve doživljajo občutke sramu, strahu, krivde in druge občutke duševne stiske ob dejstvu, da nad njimi izvaja nasilje njihov otrok. Miti in stereotipi, skupaj z doživljanjem tovrstnih občutkov vplivajo na odkrivanje, preiskovanje in dokazovanje tovrstnih primerov. V pričujoči doktorski disertaciji predstavljamo raziskavo o kriminalističnih vidikih odkrivanja, preiskovanja in dokazovanja nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši v Sloveniji. Raziskavo smo izvedli z uporabo dveh kvalitativnih metod. V prvem delu smo analizirali 46 policijskih, tožilskih in sodinih spisov iz obdobja 2010–2013, v drugem delu pa smo izvedli fokusni skupini s strokovnjaki na področju zdravstva in socialnega dela ter strokovnjaki iz področja kazenskega pravosodja. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da je premoženjski motiv le eden izmed motivov za izvrševanje nasilja nad starši, pri čemer brezposelnost, težave pri iskanju zaposlitve in finančne težave niso edina značilnost storilcev. Nasilje namreč izvajajo tako otroci s finančnimi težavami kot otroci brez tovrstnih težav. Otroci s finančnimi težavami so bolj fizično nasilni, od staršev pričakujejo finančno podporo, otroci brez finančnih težav pa starše zanemarjajo ali jih izsiljujejo glede premoženja, ki bi ga lahko dobili po njihovi smrti. Ugotovili smo, da nasilje odraslih otrok nad starši ne izhaja iz konfliktov, ki se pojavljajo ob skupnem bivanju. Konflikti se dogajajo v vseh družinah in življenje ob sobivanju lahko ustvarja konflikte, ki v nekaterih primerih prerastejo v nasilje. Konflikti so lahko povod za nasilje, niso pa edini vzrok nasilja. Ugotovili smo, da fizični znaki nasilja niso najpogosteje opaženo znaki fizičnega nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši, temveč so najpogosteje prisotni psihološki znaki. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da se ogledi krajev kaznivih dejanj v primerih fizičnega nasilja opravljajo redko (17, 5 %). Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da so v vseh kazenskih zadevah, ki so se končale z obsodilno sodbo in izrečeno kaznijo zapora, kazenske ovadbe temeljile na materialnih dokazih. V 75 % kazenskih zadev, v katerih je bila izrečena pogojna obsodba so kazenske ovadbe temeljile na materialnih dokazih. V Sloveniji problematika nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši ni raziskana, v tujih raziskavah so obravnavani njeni sociološki, psihološki in psihiatrični vidiki. Nekaj je tudi raziskav, ki preučujejo družbena stališča do tega pojava. Raziskava o kriminalističnih vidikih odkrivanja preiskovanja in dokazovanje še ni bila izvedena, zato je v pričujoči doktorski disertaciji prva, ki tematiko obravnava iz tovrstnih vidikov.
Keywords:nasilje nad starejšimi, nasilje odraslih otrok nad starši, odkrivanje, preiskovanje, dokazovanje
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Klun
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:XV, [323] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85741 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:176369411 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Violence towards parents by adult children : detection, investigation and evidence collection
Abstract:Domestic violence is a social problem that is still present despite greater social sensitivity. An important part of the field of domestic violence is the violence against parents by adult children, which is accompanied by many myths and stereotypes. Victims experience feelings of shame, fear, guilt, and other feelings of mental distress at the fact that their child is perpetrating violence against them. Myths and stereotypes, together with the experience of such feelings, influence the detection, investigation, and proving of such cases. In the doctoral dissertation, we present research on criminal aspects of detection, investigation, and evidence collections of violence by adult children against their parents in Slovenia. The study was conducted using two qualitative methods. In the first part, we analyzed 46 police, prosecutors, and court files from 2010–2013. In the second part, we conducted focus groups with experts in health and social work and experts in criminal justice. In research, we found that the property motive is only one of the motives for perpetrating violence against parents. In contrast, unemployment, difficulties in finding employment, and financial problems are not the only characteristics of the perpetrators. Violence is committed by both children with financial problems and children without such problems. Children with financial problems are more physically violent and expect financial support from their parents. In contrast, children without financial problems neglect or blackmail their parents about the property they could get after their death. We found that adult children's violence against their parents does not arise from conflicts when they live together. Conflicts occur in all families; living together can create conflicts that sometimes turn into violence. Conflicts can be the cause of violence, but they are not the only cause of violence. We found that physical signs of violence are not the most frequently observed signs of physical violence by adult children against their parents but are the most frequently present psychological signs. We found that investigating the crime scene in cases of physical violence is rarely carried out (17.5%). The research findings show that the criminal charges were based on material evidence in all criminal cases that resulted in a conviction and prison sentence. In 75 % of cases where the suspended sentence was imposed, the criminal charges were based on material evidence. In Slovenia, the violence against parents by adult children has not been studied, but its sociological, psychological, and psychiatric aspects are discussed in foreign research. Some research examines social attitudes towards this phenomenon. Research on detection, criminal investigation and evidence collection has not yet been carried out, so the present doctoral dissertation is the first to deal with the topic from such aspects.
Keywords:elder abuse, violence against parents by adult children, detection, investigation, evidence collection


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