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Title:The importance of educational service quality for customer satisfaction and organizational reputation
Authors:ID Ramovš, Marjeta (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Author)
Files:URL https://journals.um.si/index.php/oe/article/view/2934
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:This paper aims to enhance the understanding of the concepts of service quality, customer satisfaction with service, and organizational reputation in the context of educational services. The conceptual framework for testing the relationship between the three constructs was developed and tested on a sample of 97 educational service users. The results showed no significant difference between perceived and expected service quality. However, a positive relationship was found between customer satisfaction and three subconstructs of perceived service quality. Also, a significant positive correlation between organizational reputation and three latent variables of perceived service quality and a positive relationship between satisfaction and organizational reputation.
Keywords:customer satisfaction, organizational reputation, service delivery, perceived service quality, educational service quality
Publication status:Published
Publication date:01.01.2023
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:str. 29-40
Numbering:Vol. 69, no. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85632 New window
ISSN on article:0547-3101
COBISS.SI-ID:159715331 New window
DOI:10.2478/ngoe-2023-0009 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.09.2023
RAMOVŠ, Marjeta and MILFELNER, Borut, 2023, The importance of educational service quality for customer satisfaction and organizational reputation. Naše gospodarstvo. revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja [online]. 2023. Vol. 69, no. 2, p. 29–40. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. DOI 10.2478/ngoe-2023-0009. Retrieved from: https://journals.um.si/index.php/oe/article/view/2934
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Title:Naše gospodarstvo. revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja
Shortened title:Naše gospod.
Publisher:Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Društvo ekonomistov Maribor, Ekonomski center Maribor
COBISS.SI-ID:751364 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Secondary language

Title:Pomen kakovosti izobraževalnih storitev za zadovoljstvo odjemalcev in ugled organizacije
Abstract:Namen članka je izboljšati razumevanje konceptov kakovosti storitev, zadovoljstva odjemalcev s storitvami in organizacijskega ugleda v kontekstu izobraževalnih storitev. Razvit je bil konceptualni okvir za preverjanje povezav med temi tremi konstrukti, ki je bil testiran na vzorcu 97 uporabnikov izobraževalnih storitev. Rezultati niso pokazali pomembne razlike med zaznano in pričakovano kakovostjo storitev. Ugotovljena pozitivna povezava med zadovoljstvom uporabnikov in tremi podkonstrukti zaznane kakovosti storitev. Prav tako je bila ugotovljena značilna pozitivna povezanost med organizacijskim ugledom in tremi latentnimi spremenljivkami zaznane kakovosti storitev ter pozitivna povezanost med zadovoljstvom odjemalcev in ugledom organizacije.
Keywords:zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, ugled organizacije, ugled organizacije, izvajanje storitev, zaznana kakovost storitev, kakovost izobraževalnih storitev


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