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Title:Ravnanje s starejšimi zaposlenimi v podjetju elipsa d. o. o.
Authors:ID Pantović, Jelisaveta (Author)
ID Balantič, Zvonko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Pantovic_Jelisaveta_2023.pdf (2,38 MB)
MD5: 10863F59F98BC402A6770E592F6BD8C9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Živimo v času pomembnih družbenih sprememb, ki jih povzročajo različni dejavniki, med drugim tudi staranje prebivalstva. Proces staranja vpliva na odnose med generacijami, zato je pomembno, da se podjetja pripravijo na starajočo se delovno silo tako danes kot v prihodnosti. To vključuje spodbujanje komunikacije in sodelovanja med različnimi starostnimi skupinami. Zaposleni so srce vsakega podjetja in bistveno je, da jih obravnavamo dobro ter da zagotovimo ustrezne pogoje, ki vplivajo na njihovo motivacijo in zavezanost podjetju. V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali upravljanje s starejšimi zaposlenimi v podjetju Elipsa d. o. o. S pomočjo ankete, ki smo jo izvedli v podjetju, smo zbrali dragocene informacije, ki smo jih nato analizirali in grafično prikazali. Anketirani so odgovarjali na različne vrste vprašanj, odgovori pa so nam omogočili temeljito analizo položaja starejših zaposlenih. V prvem delu ankete smo zbrali demografske informacije, ki so nam dali vpogled v raznolikost zaposlenih v podjetju. V drugem delu smo pridobili informacije o tem, kako podjetje skrbi za zdravje in dobro počutje zaposlenih na njihovih delovnih mestih. Tretji del ankete nam je razkril, ali so delovna mesta prilagojena potrebam starejših zaposlenih, ali imajo enake možnosti kot njihovi mlajši kolegi in ali se od njih zahteva opravljanje nadur. V zadnjem, četrtem delu smo raziskali, do katere mere podjetje vlaga v izobraževanje svojih zaposlenih, ali sodelujejo v medgeneracijskih timih in ali med mlajšimi in starejšimi zaposlenimi obstaja koncept obratnega mentorstva. Naš osnoven namen je bil preveriti, ali podjetje dela na prilagoditvi delovnih mest za starejše zaposlene. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali se izvajajo vse potrebne akcije za zagotavljanje optimalnih delovnih pogojev starejšim delavcem. Poleg tega smo želeli prepoznati morebitno povezavo med neustreznimi delovnimi pogoji in pomanjkanjem delovne sile, zlasti v sektorju modne konfekcije. Prišli smo do zaključka, da prilagoditev delovnega okolja glede na potrebe starejših zaposlenih ne vodi le k boljšemu počutju in zadovoljstvu med zaposlenimi te starostne skupine, temveč tudi k zmanjšanju števila bolniških odsotnosti in večji delovni produktivnosti. Ob upoštevanju te ugotovitve postane jasno, da je za podjetje ključnega pomena, da razvije in implementira strategije, ki so usmerjene k optimalnemu upravljanju z delovno silo starejše generacije. To ne pomeni le ustvarjanja ergonomskih in prilagodljivih delovnih mest, temveč tudi vlaganje v njihovo stalno izobraževanje, priznavanje njihove vrednosti in izkušenj ter spodbujanje medgeneracijskega sodelovanja. Le tako lahko podjetje izkoristi vse potenciale, ki jih starejši zaposleni prinašajo, in zagotovi dolgoročno uspešnost.
Keywords:medgeneracijsko sodelovanje, ravnanje s starejšimi zaposlenimi, staranje zaposlenih
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85488 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:169296643 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.10.2023
PANTOVIĆ, Jelisaveta, 2023, Ravnanje s starejšimi zaposlenimi v podjetju elipsa d. o. o. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Kranj. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=85488
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Secondary language

Title:Managining older employees at elipsa d. o. o.
Abstract:We live in a time of significant societal changes caused by various factors, including population aging. This aging process influences intergenerational relationships, making it vital for companies to prepare for an aging workforce both now and in the future. This preparation includes promoting communication and collaboration among different age groups. Employees are at the heart of every company, and it's crucial to treat them well, providing the appropriate conditions that influence their motivation and commitment to the company. In our research paper, we examined the management of older employees in the company Elipsa Ltd. Through a survey conducted within the company, we gathered valuable information which we subsequently analyzed and graphically presented. Respondents answered various questions enabling a thorough analysis of the position of older employees. In the first part of the survey, we collected demographic data, providing insight into the diversity of the company's employees. The second part gave us information about how the company cares for the health and well-being of its employees at their workplaces. The third part revealed whether job positions are tailored to the needs of older employees, whether they have the same opportunities as their younger colleagues, and whether they are required to work overtime. In the last, fourth part, we explored to what extent the company invests in its employees' education, if they participate in intergenerational teams, and whether there exists a concept of reverse mentoring between younger and older employees. Our primary goal was to ascertain if the company is working on adjusting jobs for older employees. We wanted to find out if all necessary actions are being taken to ensure optimal working conditions for older workers. Moreover, we aimed to identify a potential link between inadequate working conditions and labor shortages, especially in the fashion apparel sector. We concluded that adjusting the working environment to the needs of older employees not only leads to better well-being and satisfaction among this age group but also to fewer sick leaves and higher work productivity. Given this finding, it becomes evident that it's of paramount importance for a company to develop and implement strategies aimed at optimally managing the older generation workforce. This doesn't merely mean creating ergonomic and adaptable workplaces, but also investing in their continuous education, recognizing their value and experience, and fostering intergenerational collaboration. Only in this way can a company leverage all the potentials that older employees bring and ensure long-term success.
Keywords:intergenerational collaboration, managing older employees, aging workforce


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