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Title:Zdravstvena pismenost in kakovost življenja bolnikov s kronično ledvično boleznijo
Authors:ID Medlobi, Klavdija (Author)
ID Vrbnjak, Dominika (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kaiser Kupnik, Zvezdana (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Medlobi_Klavdija_2023.pdf (1,06 MB)
MD5: 29E63C851F9C0A91FCDA66039F33624A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Zdravstvena pismenost pomembno vpliva na sposobnost posameznika pri oskrbi svojega zdravja. Z zdravjem povezana kakovost življenja je bistveno povezana z nivojem zdravstvene pismenosti. V zaključnem delu smo želeli ugotoviti povezavo med zdravstveno pismenostjo in kakovostjo življenja bolnikov s kronično ledvično boleznijo. Metode: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Literaturo smo sistematično pregledali v mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect in Web of Science ter pri tem upoštevali priporočila PRISMA. Z orodji JBI smo izvedli kritično oceno vključenih raziskav in ocenili moč dokazov po hierarhiji ter izvedli vsebinsko analizo. Rezultati: V končno analizo smo vključili 14 člankov. Ocenili smo pet sistematičnih pregledov in devet opazovalnih raziskav. Z vsebinsko analizo smo določili glavno kategorijo, ki se glasi ''Povezava zdravstvene pismenosti s kakovostjo življenja bolnikov s KLB'' in tri podkategorije: slaba zdravstvena pismenost, dobra zdravstvena pismenost in vpliv več dejavnikov na kakovost življenja. Ugotavljamo pomembno povezavo med zdravstveno pismenostjo in kakovostjo življenja bolnikov s kronično ledvično boleznijo. Diskusija in zaključek: Dobra zdravstvena pismenost zagotavlja boljše razumevanje zdravstvenih informacij, kar vpliva na odločitve pri izbiri zdravstvenih storitev in spodbuja aktivno sodelovanje pri upravljanju bolezni, kar prispeva k boljšemu nadzoru simptomov in povečuje možnosti transplantacije pri bolnikih s kronično ledvično boleznijo.
Keywords:zdravstvena pismenost, kronična ledvična bolezen, kakovost življenja, dializa, hemodializa
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Medlobi]
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85011 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:169729027 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.10.2023
MEDLOBI, Klavdija, 2023, Zdravstvena pismenost in kakovost življenja bolnikov s kronično ledvično boleznijo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Medlobi. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=85011
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Secondary language

Title:Health literacy and quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease
Abstract:Introduction: Health literacy has a significant impact on an individuals ability to take care of their health. Health–related quality of life is substantially related to the level of health literacy. In this dissertation, we wanted to determine the connection between health literacy and the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work. We systematically reviewed the literature in the international databases PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect and Web of Science, taking into account the recommendations of PRISMA. With JBI tools, we performed a critical evaluation of the included research and evaluated the strength of the evidence according to the hierarchy, and performed a content analysis. Results: We included 14 articles in the final analysis. We assessed five systematic reviews and nine observational studies. Through content analysis, we determined the main category: ''The connection between health literacy and the quality of life of patients with CKD'', and three subcategories: poor health literacy, good health literacy and the influence of several factors on the quality of life. We find a notable connection between health literacy and the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease. Discussion and conclusion: Good health literacy provides a better understanding of health information, which impacts decisions in the choice of health services and encourages active participation in disease management, which contributes to better control of symptoms and increases the chances of transplantation in patients with CKD.
Keywords:health literacy, chronic kidney disease, quality of life, dialysis, hemodialysis


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