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Title:Izboljšanje poslovnih procesov v podjetju Deportivo d.o.o.
Authors:ID Ančevski, Manja (Author)
ID Nedelko, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: D6F3903A0994ADDC862C5568213DBAC4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Procesi se odvijajo na vsakem koraku življenja. Čeprav jih v vsakdanjem življenju ne definiramo tako pogosto, je za organizacije bistvenega pomena, da te jasno opredelijo njihove poslovne procese. Z naraščajočo mednarodno konkurenco se organizacije danes spopadajo z izzivi za svoj obstoj. Z namenom preživetja v konkurenčnem mednarodnem okolju se veliko organizacij odloča za prenovo svojih poslovnih procesov, kar pa povzroči še druge organizacijske spremembe. V diplomskem delu smo najprej opredelili poslovne procese, management poslovnih procesov in organizacijsko strukturo podjetij, pri čemer smo podrobneje obravnavali funkcijsko in procesno organizacijsko strukturo. V nadaljevanju smo opredelili prenovo poslovnih procesov ter sistematizacijo delovnih mest. V aplikativnem delu smo opisali in analizirali poslovne procese, organizacijsko strukturo in delovna mesta v podjetju Deportivo, d. o. o. Prišli smo do spoznanja, da je treba poslovne procese izboljšati, saj so ti trenutno neoptimalni in zaradi njih prihaja do težav. V nadaljevanju smo podali ter analizirali predloge izboljšav za obravnavano podjetje ter ocenili učinke predlaganih sprememb. Ugotovili smo, da bi spremembe v organizacijski strukturi in izboljšanje poslovnih procesov pozitivno vplivali na delovanje in poslovanje podjetja. Prišli smo do spoznanja, da prenova poslovnih procesov ni enkraten projekt, vendar da je treba procese posodabljati in prenavljati skozi celoten življenjski cikel podjetja. Prenova poslovnih procesov velikokrat privede tudi do organizacijskih sprememb. Za lažji potek dela po prenovi imajo podjetja idealno priložnost, da posodobijo ali na novo napišejo sistematizacijo delovnih mest.
Keywords:poslovni procesi, prenova, organizacijska struktura, sistematizacija delovnih mest.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:M. Ančevski
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84989 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:167498499 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.10.2023
ANČEVSKI, Manja, 2023, Izboljšanje poslovnih procesov v podjetju Deportivo d.o.o. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Ančevski. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84989
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Secondary language

Title:Improvement of business processes in the company Deportivo d.o.o.
Abstract:Proceses unfold at every step of life. Although they might not be defined as frequnetly in everyday life, it is crucial for organizations to clearly define their business processes. With the increasnig international competition, organizations nowdays face challenges for the survival. With the aim of thriving in this competitive international environment, many organizations are choosing for renovating their business procesess, often leading to organizational changes. In the thesis, we first defined business processes, business process management, and the organizational structures of companies, delving into functional and process-based organizational structures in more detail. In the applied part, we identified and analyzed the business processes, organizational structure, and job positions of the company Deportivo d.o.o.. We came to the realization that it is necessary to improve the business processes, as they are currently suboptimal and causing certain issues. Furthermore, we provided and analyzed improvement suggestions for the company, assessing the effects of the proposed changes. We found that changes in the organizational structure and improvements in the business processes would have a positive impact on the company's operation and performance. We came to the realization that business process reengineering is not a one-time project but rather a continuous process that needs to be updated and renewed throughout the entire lifecycle of the company. Business process reengineering often leads to organizational changes as well. To facilitate the smooth operation after the reengineering, companies have an ideal opportunity to update or create job position systematization.
Keywords:business process, renovation, organizational structure, job classification.


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