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Title:Izboljšanje sistema preprečevanja dopinga v slovenskem športu
Authors:ID Rizmal, Matija (Author)
ID Potočan, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 7FF8B3055AF3DA3303EC99CC2A2EA6E7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Predmet raziskovanja diplomskega dela je izboljšanje sistema preprečevanje dopinga v slovenskem športu. Z razvojem tekmovalnega športa se je povečala tudi uporaba dopinga, ki uničuje poštenost športa ter vedno bolj ogroža zdravje posameznikov. Posledica tega je razvoj številnih protidopinških organizacij, med katerimi ima osrednjo vlogo Svetovna protidopinška organizacija (WADA), katere glavna naloga je ozaveščanje in boj proti dopingu. V zadnjih desetletjih so bile razvite številne vrste dopinga, ki posamezniku pomagajo na različne načine izboljšati njegove zmogljivosti. Temu so sledila tudi prizadevanja za preprečevanje dopinga, predvsem razvoj in izboljšanje dopinških kontrol in testov. Žal se je doping razširil tudi v Sloveniji in mnogi slovenski športniki so že dokazano uživali doping. V Sloveniji med dopinškimi kršitelji najbolj prevladujejo kolesarji, atleti in nogometaši. Zato je bila leta 2003 v Sloveniji ustanovljena Slovenska protidopinška organizacija (SLOADO) kot krovna nacionalna agencija za odkrivanje in preprečevanje dopinga v športu. Kljub velikim prizadevanjem različnih organizacij za preprečevanje in kontrole te ne morejo odkriti in preprečiti uporab vseh možnih vrst dopinga v športu. V diplomskem delu bomo s pomočjo analize znanstvene literature in zastavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanj analizirali glavne probleme sistema preprečevanja dopinga v Sloveniji. Pri tem se bomo usmerili na obravnavo izvajanja naključnih in napovedanih doping testov, ki slovenskim športnikom in športnicam omogočajo ugotavljanje verjetnosti njihovega testiranja, izvajanje izobraževanja o dopingu ter izboljšanja izobraževanje o preprečevanju dopinga med športniki. Na koncu diplomskega dela bomo predstavili tudi možnosti izboljšanja sistema preprečevanja dopinga v slovenskem športu.
Keywords:Doping, doping kontrola, Slovenija, WADA, SLOADO, denar
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:M. Rizmal
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84915 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:167532035 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.10.2023
RIZMAL, Matija, 2023, Izboljšanje sistema preprečevanja dopinga v slovenskem športu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Rizmal. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84915
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:08.08.2023

Secondary language

Title:Improvement of the doping prevention system in slovenian sport
Abstract:The subject of the thesis research is the improvement of the doping prevention system in Slovenian sports. With the development of competitive sports, the use of doping has also increased, which destroys the fairness of sports and increasingly endangers the health of individuals. This has resulted in the development of many anti-doping organizations, among which the World Anti-Doping Organization (WADA) plays a central role, with the main task to raise awareness and fight against doping. In recent decades, many types of doping have been developed, which help the individual to improve his performance in various ways. This was followed by efforts to prevent doping, especially the development and improvement of doping controls and tests. Unfortunately, doping has also spread in Slovenia, and many Slovenian athletes have already tested positive for doping. In Slovenia, cyclists, athletes, and football players dominate among doping abusers. That is why the Slovenian Anti-Doping Organization (SLOADO) was founded in Slovenia in 2003 as the main national agency for the detection and prevention of doping in sports. Despite great efforts, controls cannot detect and prevent the use of all possible types of doping in sports. In my diploma work, I will analyze the main problems of the doping prevention system in Slovenia with the help of the analysis of scientific literature and research questions. The problems that I will analyze are the insufficient number of random and predicted doping tests, which gives Slovenian male and female athletes the opportunity to determine with great certainty the probability of their testing, insufficient education about it and poor awareness among athletes. At the end of my diploma work, I will also present the possibilities of improving the doping prevention system in Slovenian sports.
Keywords:Doping, doping control, Slovenia, WADA, SLOADO, money


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