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Title:Organizacija dela na daljavo na Direkciji RS za infrastrukturo
Authors:ID Košti, Kristian (Author)
ID Jereb, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kosti_Kristian_2023.pdf (1,14 MB)
MD5: AC4ACB4FBC218F91249348BE03D660E9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava temo organizacije dela na daljavo. S hitrim razvojem tehnologij in orodij delo na daljavo postaja izvedljivo za vedno več podjetij. Ta način dela prinaša veliko prednosti, pa tudi izzivov, s katerimi se morajo spoprijeti tako vodje kot ostali zaposleni. Dobra organizacija je temelj za uspešno izvajanje dela na daljavo. V teoretičnem delu smo opravili analizo že obstoječe literature o delu in vodenju na daljavo. Med drugim smo opisali, kako si organizirati delovni prostor in delovni dan, predstavili načine za lažje ločevanje med delom in zasebnim življenjem ter našteli prednosti in slabosti dela na daljavo. Predstavili smo tudi model vodenja na daljavo in opisali, kako biti dober vodja na daljavo. V empiričnem delu smo podrobneje preučili organizacijo dela na daljavo na Direkciji RS za infrastrukturo. Za raziskavo smo uporabili metodi spraševanja s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in intervjuja. Rezultati so pokazali, da zaposleni glavne prednosti dela na daljavo vidijo v prihranku časa pri vožnji, prilagodljivem delovnem času in nižjih stroških. Po drugi strani pa je ena glavnih slabosti pomanjkanje komunikacije in osebnega stika ter težko ločevanje med delom in zasebnim življenjem. Po večini se strinjajo, da delo na daljavo zahteva veliko mero samodiscipline in organiziranosti, sicer pa menijo, da bi lahko organizacijo dela na daljavo na Direkciji še izboljšali z bolj pozornim spremljanjem in prilagajanjem delovnih procesov. Menimo, da je organizacija dela na daljavo na Direkciji RS za infrastrukturo dobra, vendar pa še vedno obstaja prostor za določene izboljšave in prilagoditve, tako da se bo lahko delo na daljavo še naprej razvijalo v pravo smer.
Keywords:delo na daljavo, teledelo, vodenje, organizacija, tehnologija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84471 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:160621571 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.08.2023
KOŠTI, Kristian, 2023, Organizacija dela na daljavo na Direkciji RS za infrastrukturo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84471
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Secondary language

Title:Organisation of teleworking at the Infrastructure Directorate
Abstract:The thesis deals with the organization of telework, which is becoming increasingly feasible for many companies due to the rapid development of technology and tools. While remote work offers many benefits, it also presents some challenges that managers and employees must overcome. Proper organization is critical to the effective implementation of remote work. In the theoretical part, we analysed the existing literature on teleworking and remote leading. We explained methods for designing workspaces and schedules, work-life balance strategies, and presented a list of advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting. In addition, we presented the remote leadership model and discussed strategies for becoming an effective remote leader. In the empirical part, we conducted a detailed study of the organization of remote work organisation in the Infrastructure Directorate. The research was conducted using a combination of questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that employees mainly considered the saving of travel time, flexible working hours, and lower costs as the main benefits of telecommuting. On the other hand, employees cited the lack of communication and personal interaction, as well as difficulty in separating work and private life, as the main disadvantages of teleworking. Most employees agree that teleworking requires a high degree of self-discipline and organisation. They also believe that the organization of telework in the Directorate could be further improved by more attentive monitoring and adjustment of work processes. We believe that the organization of telework in the Infrastructure Directorate is generally efficient, but there is still room for improvement and adjustment to ensure that telework continues to develop in a positive direction.
Keywords:remote work, telework, leadership, organization, technology


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