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Title:Razvijanje digitalnih izdelkov
Authors:ID Toplichanski, Aleksandar (Author)
ID Pisnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Toplichanski_Aleksandar_2023.pdf (1,75 MB)
MD5: 0F9E0375720A02EBCBBAF9FF088DC8E3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Razvoj digitalnih izdelkov se nanaša na uporabniške izkušnje, ki temeljijo na programski opremi in jih delno ali v celoti izboljšujejo. Razvoj digitalnih izdelkov je obsežen proces, saj se od države do države razlikuje. Pomembo je, da ljudje narekujejo kakšne izdelke potrebuje trg. Za učinkovitejši vstop na trg obstajajo različne vrste digitalnih izdelkov, ki imajo svoje unikatne načine razvijanja. Primarna poslovna prednost razvoja digitalnih izdelkov je dobava izdelka, ki uporablja najnovejšo in najprimernejšo tehnologijo za povečanje uporabniške izkušnje. Druga prednost je razširljivost: ko se potrebe uporabnikov in razpoložljivost programske opreme razvija, lahko digitalni izdelki storijo enako – nenehno se izboljšujejo, da bi izpolnili naraščajoča pričakovanja uporabnikov (Cognizant, 2022). Pomembno je vedeti, kako se digitalni izdelki razvijajo, da lahko dobimo širšo sliko o tem, kako je sedanja družba bolj informirana in ve, kaj naroča. S pomočjo te raziskave bomo naredili podrobno analizo o tem, kako razviti digitalni izdelek od začetka – od ideje, pa vse do konca, ko poteka podpora in spremljanje uspeha. V diplomski nalogi je bila narejena širša analiza, da bi ugotovili, kako slovenska in globalna podjetja, kot na primer Pwc, Schneider, Google, Apple in T2, razvijajo digitalne produkte in kaj jih naredi pristne.
Keywords:Digitalni izdelki, digitalno okolje, razvijanje, proces.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:A. Toplichanski
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84434 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:162713859 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.08.2023
TOPLICHANSKI, Aleksandar, 2023, Razvijanje digitalnih izdelkov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Toplichanski. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84434
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:07.06.2023

Secondary language

Title:Development of digital products
Abstract:Digital product development refers to software-driven user experiences that partially or fully improve user experiences. The development of digital products is an extensive process, as it varies from country to country. The main thing is that people dictate what products the market needs. For a more effective market entry, there are different types of digital products that have their own unique ways of developing. The primary business benefit of digital product development is delivering a digital product that uses the latest and most appropriate technology to enhance user experience. Another advantage is scalability: as users' needs for software availability evolve, digital products can evolve steadily—continually improving to meet users' growing expectations (Cognizant, 2022). It is important to know how digital products are evolving so that we can get a bigger picture of how today's society is more informed and knows what it is ordering. Through this research, we will see a detailed analysis of how to develop a digital product from the beginning as an idea, all the way to the end, ongoing support and monitoring of success. In the thesis, a broader analysis was made to find out how Slovenian companies and global companies, such as Pwc, Schneider, Google, Apple and T2, develop digital products and what makes them authentic.
Keywords:Digital products, digital environment, development, process


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