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Title:Položaj toženca v arbitražnem postopku : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Velichkovska Jus, Ana (Author)
ID Rijavec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Velichkovska_Jus_Ana_2023.pdf (1,27 MB)
MD5: B046F9A0D5791271BD05A29CBE3832A1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Položaj tožene stranke v arbitražnem postopku je specifičen, odvisen od več dejavnikov in okoliščin. Da bi lahko govorili o položaju obtoženca, morajo najprej obstajati dejanja, okoliščine in dogodki, ki so skupaj pripomogli, da je ena od strank prišla v položaj obtoženca. Osnova arbitražnega postopka je arbitražni sporazum. Arbitražni sporazum je sklenjen, ko se stranki dogovorita, da bosta spore reševali s pomočjo arbitraže. Položaj tožene stranke v arbitražnem postopku je edinstven. Za razliko od položaja tožene stranke v tradicionalnem sodnem postopku je v arbitražnem postopku toženec vključen v izbor arbitrov, torej prispeva k procesu oblikovanja senata, pa tudi k trajanju postopka. Po drugi strani pa obstajajo situacije, ko se toženec v arbitražnem postopku sooča z nekaterimi pomanjkljivostmi v primerjavi s tožencem v tradicionalnem sodnem postopku. Omejene možnosti pritožbe v arbitraži bi lahko tožencu pustile manj možnosti za izpodbijanje negativne odločitve. Položaj tožene stranke v arbitražnem postopku je izjemno pomemben. To se kaže v pomembnem vplivu tožnika tako na postopek kot na sam izid spora. Tožena stranka je vedno tista stranka, ki se brani proti zahtevkom tožnika. Končni cilj, ki ga želi obdolženec doseči, je dokazati neutemeljenost oziroma netočnost očitkov zoper njega. Za položaj toženca v postopku je izjemno pomembno razumevanje arbitražnega postopka in pravil, ki vplivajo tako na postopek kot na toženca kot stranko v sporu. Razviti mora močno in jasno strategijo za način podajanja svoje obrambe, prav tako je zelo pomembno spoštovanje rokov, ki jih določi arbitražno sodišče. V tem magistrskem delu sem podrobno predstavila položaj tožene stranke v arbitražnem postopku. Posebej pomemben je način sklenitve arbitražnega sporazuma, ki je ključen dejavnik za celotno obnašanje strank in potek postopka. Predstavljeni sta tudi vloga strank pri sklenitvi arbitražnega sporazuma in vloga strank v prihodnjem postopku s poudarkom na tožencu. Arbitražni postopek je podrobno prikazan po korakih od samega začetka do konca. Postopek je prikazan v skladu z Ljubljanskim arbitražnim pravilnikom. Stalna arbitraža pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije je samostojna institucionalna arbitraža, ki deluje v okviru Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije in je od nje neodvisna. Namen je reševanje tako domačih sporov kot tudi sporov s tujim elementom v skladu z Arbitražnimi pravili Stalne arbitraže pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije oziroma v skladu z Ljubljanskimi arbitražnimi pravili.
Keywords:tradicionalni sodni postopek, arbitražni sporazum, arbitražni postopek, institucionalna arbitraža, Ljubljanska arbitražna pravila
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:A. Velichkovska Jus
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (46 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84289 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:163803907 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:08.09.2023
VELICHKOVSKA JUS, Ana, 2023, Položaj toženca v arbitražnem postopku : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Velichkovska Jus. [Accessed 13 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84289
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Secondary language

Title:Position of defendant in arbitration proceeding
Abstract:The position of the defendant in the arbitration procedure is specific, depending on several factors and circumstances. In order to be able to talk about the position of the accused, there must first be actions, circumstances and events that together contributed to one of the parties getting into the position of the accused. The basis of the arbitration procedure is the arbitration agreement. An arbitration agreement is concluded when both parties agree to resolve disputes through arbitration. The position of the defendant in arbitration proceedings is unique. Unlike the position of the defendant in traditional court proceedings, in arbitration proceedings the defendant is involved in the selection of arbitrators, thus contributing to the process of forming the panel, as well as to the duration of the proceedings. On the other hand, there are situations where the defendant in the arbitration procedure faces some disadvantages in contrast to the defendant in the traditional court procedure. The limited possibilities of appeal in the arbitration could leave the defendant with fewer opportunities to challenge the negative decision. The position of the defendant in the arbitration proceedings is extremely important. This is reflected in the plaintiff's significant influence both on the procedure and on the outcome of the dispute itself. The defendant is always the party that defends itself against the plaintiff's claims. The ultimate goal that the defendant wants to achieve is to prove the groundlessness or inaccuracy of the accusations against him. For the position of the defendant in the proceedings, it is extremely important to understand the arbitration procedure and the rules that affect both the proceedings and the defendant as a party to the dispute. It must develop a strong and clear strategy for how to present its defense and very importantly respect the deadlines set by the arbitral tribunal. In this part, I presented in detail the position of the defendant in the arbitration procedure. Of particular importance is the method of concluding the arbitration agreement, which is a key factor for the entire behavior of the parties and the course of the procedure. The role of the parties in the conclusion of the arbitration agreement and the role of the parties in the future proceedings with an emphasis on the defendant are also presented. The arbitration process is detailed step by step from the very beginning to the end. The procedure is shown in accordance with the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules. Standing arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia is an independent institutional arbitration that operates within the framework of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and is independent from it. The purpose is to resolve domestic disputes as well as disputes with a foreign element in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Permanent Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia or the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules.
Keywords:traditional court procedure, arbitration agreement, arbitration procedure, institutional arbitration, Ljubljana Arbitration Rules


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