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Title:Delovno okolje po meri generacije "Z" - študija primera študentov Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru : študija primera študentov Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru
Authors:ID Jarkovič, Karmen (Author)
ID Gorenak, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Jarkovic_Karmen_2023.pdf (2,15 MB)
MD5: 20A5E635DA56DBBC7BE2487AF1D17FFF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:Študentje Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru, predstavniki generacije Z, demografske kohorte, rojene med letoma 1995 in 2015, vstopajo med delovno silo z edinstvenimi pričakovanji in prednostmi. Ti kot najmlajša generacija zaposlenih prinašajo svež pogled in željo po delovnem okolju, ki je v skladu z njihovimi vrednotami in zahtevami. Delovna okolja, ki jih podjetja ustvarjajo za nas in vse prihodnje generacije, so dandanes vse manj prijazna do ljudi. Na delovnem mestu preživimo dosti časa, kar tretjino tega, zato je pomembno, da je naše delovno okolje nadvse prijetno in v skladu z našimi potrebami. Neustrezno načrtovano in neorganizirano delovno okolje lahko negativno vpliva na delovno storilnost in motivacijo zaposlenih, pripomore k utrujenosti, slabemu razpoloženju ter celo depresiji. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo kvantitativne raziskave s tehniko anketiranja zato ugotavljamo, kakšno delovno okolje ustvariti, da bo to zadostilo pričakovanjem generacije Z, izhajajoč iz izsledkov študije primera na vzorcu študentov Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru. Na podlagi izsledkov študije primera smo naposled ugotovili, da je študentom Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru daleč najpomembnejše graditi kariero v stabilnem, varnem in prilagodljivem delovnem okolju, ki jih ne bo oviralo pri uživanju življenja. Pošteno plačilo za opravljeno delo, več dopusta in preživljanje kvalitetnega prostega časa z družino, več fleksibilnosti in prostora za izražanje lastne kreativnosti ter večja družbena in okoljska odgovornost delodajalca so namreč eni pomembnejših vidikov, ki jih študentje Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru pričakujejo od bodočega delodajalca.
Keywords:Delovno okolje, generacija, generacija Z, Fakulteta za turizem, študija primera
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Brežice
Publisher:[K. Jarkovič]
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84244 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:167474947 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.10.2023
JARKOVIČ, Karmen, 2023, Delovno okolje po meri generacije “Z” - študija primera študentov Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru : študija primera študentov Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Mariboru [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Jarkovič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84244
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Secondary language

Title:Working environment customized for generation "Z" - a case study of students at the Faculty of Tourism University of Maribor : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Abstract:Students at the Faculty of Tourism University of Maribor, who belong to Generation Z, the demographic cohort born between 1995 and 2015, are entering the workforce with unique expectations and advantages. As the youngest generation of workers, they bring with them a fresh perspective and a desire for a working environment that matches their values and needs. The working environments that companies are creating for us and all future generations are becoming less people-friendly. We spend a lot of time at work, up to a third of it. Therefore, it is important that our working environment is as pleasant as possible and meets our needs. A poorly planned and disorganised working environment can have a negative impact on employee performance and motivation, contributing to fatigue, low mood and even depression. In the empirical part of the study, we use a quantitative survey technique to determine what kind of work environment should be created to meet the expectations of Generation Z, based on the results of a case study of a sample of students at the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor. Based on the results of the case study, we found that building a career in a stable, secure and flexible working environment that does not affect their enjoyment of life is by far the most important thing for students at the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor. Fair pay for work done, more holidays and more time for family, more flexibility and space to express one's creativity, and greater social and environmental responsibility of the employer are namely some of the most important aspects that the students of the Faculty of Tourism University of Maribor expect from their future employer.
Keywords:Working environment, generation, generation Z, Faculty of Tourism, case study


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