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Title:Managerski vidiki optimizacije poslovanja v podjetju x
Authors:ID Turk, Aleš (Author)
ID Uršič, Duško (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
MD5: B34DC921F2F31EC1A5EF20B6D223C636
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V pričujočem diplomskem delu z naslovom Managerski vidiki optimizacije poslovanja v podjetju x bo bralec seznanjen s teoretičnimi vidiki uspešnega managerja in managerskih pristopov, v drugem delu bodo teoretična znanja uporabljena kot predlog optimizacije poslovanja enega največjih slovenskih podjetij v panogi. Teoretični del se osredotoča predvsem na managerja kot osebo. Predstavljen je pomen vizije in kulture, ki ju mora vodstvo podjetja vzpostaviti kot ključ za uspešno izvrševanje ciljev na vseh nivojih podjetja. V nadaljevanju se delo osredotoči na lastnosti, značilnosti in sposobnosti managerja ter na način vodenja in usmerjanja zaposlenih, da podjetje uspešno sledi skupni viziji in deluje v okviru podjetniške kulture podjetja. Opredeljene so tudi glavne funkcije managementa, kot so načrtovanje, izvedba, kontroliranje in popravljanje napak, ki temeljijo na t. i. Demingovem krogu in je v tem delu razširjeno z različnimi teorijami, predstavlja pa ključ do uspeha. V drugem delu je predstavljena dejavnost storitvenega podjetja x, nato pa se osredotočimo na tri segmente dejavnosti omenjenega podjetja, to so portfelj naročnikov, vodenje srednjega managementa in končni izvajalci – čistilci, pri čemer skozi posnetek stanja podamo predloge za njihovo optimizacijo. V zaključku se dotaknemo prihodnosti oz. pričakovanj glede prihodnosti v obravnavani panogi, katerih zametki se že kažejo na tehnološko naprednejših kontinentih, in jih podpremo s finančnimi učinki na delovanje podjetja ob implementaciji nove tehnologije na slovenskem trgu.
Keywords:manager, vodja, optimizacija, izboljšave
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Turk]
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84215 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:185772291 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.02.2024
TURK, Aleš, 2023, Managerski vidiki optimizacije poslovanja v podjetju x [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Turk. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84215
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Licensing start date:04.05.2023

Secondary language

Title:Management aspects of business optimisation in company x
Abstract:In the thesis presented and entitled Management Aspects of Business Optimisation in Company X the reader will be acquainted with the theoretical aspects of successful manager and managerial approaches. In the second part, the theoretical knowledge will be used as a proposal for business optimisation in one of the largest Slovene company in this branch. The theoretical part focuses mainly on a manager as a person. The significance of the vision and culture are presented, which should be established as a key for successful execution of the goals at all levels of the company. In the following parts, the thesis focuses on the features and characteristics, and abilities of the manager, and in this way, on his managing and directing of employees, so that the company successfully follows a common vision and operates within the managerial culture of the company. The main functions of management are identified, such as planning, doing, checking, and acting, and are based upon so-called Deming Cycle, which is further extended by different theories, and presented as the key to success. In the second part, service providing activities in company x are presented, followed by focusing on three segments, ie. customers´ portfolio, intermediate management level and final providers – cleaners, subject to the snapshot of the situation and providing suggestions for their optimisation. In conclusion, we touch upon the future or expectations regarding the future in the branch considered here, the beginnings of which are already showing in technologically advanced continents, and are supported by financial effects on the going-concern of the company by the implementation of new technology on the Slovene market.
Keywords:manager, leader, optimization, improvements


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