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Title:Izbira ustrezne banke za posameznike po končanem izobraževanju z večkriterijskimi metodami
Authors:ID Frkač, Brin (Author)
ID Čančer, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Frkac_Brin_2023.pdf (1,46 MB)
MD5: 58F4A89B2341F36C0230BCACF3143BBD
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Odločitev za primerno banko ima dolgoročne posledice za posameznika, zato je ključno uporabiti sistematičen pristop za ocenjevanje različnih alternativ in določanje njihove ustreznosti glede na izbrane kriterije. Finančne odločitve, vključno z izbiro banke, imajo vpliv na naše osebne finance in finančno varnost. S tem namenom želimo prispevati k učinkovitemu procesu odločanja pri izbiri banke za posameznike, ki so zaključili izobraževanje. V diplomskem delu smo se poglobili v kompleksnost izbire ustrezne banke za posameznike po končanem izobraževanju. Pri tem smo uporabili večkriterijsko odločanje, saj so kriteriji za izbiro pogosto v konfliktu med seboj. Za reševanje tega problema smo se zatekli k uporabi programa Web-HIPRE, ki nam je omogočil sistematičen pristop k ocenjevanju alternativ in določanju njihove ustreznosti glede na izbrane kriterije. V prvem delu naše raziskave smo analizirali 4 različne alternative poslovnih bank in upoštevali 4 različne kriterije, ki smo jih določili. Z uporabo večkriterijskega odločanja smo prišli do zaključka, da je Nova Ljubljanska banka (NLB) najboljša izbira glede na izbrane kriterije in vrednosti uteži, ki smo jih določili na podlagi odgovorov iz anketnega vprašalnika. Ta ugotovitev nam omogoča, da posameznikom svetujemo, naj se odločijo za NLB kot najbolj primerno poslovno banko glede na njihove potrebe. V drugem delu raziskave smo se osredotočili na izbiro najboljše neobanke. Analizirali smo 3 različne alternative neobank in upoštevali 3 različne kriterije. Na podlagi večkriterijskega odločanja smo ugotovili, da je Revolut najboljša izbira glede na izbrane kriterije in vrednosti uteži, ki smo jih določili na podlagi odgovorov iz anketnega vprašalnika. Ta zaključek nam omogoča, da posameznikom priporočamo neobanko Revolut kot najprimernejšo neobanko za njihove potrebe po končanem izobraževanju. S celovito uporabo večkriterijskega odločanja in programa Web-HIPRE smo pridobili objektivne rezultate, ki nam omogočajo informirano in racionalno odločanje pri izbiri najboljše banke in neobanke za posameznike po končanem izobraževanju. Naša raziskava prispeva k bolj učinkovitemu procesu odločanja in lahko služi kot podlaga za nadaljnje raziskave na področju večkriterijskega odločanja v bančništvu.
Keywords:banke, večkriterijske metode, izbira, bančništvo, poslovne banke, neobanke, kriteriji, alternative
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:B. Frkač
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84194 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:162745347 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.08.2023
FRKAČ, Brin, 2023, Izbira ustrezne banke za posameznike po končanem izobraževanju z večkriterijskimi metodami [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : B. Frkač. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84194
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Licensing start date:28.04.2023

Secondary language

Title:Selection of the appropriate bank for individuals after comleted education using the multi-criteria methods
Abstract:The decision on which bank to choose has long-term consequences for the individual, so it is crucial to take a systematic approach to assessing the different alternatives and determining their suitability according to the criteria chosen. Financial decisions, including the choice of bank, have an impact on our personal finances, and financial security. To this end, we aim to contribute to an efficient decision-making process in the choice of bank for individuals who have completed their education. In our diploma thesis, we delved into the complexity of choosing the appropriate bank for individuals after completing their education. We used multicriteria decision-making as the criteria for selection are often conflicting with each other. To address this problem, we used the Web-HIPRE program, which enabled us to take a systematic approach to evaluating alternatives and determining their suitability based on the selected criteria. In the first part of our research, we analyzed 4 different alternatives of commercial banks and considered 4 different criteria that we defined. Using multicriteria decision-making, we came to the conclusion that Nova Ljubljanska banka (NLB) is the best choice based on the selected criteria and the weights we assigned to them based on responses from a questionnaire. This finding allows us to advise individuals to choose NLB as the most suitable commercial bank for their needs. In the second part of the research, we focused on choosing the best neobank. We analyzed 3 different alternatives of neobanks and considered 3 different criteria. Based on multicriteria decision-making, we found that Revolut is the best choice based on the selected criteria and the weights we assigned to them based on responses from a questionnaire. This conclusion allows us to recommend Revolut as the most suitable neobank for individuals' needs after completing their education. By comprehensively using multicriteria decision-making and the Web-HIPRE program, we obtained objective results that enable us to make informed and rational decisions in choosing the best bank and neobank for individuals after completing their education. Our research contributes to a more effective decision-making process and can serve as a basis for further research in the field of multicriteria decision-making in banking.
Keywords:banks, multi-criteria methods, selection, banking, neobanks, commercial banks, criteria, alternatives


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