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Title:Masovni nadzor : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Gale, Timon (Author)
ID Dvojmoč, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4EAAC25FECE283F33B14553A7B9CA194
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na problematiko masovnega nadzora, s poudarkom na nadzoru, ki se izvaja na internetnem omrežju. V svojem prvem delu diplomska naloga podrobneje predstavi namene, načine, ter izvajalce množičnega nadzora in množičnega zbiranja podatkov. Ker smo dandanes vsi prisotni na internetu, kjer hote ali nehote puščamo veliko podatkov, je namen te diplomske naloge bralcem vzbuditi zavedanje, da so naši osebni podatki vsakodnevno zbirani in analizirani s strani mnogih spletnih korporacij. Opisani so tako načini vladnega nadzora, kot tudi korporacijskega. Poleg tega je v delu opisano tudi kako lahko naše osebne podatke na spletu bolje zaščitimo. Predstavljeno je pridobivanje podatkov med pandemijo COVID-19, ki se je v času pandemije občutno povečalo. Predstavljena je tudi aplikacija #Ostanizdrav, uporaba katere je bila tudi zakonsko sporna. Iz diplomske naloge lahko vidimo, da se je naša zasebnost na račun varnosti velikokrat zmanjšala. V empiričnem delu smo pridobili svoje podatke od največjih internetnih ponudnikov in socialnih omrežij: Google, Facebook, Instagram in Twitter. S tem je bila raziskana količina podatkov, ki jo imajo ti ponudniki o nas, preverjen pa je bil tudi postopek pridobitve in odzivnost teh korporacij. Prejeti podatki so bili obsežni in v večini lahko razumljivi. Odziv vseh ponudnikov, od katerih so se podatki zahtevali, je bil hiter. Iz prejetih podatkov je moč razbrati, da vsa podjetja veliko poudarka namenjajo oglaševanju in našim zanimanjem.
Keywords:nadzor, varnost, zasebnost, osebni podatki, spletne korporacije, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Gale]
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:VIII f., 54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84191 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:152862979 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.05.2023
GALE, Timon, 2023, Masovni nadzor : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : T. Gale. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84191
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Licensing start date:27.04.2023

Secondary language

Title:Mass surveillance
Abstract:This thesis focuses on the issue of mass surveillance, with a focus on the surveillance being carried out on the Internet network. In its first part, this diploma thesis presents purposes, methods and operators of mass surveillance and mass data collection. Since nowadays we are all present on the Internet, where we are willingly or inadvertently leaving a lot of data, the purpose of this thesis is to make readers aware that our personal data is being collected and analyzed by many online corporations on a daily basis. Both governmental and corporate surveillance methods are described. This thesis also presents how we can better protect our personal data online. In this assignment we are presenting the significant increase in data collection that took place during the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, an application #Ostanizdrav, the use of which was legally contested, is also examined. This thesis reveals that our privacy has often been compromised in the name of security. In the empirical work, we retrieved our own data from the largest Internet providers and social networks: Google, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We examined how much data these providers collected about us. We also checked the acquisition process and the responsiveness of these corporations. The information we received was comprehensive and mostly easy to understand. The response of all providers from whom we requested information was in a timely manner. From the data retrieved and analyzed, we can observe that all companies are placing a lot of emphasis on advertising and our personal interests.
Keywords:surveillance, security, privacy, data, online corporations


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