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Title:Managing the complexity of empty container movements through repositioning strategies and routing practices under certain demand and supply : doctoral dissertation
Authors:ID Abdelshafie, Alaa (Author)
ID Kramberger, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 07E22863B209E24ED3BAE75425E875CA
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Over the past decades, container transportation management has become an important part of the global maritime industry. Due to an ever-increasing movement of containers across the globe in line with the economic boom, the trade imbalance and issues related to empty containers have become inevitable. The accumulation of empty containers in specific ports not only causes a waste of money but also increases the environmental footprint. Accordingly, the urgent need for empty container management has been gaining more attention than ever before, as the shipping companies recognized that more revenues are always derived from a good repositioning strategy. In this respect, this thesis described state-of-the-art of empty container management, focusing on the practices concerning the movement of empty containers that are varied between organizational policies, technical solutions, and optimization applications. With the development of computer-aided systems, the combination of optimization and simulation models has been proposed to tackle the maritime empty container problem. The thesis shows how the strengths of optimization-based simulation can be integrated to provide high-quality solutions with low computational costs. Agent-based modelling was developed to model the global movements of empty containers, providing realistic details of interactions among entities and characteristics of components within the system. The model was applied between ports in the Middle East and Asia for one of the biggest shipping lines worldwide. By using simulated annealing (SA), the best sequence for moving containers can be determined. The results comparison demonstrate that the proposed optimised repositioning strategy can significantly reduce the shipping line’s costs and make full use of empty containers in the planning horizon.
Keywords:shipping industry, container transportation management, empty container repositioning, simulation, optimization, agent-based modelling
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:A. Abdelshafie
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:XXIII, 16 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83993 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:176566787 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.12.2023
ABDELSHAFIE, Alaa, 2023, Managing the complexity of empty container movements through repositioning strategies and routing practices under certain demand and supply : doctoral dissertation [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Celje : A. Abdelshafie. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83993
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Secondary language

Title:Upravljanje kompleksnosti premikov praznih kontejnerjev s strategijami premeščanja in praksami usmerjanja ob negotovosti povpraševanja in ponudbe : doktorska disertacija
Abstract:Glavni cilj disertacije je izdelati simulacijsko-optimizacijski model za izbiro najboljše strategije repozicioniranja pri upravljanje premikov praznih zabojnikov. Predlagani model je osnova za snovanje strategij premikanja, ki bodo doprinesle k povečanju učinkovitosti in uspešnosti delovanja ladijskih linij ter povečanju njihovega dobička in zadovoljstva strank. Teoretični okvir, ki povezuje sektor ladijskega transporta in različne pristope k modeliranju je bil iz delan z uporabo orodja za sistematične preglede in meta analize (PRISMA). Zato lahko trdimo, da ta raziskava zagotavlja izviren prispevek k znanju na tem področju. Uporaba platforme agentnega modeliranja in simuliranega ohlajanja (SA) pri reševanju problema premeščanja praznih konetjenerjev je nova in še ne zaznana v literaturi. To študijo lahko predstavljamo kot prvo, ki se loteva takšne kombinacije modelov in je kot taka konceptualizacija za nadaljnja teoretična izhodišča pri študiju iste tematike in je lahko podlaga za sorodne raziskave.
Keywords:ladjarska industrija, kontejnerski transport, premeščanje praznih kontejnerjev, simulacije, optimizacija


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