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Title:Občutki pacientov z duševnimi motnjami med postopkom prisilne hospitalizacije
Authors:ID Polc, Tadeja (Author)
ID Čuček Trifkovič, Klavdija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Musović, Kasandra (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Polc_Tadeja_2022.pdf (627,01 KB)
MD5: 647BC2B114F3A7FF22D113A135C77B76
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Pojavnost duševnih motenj iz leta v leto narašča, kar posledično prinaša več postopkov prisilnih hospitalizacij. Predpostavlja se, da pacienti ne morejo prepoznati potrebe po zdravljenju, ko so akutno bolni, vendar so hvaležni za prisilno hospitalizacijo in neprostovoljno zdravljenje, ko ozdravijo. Na splošno pa velja, da pacienti svojo hospitalizacijo v večini dojemajo kot travmatični dogodek. Namen zaključnega dela je raziskati občutke pacientov z duševnimi motnjami med postopkom prisilne hospitalizacije. Metode: V zaključnem delu smo sistematično pregledali znanstveno literaturo na temo občutkov pacientov z duševnimi motnjami med postopkom prisilne hospitalizacije. Literaturo smo pridobili iz podatkovnih baz PubMed, CINAHL in Web of Science. V naprej smo si določili vključitvene in izključitvene kriterije ter celoten potek zbiranja podatkov predstavili s PRISMA diagramom. Rezultati: Od skupno 1080 identificiranih zadetkov smo v končno analizo vključili osem raziskav, ki opisujejo, da nekateri pacienti ocenjujejo svojo hospitalizacijo negativno, medtem; ko jo drugi ocenjujejo tudi kot pozitivno izkušnjo, vendar veliko pacientov potrebo po sprejemu uvidi po odpustitvi iz prisilne hospitalizacije Razprava in zaključek: Pregled literature kaže na to, da pacienti z duševnimi motnjami med postopkom prisilne hospitalizacije navajajo negativne in tudi pozitivne občutke. Poudarja se potreba po večji pozornosti, kako bolniki dojemajo prisilno hospitalizacijo, saj bi se tako izboljšala na dokazih temelječa klinična praksa.
Keywords:hospitalizacija proti volji, čustva bolnikov, mentalne motnje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Polc]
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83322 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:133645827 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.12.2022
POLC, Tadeja, 2022, Občutki pacientov z duševnimi motnjami med postopkom prisilne hospitalizacije [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Polc. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83322
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Secondary language

Title:Psychiatric patients´ perspectives during involuntary hospitalisation procedure
Abstract:Introduction: Mental disorders are increasing yearly, resulting in more and more mandatory hospitalisations. It is assumed that patients cannot recognise the need for their treatment when they are acutely ill but are grateful for forced hospitalisation and involuntary treatment when they recover. In general, patients perceive their hospitalisation as a traumatic event. The purpose of the final work is to investigate the feelings of patients with mental disorders during the process of forced hospitalization Methods: In the final part, we systematically reviewed the scientific literature on the feelings of patients with mental disorders during forced hospitalisation. Literature was obtained from PubMed, CINAHL, and Web of Science databases. In advance, we have determined the inclusion and exclusion criteria and presented the entire process of data collection with a PRISMA diagram Results: From a total of 1080 identified matches, we included eight studies in the final analysis, which describe that some patients evaluate their hospitalisation as negative, while others also evaluate it as a positive experience. Discussion and conclusion: The literature review confirms that patients with mental disorders report negative feelings during involuntary hospitalisation. Still, many patients receive insight into their admission only after they are discharged from involuntary hospitalisation. The need for greater attention to how patients perceive coercive measures (before, during and after incidents) is highlighted to improve evidence-based and clinical practice.
Keywords:involuntary hospitalisation, patients' perspectives, mental disorders


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