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Title:Doping in dopinške afere pri teku na smučeh : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Klemenčič, Anita (Author)
ID Dobovšek, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Klemencic_Anita_2022.pdf (1,32 MB)
MD5: 89BEFBBEDF2B37DE66AD8C56AD061212
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Doping je v športu prisoten že od nekdaj, saj so ga uporabljali že Indijanci, Arabci, olimpijci v stari Grčiji in rimski gladiatorji. Skozi čas se je doping razvijal in izpopolnjeval, danes pa je prisoten v skoraj vseh športih. Glede na to, da tek na smučeh velja za enega izmed težjih vzdržljivostnih športov, ni presenetljivo, da se doping pojavlja tudi v teku na smučeh. V 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja so se, zaradi nepoštenosti uporabe dopinga in zaradi možnih zdravstvenih posledic, pojavila prva dopinška testiranja in s tem boj proti dopingu. Preko dopinških kontrol so bili odkriti in kaznovani športniki, ki so si pri svojih uspehih pomagali z dopingom. V boj proti dopingu je vključenih vedno več organizacij in z njihovo pomočjo je bilo do danes odkritih že ogromno dopinških primerov, razkrite pa so bile tudi že večje dopinške afere in primeri sistemskega dopinga. V teku na smučeh sta bila poleg posameznih dopinških primerov v zadnjih desetih letih najbolj odmevna primera ruskega sistemskega dopinga in afera Aderlass. Oba primera sta poleg tekačev na smučeh sicer vključevala tudi športnike iz drugih športov. Afera o sistemsko organiziranem dopingu v Rusiji je bila preko žvižgačev odkrita leta 2015, šlo pa je za vključenost in pomoč države pri prikrivanju in manipulaciji z dopinškimi testi, predvsem med domačimi olimpijskimi igrami v Sočiju leta 2014. Afera Aderlass, ki je znana tudi pod imenom Operacija puščanja krvi, pa je v javnost prišla med nordijskim svetovnim prvenstvom leta 2019. Avstrijski tekač na smučeh je bil namreč dan pred tekmo odkrit med transfuzijo krvi, ki spada med prepovedane postopke dopinga. Kasneje se je izkazalo, da omenjeni tekač ni bil edini uporabnik dopinga in da je šlo za sistemski krvni doping, v katerega je bilo vključenih več športnikov iz različnih športov. Problematike dopinga se zavedajo tudi slovenski tekači na smučeh. Poleg moralnega vidika, kot je kršenje protidopinških pravil in posledično kazen, se zavedajo tudi možnih negativnih zdravstvenih posledic. Se pa strinjajo, da so v boju proti dopingu še vedno prisotne rezerve in možne izboljšave.
Keywords:tek na smučeh, ruski sistemski doping, afera Aderlass, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Klemenčič]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:X f., 73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83294-e3740f3b-1dec-a98c-faa7-ef2dbed53f94 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:131316739 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.11.2022
KLEMENČIČ, Anita, 2022, Doping in dopinške afere pri teku na smučeh : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Klemenčič. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83294
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Secondary language

Title:Doping and doping affairs in cross-country skiing
Abstract:Doping has been present in sports since forever, as it was used by Indians, Arabs, Olympians in Ancient Greece and Roman gladiators. Over time, doping has developed and improved, and today it is present in almost all sports. Given that cross-country skiing is considered one of the more difficult endurance sports, it is not surprising that doping also occurs in cross-country skiing. In the 70s of the last century the first doping testing and the fight against doping appeared due to the unfair use of doping and possible health consequences. Through doping controls, athletes who helped themselves to succeed with doping were discovered and punished. More and more organizations are involved in the fight against doping and with their help a huge number of doping cases have already been discovered. Also larger doping scandals and cases of systemic doping have been revealed. In cross-country skiing, in addition to individual doping cases, the most prominent cases of the last decade were the case of Russian systematic doping and the Aderlass affair. Both cases also involved athletes from other sports, not just cross-country skiers. The scandal about systemically organized doping in Russia was discovered through whistleblowers in 2015. It was about involvement and help of the state to cover up and manipulate doping tests, especially during the home Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. The Aderlass affair, which is also known as Operation Bloodletting became public during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in 2019. The Austrian cross-country skier was discovered undergoing a blood transfusion the day before race, which is one of the prohibited doping procedures. Later, it turned out that the Austrian cross-country skier was not the only doping user. It was systematic blood doping in which several athletes from different sports were involved. Slovenian cross-country skiers are also aware of the problem of doping. In addition to the moral aspect, such as the violation of anti-doping rules and the resulting punishment, they are also aware of the possible negative health consequences. However, they agree that there are still reserves and possible improvements in the fight against doping.
Keywords:doping, cross-country skiing, Russian systemic doping, the Aderlass affair


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