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Title:Zelene tehnologije za dostavne sisteme funkcionalnih agensov - laktobacilov : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Authors:ID Furman, Laura (Author)
ID Simonič, Marjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Peršin Fratnik, Zdenka (Comentor)
ID Mohar Lorbeg, Petra (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Furman_Laura_2022.pdf (3,40 MB)
MD5: 7A8A52878FBECF0B3074699C5AEAC385
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Diplomska naloga je temeljila na razvoju elektropredenih materialov kot dostavnih sistemov za laktobacile. Eksperimentalni del je vključeval pripravo polimernih formulacij polietilen oksida (PEO), PEO z laktoferinom (LF), PEO s probiotičnim sevom L. paragasseri K7 (LK7) ter PEO s kombinacijo LF in LK7. Preden smo polimerne formulacije izpostavili elektropredenju, smo jim določili pH vrednost, viskoznost, prevodnost in površinsko napetost. Polipropilenska tkanina je služila kot nosilni substrat za nanos nastalih nanovlaken iz tekočih formulacij med postopkom elektropredenja. Pogoji za optimalni nastanek nanovlaken so bili pri napetosti 40 kV in razdalji 210 mm med zgornjo in spodnjo elektrodo. Nastalim nanovlaknatim strukturam smo določili funkcionalne skupine s FT-IR spektroskopijo, elementno sestavo z rentgenskim fotoelektronskim spektrofometrom (XPS) in morfološko strukturo z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Elektropredene vzorce smo gravimetrično ovrednotili in jim pomerili prepustnost zraka. S Tyndallovim efektom in z določanjem motnosti in optično mikroskopijo smo preverili topnost elektropredenih vzorcev. Antioksidativni učinek elektropredenih materialov smo ovrednotili z ABTS metodo. Z analizo preživetja in sproščanja smo določili delež preživelih in sproščenih probiotičnih bakterij LK7 iz elektropredenih materialov. Ugotavljali smo tudi vpliv staranja in skladiščenja elektropredenih vzorcev na preživetje in sproščanje LK7. FT-IR spektroskopija je nakazovala vključitev laktoferina in laktobacilov v strukturi elektropredenih materialov. Z rentgensko fotoelektronsko spektrometrijo (XPS) smo ugotovili, da je v elementarni sestavi površine pri vseh elektropredenih vzorcih opaziti predvsem prisotnost deležev elementa kisika, ogljika in fosforja ter majhne vrednosti elementa kalija. V primerjavi z nosilnim substratom se je pri vseh elektropredenih vzorcih atomski delež kisika povečal, kar nakazuje na uspešno vključitev LF in LB v elektropredene vzorce. Iz SEM posnetkov predvidevamo, da se LK7 zaradi svoje velikosti ni ujel v nastala nanovlakna, temveč je ostal med mrežami nanovlaken. Izhodne učinkovine laktoferin (LF) in laktobacili (LB) izkazujejo 100 % antioksidativno inhibicijo. Med elektropredenimi vzorci izkazuje najvišjo vrednost IEt (%) vzorec, ki ima vključeni obe učinkovini (PEO/LF/LB) in po 60. minutah doseže vrednost 69 %. Z analizo preživetja in sproščanja smo ugotovili, da so se laktobacili iz elektropredenih vzorcev sprostili takoj ob stiku z raztopino fosfatnega pufra. Delež preživelih in sproščenih bakterij je bil največji pri sveže analiziranih vzorcih v primerjavi s 3-dni staranimi vzorci. Prav tako pogoji shranjevanja (temperatura in vlaga) niso prispevali k izboljšanju preživetju laktobacilov. Rezultati preživetja in sproščanja probiotičnega seva L. paragasseri K7 nakazujejo, da so v diplomskem delu razviti elektropredeni materili primerni kot dostavni sistem s takojšnjim učinkovitim delovanjem. Kot takšni dostavni sistemi bi lahko potencialno izkazovali uporabno vrednost na področju medinskih pripomočkov kot ženski tamponi za zdravljenje vaginalnih vnetij, obloge za celjenje ran ali kot terapevtske blazinice za dojenje, namenjene zdravljenju vnetih in poškodovanih prsnih bradavic.
Keywords:elektropredenje, laktoferin, laktobacili, dostavni sistem, nanovlakna
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Furman]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 43 f.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83271 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:133154051 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2022
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
FURMAN, Laura, 2022, Zelene tehnologije za dostavne sisteme funkcionalnih agensov - laktobacilov : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : L. Furman. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83271
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Secondary language

Title:Green technologies for functional agent delivery systems - lactobacilli
Abstract:The thesis was based on the development of electrospun materials as delivery systems for lactobacilli. The experimental part included the preparation of polymer formulations of polyethylene oxide (PEO), PEO with lactoferrin (LF), PEO with the probiotic strain L. paragasseri K7 (LK7), and PEO with a combination of LF and LK7. The polymer formulations were subjected to electrospinning before pH, viscosity, conductivity, and surface tension were determined. The polypropylene fabric served as a support substrate for the deposition of the resulting nanofibres from the liquid formulations during the electrospinning process. The conditions for optimum nanofibre formation were at 40 kV and a distance of 210 mm between the top and bottom electrodes. The resulting nanofibrous structures were characterised for functional groups by FT-IR spectroscopy, elemental composition by X-ray photoelectron spectrophotometer (XPS) and morphological structure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrospun samples were gravimetrically evaluated and air permeability was measured. The solubility of the electrospun samples was verified by the Tyndall effect and by turbidity determination and optical microscopy. The antioxidant effect of the electrospun materials was evaluated by the ABTS method. The proportion of LK7 probiotic bacteria surviving and released from the electrospun materials was determined by survival and release analysis. The effect of ageing and storage of electrospun samples on the survival and release of LK7 was determined. FT-IR spectroscopy indicated the incorporation of lactoferrin and lactobacilli in the structure of the electrospun materials. X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS) revealed that the elemental composition of the surface of all electrospun samples was mainly dominated by the presence of oxygen, carbon and phosphorus elements, with low levels of potassium. Compared to the carrier substrate, the atomic fraction of oxygen increased in all electrospun samples, indicating the successful incorporation of LF and LB into the electrospun samples. From the SEM images, we assume that LK7 was not trapped in the formed nanofibres due to its size, but remained between the nanofibre networks. The starting active species lactoferrin (LF) and lactobacilli (LB) exhibit 100 % antioxidant inhibition. Among the electrospun samples, the sample with both active ingredients (PEO/LF/LB) included showed the highest IEt value (%), reaching a value of 69 % after 60 min. Survival and release analysis showed that lactobacilli were released from the electrospun samples immediately on contact with the phosphate buffer solution. The proportion of surviving and released K7 bacteria was highest in fresh samples. Also, storage conditions (temperature and humidity) did not contribute to the improvement of lactobacilli survival. The survival and release results of the probiotic strain L. paragasseri K7 suggest that the electrospun materials developed in the thesis are suitable as a delivery system with immediate effective action. As such delivery systems, they could potentially prove to be of value in the field of medical devices as female tampons for the treatment of vaginal inflammation, wound healing wraps or as therapeutic breastfeeding pads.
Keywords:electrospinning, lactoferrin, lactobacilli, delivery system, nanofibers


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