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Title:Zakaj ekonomska demokracija ni bolj razširjena? Pregled njenih potencialov in težav : pregled njenih potencialov in težav
Authors:ID Hrženjak, Helena (Author)
ID Rutar, Tibor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hrzenjak_Helena_2022.pdf (892,52 KB)
MD5: CECB6EF8D585C28833137C658A9A67CC
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Ekonomska demokracija se pogosto omenja kot rešitev za težave s kapitalizmom, saj naj bi združevala prednosti kapitalizma s prednostmi socializma, deluje pa lahko znotraj kapitalistične ekonomske ureditve. Kljub napovedim ekonomska demokracija še vedno ni prevladujoč način vodenja podjetij. Iz tega sledijo vprašanja, zakaj je to tako, kakšni so njeni potenciali in ali ima tudi kakšne težave. Ugotavljamo, da ne moremo trditi, da je ekonomska demokracija neuspešna; ovržemo tudi mnenja, da je ekonomska demokracija nekompatibilna z individualističnimi družbami. Raziskave potrjujejo možnost, da trenutni konvencionalni lastniki ne želijo delavskega lastništva in upravljanja. Kljub temu pa ima glavno vlogo pri nerazširjenosti država, katere politike so prilagojene konvencionalnim kapitalističnim podjetjem. Potenciali ekonomske demokracije na področjih okoljevarstva, delavskih pravic v Združenih državah Amerike in v postsocialističnih državah kažejo na veliko odvisnost od vizije podjetja ter družbenega razumevanja ekonomske demokracije. Pomembno vlogo države, konvencionalnih lastnikov in razumevanja ekonomske demokracije potrjuje tudi študija primera podjetja ITAS Prvomajska d. d. V praksi se pri uspešnem poslovanju kaže še pomembna vloga direktorja in nadzora s strani delavcev. Opažamo tudi težave z ekonomsko demokracijo, ki izhajajo iz neracionalnosti in neinformiranosti delavcev, kar ima lahko negativne posledice na poslovanje podjetja. Prav tako je potrebno upoštevati možnost, da nekaterim posameznikom bolj ustreza delo v konvencionalnih kapitalističnih podjetjih.
Keywords:ekonomska demokracija, zadruge, delavsko delničarstvo, delavska participacija, kapitalizem
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[H. Hrženjak]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 98 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83250 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:127849731 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.11.2022
HRŽENJAK, Helena, 2022, Zakaj ekonomska demokracija ni bolj razširjena? Pregled njenih potencialov in težav : pregled njenih potencialov in težav [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : H. Hrženjak. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83250
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Secondary language

Title:Why is economic democracy not more widespread? An overview of its potentials and issues : magistrsko delo
Abstract:Economic democracy is often considered a solution to capitalism because it is supposed to combine the benefits of capitalism with the advantages of socialism but can operate within the capitalist economic regulation. Despite the forecasts, economic democracy is still not the dominant way of managing businesses. This follows the question of why this is the case, what the potentials of economic democracy are, and whether it also has any problems. We find that we cannot claim that economic democracy is unsuccessful and we also refute the opinions that economic democracy is incompatible with individualistic societies. Research confirms the possibility that current conventional business owners do not want workers' ownership and management. Nevertheless, the main reason for unpopularity is the state whose policies are tailored to benefit conventional capitalist enterprises. The potential of economic democracy in the areas of environmental protection and labor rights in the United States of America and post-socialist countries indicate a dependence on the vision of the company and the social understanding of economic democracy. An important role of the state, conventional business owners, and understanding of economic democracy is also confirmed by the case study of ITAS Prvomajska d. d. It also shows the significant role of the manager and supervision by the employees to ensure successful business performance. We also point out certain problems with economic democracy that arise from the irrationality of workers and their lack of information. This can have negative consequences for the enterprise. It is also necessary to consider the possibility that working in conventional capitalist companies is more suited for some individuals. 
Keywords:economic democracy, cooperatives, employee shareholding, worker participation, capitalism


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