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Title:Vpliv načina obdelave tal in časa uporabe herbicida na intenzivnost erozijskih procesov v posevku koruze na nagnjeni površini : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Fridrih, Gašper (Author)
ID Lešnik, Mario (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Paušič, Andrej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Fridrih_Gasper_2022.pdf (2,92 MB)
MD5: 72995EC720307A09A920F042A2327DA5
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2021 je bil izveden poljski poizkus, v katerem smo analizirali vpliv obdelave tal, učinkovitosti delovanja herbicidov in pokrivnosti plevelne vegetacije na intenzivnost erozijskih procesov v posevku koruze na nagnjeni kmetijski površini. Poskusno površino smo razdelili na parcele glede na način obdelave in vrsto apliciranega herbicida. Poskus je vključeval pet različnih sistemov. Prva parcela je bila preorana in nanjo smo po setvi koruze nanesli talni herbicid Adengo®. Sledila je »no-till« parcela, kjer smo imeli dva koncepta uporabe herbicidov; prvi del smo tretirali s pripravkom Tajfun® 360 na osnovi snovi glifosat takoj po setvi, drugi del pa smo tretirali po vzniku s kombinacijo dveh listnih herbicidov Focus® in Mustang®. Tudi parcela z minimalno obdelavo tal (uporaba vrtavkaste brane), je bila tretirana z mešanico dveh herbicidov (Monsoon® in Mustang®) po vzniku koruze. Na sosednjo minimum till parcelo, ki je bila sejana prečno na strmino, smo nanesli kombinacijo listnega in talnega herbicida (Lumax® in Equip®). Učinkovitost uporabljenih herbicidov smo analizirali v dveh razvojnih fazah koruze (BBCH 14-18 in BBCH 60-69). Opravili smo tudi analizo pokrovnosti aktivnih in propadlih plevelov med različnim obdobjem rasti koruze. Sistemi obdelave in uporabe različnih herbicidov so imeli statistično značilen vpliv na količino pridelka sveže silažne koruze (kg/ha). Skupna letna količina erodirane zemljine (kg/ha) je med posameznimi obravnavanji močno variirala. Razlika med najmanjšo in največjo vrednostjo erodirane zemljine je bila namreč več kot 38 ton na ha letno.
Keywords:erozija, herbicid, koruza, vrsta obdelave, rastlinska pokrovnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[G. Fridrih]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:XIII, 60, [7] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83156 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:124352259 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.10.2022
FRIDRIH, Gašper, 2022, Vpliv načina obdelave tal in časa uporabe herbicida na intenzivnost erozijskih procesov v posevku koruze na nagnjeni površini : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : G. Fridrih. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83156
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Licensing start date:22.09.2022

Secondary language

Title:Influence of soil tillage method and time of herbicide application on the intensity of erosion processes in maize crops on a sloped surface
Abstract:In 2021, a field experiment was conducted to analyses the impact of tillage, herbicide efficiency and surface cover on the intensity of erosion processes in maize crops on sloping agricultural land. We divided experimental field areas into separate plots according to method of soil cultivation, weed control treatment and the type of herbicide that was applied. We had five different systems. The first plot was plowed and after the maize sowing, we applied a soil herbicide named Adengo®. The next plot was a no-till plot, which we divided into two parts. The first part was treated with a glyphosate-based preparation called Typhoon® 360 and it was applied immediately after sowing. The second part was treated after the emergence of corn, with a combination of two leaf herbicides Focus® and Mustang®. On the next plot we practiced a minimum tillage system and plot was also treated with a mixture of two herbicides (Monsoon® and Mustang®) after the emergence of maize. A combination of leaf and soil herbicide (Lumax® and Equip®) was applied to the adjacent minimum till plot, which was sown transversely to the slope. The effectiveness of the herbicides used was analyzed in two developmental stages of the maize (BBCH 14-18 and BBCH 60-69). We also performed an analysis of the soil cover by active and decayed weeds during different periods of corn growth. The type of tillage and application of various herbicides had a statistically significant effect on the yield of fresh silage corn (kg/ha). The total annual amount of eroded soil (kg/ha) varied greatly between tested systems. The difference between the minimum and maximum value of eroded soil was more than 38 tons per ha per year.
Keywords:erosion, herbicide, corn, type of tillage, vegetation cover


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