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Title:Izdelava in implementacija novega sistema za upravljanje fiktivnega skladišča na podlagi standarda ISO 12207:2017 : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kovše, Špela (Author)
ID Jereb, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Orel Šanko, Nena (Comentor)
Files:.pdf KOVSE_magistrska_Izdelava-in-implementacija-novega-sistema-za-upravljanje-fiktivnega-skladisca-na-podlagi-standarda-ISO1220.pdf (2,32 MB)
MD5: 8F9AEBF34D5F026CB32501680CB3758C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Kljub temu, da ISO svoje standarde opredeljuje povsem preprosto – kot formulo, ki opisuje najboljši način, kako nekaj narediti, pa so standardi v očeh mnogih še vedno nerazumljeni, priložnosti, ki jih dajejo, pa neprepoznane. V našem delu zato predstavljamo standardizacijo in opisujemo standard ISO 12207:2017 ter njegovo uporabo na primeru fiktivnega skladišča. K temu pristopamo tako, da rešujemo problem osnovanja in vpeljave novega sistema za upravljanje skladišča v fiktivno delovno okolje, pri čemer razlago uporabe standarda podkrepimo z apliciranjem na teoretičnem primeru. Standardi so pomembni, ker pomanjkanje usklajenosti sorodnih tehnologij v različnih državah in/ali regijah povzroči prenekatere ovire, sprejem standardov med vsemi zainteresiranimi členi pa olajša postopek sodelovanja. Standardizacijo lahko dosežemo tudi na nižjem nivoju, na primer na stopnji organizacije. S tem je podjetju omogočena preglednost in združljivost rezultatov dela posameznih faz v procesih nastajanja proizvoda ali storitve. Glavni namen standarda ISO 12207 je tako vzpostavitev okvira, v katerem povezujemo procese. Sledenje standardu pomaga vpeljati nove rešitve na način, ki ga razumejo vsi, ki so v postopek vključeni. Pri tem uporabniki presodijo, ali lahko določene naloge in opravila izpolnijo sami, ali pa za izpolnitev zahteve zadolžijo nekoga drugega, oziroma najamejo zunanjega partnerja.
Keywords:standard, ISO 12207:2017, življenjski cikel programske opreme, sistem za upravljanje skladišča, primer implementacije
Place of publishing:Celje
Place of performance:Celje
Publisher:[Š. Kovše]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:X, 135 str., [1] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83080-4179616d-b082-8c53-dcbe-5d90f575b2f6 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:137824259 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.01.2023
KOVŠE, Špela, 2022, Izdelava in implementacija novega sistema za upravljanje fiktivnega skladišča na podlagi standarda ISO 12207:2017 : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Celje : Š. Kovše. [Accessed 8 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=83080
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Secondary language

Title:Development and implementation of a new system for management of fictitious warehouse based on the standard ISO12207:2017
Abstract:Even though ISO defines its standards quite simply - as a formula that describes the best way to do something, standards are still misunderstood in the eyes of many, and the opportunities they provide remain unrecognized. In our master thesis, we therefore present standardization, describe the ISO 12207:2017 standard and demonstrate its use. We approach this by solving the problem of establishing and implementing a new warehouse management system in a fictitious working environment. We also support the explanation of the use of the standard with a theoretical example. Standards are important because the lack of compatibility of related technologies in different countries and/or regions creates many obstacles. Acceptance of standards among all interested members facilitates the cooperation process. Standardization can also be achieved at a lower level, for example at the organizational level. This enables companies to achieve transparency and compatibility of the work results of individual phases in the process of creating products or services. The main purpose of the ISO 12207 standard is thus to establish a framework in which processes are connected. Following the standard helps introduce new solutions in a way that is understood by everyone involved in the process. In doing so, users determine whether they can carry out the fulfilment of the tasks themselves, or whether they should assign someone else to fulfil the requirements or hire an external partner.
Keywords:standard, ISO 12207:2017, software life cycle, warehouse management system, implementation example


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